CORONAVIRUS: Monday 4/6 roundup

No more speculation whether schools will reopen to finish out the school year – they won’t. That’s the biggest story in this edition of our nightly roundup:

GOVERNOR SAYS, NO IN-PERSON SCHOOL BEFORE FALL: Governor Inslee and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal made the announcement at mid-afternoon – schools will stay closed for the rest of this school year. But schools still need to educate their students, they made it clear. Here’s our coverage, with video of the announcement, plus Seattle Public Schools‘ concurrently issued statement.

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From today’s Seattle-King County Public Health news release:

3,331 confirmed positive cases (up 164* from yesterday)

220 confirmed deaths (up 14 from yesterday)

* The “new confirmed positive cases” figure we publish each day represents all new confirmed cases reported to us through 11:59 the night prior. Some of these test results were processed on days prior but were delayed in being reported to us.

One week ago, King County reported 2,330 cases and 150 deaths.

SO HOW ABOUT THE PROJECTIONS? At least one set has been revised downward. (That tweet was later followed by this Seattle Times story.)

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them here.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: Find them here.

ALIGNING THE DATES, AND MORE: Multiple city announcements today revised potential end dates for closures to align with the governor’s extension of “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” through May 4th. One was from the mayor. From the announcement:

The Mayor’s Executive Order extends the following policies until May 4:

Closure of City facilities including public-facing counters, Seattle Public Library locations, and community centers and Seattle beaches;

Suspension of City-permitted events, with the exception of farmers markets which will continue to be for a potential re-opening;

Suspension of enforcement of paid parking requirements on City streets and enforcement of select hourly time limits outside no-parking or special zones; and

Continuing the Utility Discount Program’s self-certification pilot program.

The Mayor’s Executive Order extends the following policies until further notice:

Suspension of enforcement of the 72-hour parking rule, and suspension of booting and towing vehicles with unpaid parking tickets;

Creation of temporary restaurant loading zones, and temporary parking zones for hospital and human services staff; and

Flexible payment plans and shutoff policies for City utilities.

ALSO ALIGNED: The Seattle Public Library‘s facilities remain closed at least until May 4th, but Chief Librarian Marcellus Turner reminds you of the other ways you can access SPL services.

MORE CITY NEWS: SPD and SFD posted info on how their staffs are affected by COVID-19.

TONIGHT’S FINAL WORDS: Saw a lot of chalk art while out walking today. This pic, however, came in via text, seen in Admiral:

Props to the poet for that adaptation.

GOT INFO? PHOTOS? Email or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

15 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Monday 4/6 roundup"

  • Greg April 7, 2020 (12:48 am)

    I miss my Grandmother.  She was a child of WWI and the Spanish Flu.  Knew The Depression and war rationing and mobilization.  She was born in the midwest but all her siblings were born in Sweden.  She taught me to save and scrimp, fix and adapt.  She kept a bag of corks in the cupboard, various sizes of wire and tape, paper and brick.  She taught me to sing while doing yardwork and farmed me out to neighbors to help with the heavy lifting.  I miss her so much right now because she would know what to do and how to do it well in the old ways.  However,  I am also aware that my foreparents live inside of me.  I need only be a humane neighbor, that stands up for my community in it’s time of need.  I can honor my Grandmother and myself.  She gave me the tools.  I stand strong for my family and my neighbors against what may come.

    • LK April 7, 2020 (7:11 am)

      What a lovely description of your grandmother. You obviously loved her very much and she would be proud of you. 

    • HS April 7, 2020 (9:51 am)

      Such a wonderful post. Thank you. 

    • Mike April 7, 2020 (10:21 am)

      Your grandmother would be proud of you! Well said.

    • Pug mom April 8, 2020 (12:59 am)

      Thank you, Greg, that was so beautiful and reminds me of my grandmother❤️

  • Diane April 7, 2020 (5:37 am)

    Greg, what is a beautiful tribute to your grandmother.  You’re right you know what to do she taught you well.  It’s been a tough road but we got this!

  • Just a mom April 7, 2020 (9:21 am)

    Our parents/grandparents developed frugal habits because they lived through hard times that made the history books.   Our children are living in a moment that their children will read about in history books.  I wonder what habits we will have coming out of this.  I’ll probably keep throwing my used zip lock baggies away, (sorry grandma) but I may stop shaking peoples hands.

  • W April 7, 2020 (9:47 am)

    I have been making a lot of pottage to avoid food waste. It makes me feel very connected to my ancestors.

  • J April 7, 2020 (1:12 pm)

    Evidence for widespread mask need… because it’s airborne, and spread by people without symptoms. Here’s a great video from JAMA:

  • J April 7, 2020 (1:42 pm)

    Here’s an explainer video if you’re interested…

  • Cmt April 7, 2020 (2:17 pm)

    This is an excellent scientific perspective:

    • WSB April 7, 2020 (2:54 pm)

      Always a dissenting opinion.

      • Dr Linari April 7, 2020 (6:33 pm)

        Some opinions are better than others. I agree with the epidemiologist’s perspective above, who has practiced for more that 35 years.

    • J April 7, 2020 (7:56 pm)

      Here’s the thing… 15 out of every 100 of us hospitalized this month is more than we can handle, and 1 in a hundred of our citizens dying this month is more than we can handle. That is why we are trying to reduce transmission. And no, I saw more and more patients who had no improvement of pneumonia, after antibiotics, and dying, before falling ill myself. This virus is not susceptible to antibiotics. This man may study statistics, but he has no love for humanity. This man is a eugenicist. Be careful which experts you follow. There were some scientists in Tuskegee, and some in Germany, who had followers in their day also.

    • Um, no April 7, 2020 (8:11 pm)

      It’s an excellent scientific perspective to you perhaps because it’s what you’re wanting to hear?

      There are a number of problems with his perspective.

      First, it’s irresponsible to put forth the opinion that this is just like ‘every other flu’ when clearly it is not.  Downplaying the seriousness of this virus when some do not want to follow precautionary measures will cost people’s lives.

      This guy appears to be operating more from ego and his previous experience than from a position of knowledge and experience with this particular virus. It appears he is enjoying the attention of being controversially cavalier.

      He casually says he doesn’t understand what flattening the curve is. This has been well explained. The point is to slow down the transmission so that hospitals aren’t so overwhelmed that they are unable to function and help people.  The point is to be able to save more lives.  His perspective of just let the virus run it’s course seems ignorant or callous.

      Flattening the curve also serves the purpose of buying some time while researchers work to understand the virus better, create antibody testing, treatments, and a vaccine.

      His suggestion that if the elderly had just been quarantined it would run its course in the younger healthier population with minimal deaths is BS, because a fair percentage of hospitalized cases have been between the ages of 20-44.  Numerous younger seemingly healthy people have died and rather quickly, which is not typical with the flu.

      It’s already been well reported that this virus is not comparable to the flu. If you don’t understand this, read more stories from doctors who are on the front lines of this and trying to save patients, and have described the differences in detail.

      Also, comparing the shortage of medical equipment to that of the tp buying behavior, neglects to address the issue of not enough ventilators, hospital space, beds, staffing, etc.

      The measures put forth by leaders is informed by current scientists and epidemiologists. I’ll keep listening to them over this guy who seems to suggest there shouldn’t be any intervention, other than having the elderly stay home, which seems uninformed and disturbing, given what we’ve seen around the world.

      Please think twice before putting forth more rubbish like this. There are people who will believe this because it’s what they want to hear and it justifies to them their irresponsible behavior.

Sorry, comment time is over.