Roller coaster?

This story contains an interesting description of Beach Drive, apparently courtesy of our own WS-based city poobah, Hizzoner. Which section do you suppose he’s referring to? The long straight section with the speed bumplets got repaved several years back. So I’d vote for the section from Lincoln Park Way northward … although I still don’t think that’s as rutted as certain busy stretches of Fauntleroy Way. Anyway, your nominations are welcomed by Hizzoner’s office, and the “winners” supposedly get repaved. (Guess my street is out of the running; we’ve already gotten a postcard about impending chip-seal replenishment.)

1 Reply to "Roller coaster?"

  • aps sara June 15, 2006 (9:30 am)

    Hey, I live on Beach Drive and I’d hate to see it repaved. After the section south of Jacabson was repaved speeding and racing became a problem. To solve that they put in speed bumps to slow everyone down. Save some money and leave the existing bumps, they seem to be effective at slowing people down.

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