West Seattle skateboard park?

While city leaders deliberate what to do about the viaduct, the Sonics, and other sore spots, it seems they also are plotting a network of skateboard parks. If you’ve got anything to say about this, there’s a hearing at SW Community Center tomorrow night.

2 Replies to "West Seattle skateboard park?"

  • The House June 14, 2006 (7:46 am)

    Can’t say that I’m a fan of skateboarding, but I wouldn’t mind putting small skate parks mixed in with other public use facilities (playgrounds, BBQ stuff, etc). They have one down in Burien and I knew of several in Atlanta that were very popular.

    Don’t really understand what the big deal is. You don’t see people freaking out over new basketball courts or playgrounds.

    I’m about to make some folks mad, but I’d rather see my tax dollars go to a skate park than to a lazy welfare recipient!

  • Joshua June 14, 2006 (6:13 pm)

    I moved to Seattle from Southern Idaho five years ago. One thing that my hometown of 30,000 has that most of Seattle does not is a descent skate park. Seattle residents really need to invest in the youth culture. There just isn’t enough of that going on. Plus, skateboarding, BMX biking, etc… involves more physical activity than sitting at home and playing video games or watching TV.

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