VIDEO: A first and a last at West Seattle Elementary, as students start the school year with ‘Be There’ celebration

The first day of school began with a joyful tradition at West Seattle Elementary – the annual “Be There Rally,” with staff – that’s Akim Finch, above, who also DJ’d – and community members lining a red carpet to greet the students with high-fives, cheers, and applause.

Among the greeters was principal Pam McCowan-Conyers, for whom this “Be There” was bittersweet, as the hug from assistant principal Richie Garcia acknowledged:

She’s retiring after this year, so this was her final “Be There” – she spoke briefly, recalling what she has learned in 15 years at WSES, as well as sharing expectations and plans for the year ahead:

But meantime, there were many high-fives to be given – among those joining the principal and her staff this morning were West Seattle’s School Board Director Gina Topp (as mentioned in McCowan-Conyers’ remarks):

According to district documents, West Seattle Elementary had an enrollment of about 350 students last year and was forecast for about the same this year.

The addition/renovations completed last year gave it a capacity of 500, which will doubtlessly be a consideration when Superintendent Dr. Brent Jones announces his consolidation proposals next month.

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