New music from another WS star

March 23, 2006 6:01 am
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 |   West Seattle news

OK, so it’s hard not to know that Eddie Vedder is from West Seattle. And we had long since heard that Soundgarden has ties here too. But it’s news to us (go ahead, laugh) that a major name from Mudhoney lives in WS too. The band’s out with a new album and that means a new round of interviews, including this one that caught our eye on an unrelated search because of this line:

Having turned 44 last month, Mark Arm, who shares a West Seattle home with his wife, remains one of rock’s most iconic figures.

A more-entertaining quote comes from a Seattle Times interview last week:

Q: Briefly describe the most annoying neighbors you’ve ever had.

A: The people who lived next door to us when we first moved into our house in West Seattle. Nosy retired couple.

And even more to the point about WS, an excerpt from a 2002 interview in the Times, when the writer asked two band members to interview each other at Easy Street:

Turner: What do you like most about living in West Seattle?

Arm (gazing down the street from behind Elvis sunglasses, chewing gum ferociously as he ponders): I like the fact that … it still hasn’t been renovated. I like the fact that, with the exception of Easy Street, you’re not surrounded by hipsters every time you walk down the street. I like being surrounded by the salt of the Earth.

Yeah, us too.

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