West Seattle, Washington
12 Wednesday
Early calendar preview for tomorrow, with four big events happening Thursday pm:
SUMMER CONCERTS AT HIAWATHA: The video above previews Jessica Lynne‘s “contemporary country” sound, which will fill the park east of Hiawatha Community Center for the fifth of this summer’s six concerts presented by the Admiral Neighborhood Association. 6:30 pm. Free!
HAPPY 25TH, LUNA PARK CAFE: 4-10 pm tomorrow, the famous café by the bridge marks a quarter-century, with one big party:
What? Never been there? LPC is at 2918 SW Avalon Way.
SUSTAINABLE WEST SEATTLE: The annual SWS picnic is Thursday night, and you’re invited. After a few years at the beach, this time it’s in the trees:
This year we’re celebrating at the Community Orchard of West Seattle from 6-9 PM. SWS will have music and food, tours of the orchard and garden, cider pressing with apples grown on site, demonstrations of electric bikes in the parking lot, and you can make a smoothie in our bike-powered blender. Feel free to bring a dish to share and or something to throw on the grill. We will provide charcoal grills, tables, drinks, musical entertainment.
The orchard is on the north end of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus at 6000 16th SW.
COMMUNITY BARBECUE IN SOUTH ADMIRAL: 5-8 pm, you’re invited to a community barbecue outside Equilibrium Fitness (WSB sponsor) and its neighbor businesses at 3270 California SW:
Free burgers (beef AND black bean) and hot dogs on the grill, music, cool people, at California/Hinds.
The date is now set for the promised community open house about the Fauntleroy Way SW Boulevard Project in The Triangle, currently in “early design,” tentatively scheduled for construction late next year if city leaders approve project funding: 5-7 pm Tuesday, September 23rd, is the date for that communitywide discussion of the project, proposed for Fauntleroy Way SW between 35th and Alaska. SDOT’s Maribel Cruz tells WSB they’ve had briefings in recent weeks with:
· Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board
· Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board
· Freight Advisory Board
· Washington State Ferries
· West Seattle Transportation Coalition
· West Seattle Bike Connections
· West Seattle Junction Association
We were at the WSTC/WSBC briefing last month, along with one member of each of those groups. No major new details emerged, but the question that arose in comments on our July 15th report, “what about the Trader Joe’s onstreet loading zone?” was asked, and the reply was that they’re still discussing options. As a “boulevard,” that section of Fauntleroy will have “no loading zones and no parking,” the project team said.
Background on the project, as well as details of its status, are on the official SDOT webpage. The September 23rd meeting will be at the Senior Center of West Seattle (Oregon/California).
Patricia shared that beautiful view of last night’s sunset (thank you!). As evening approaches, we wanted to note a few things that are, and are not, happening (there’s more on our calendar, as always):
*High Point Healthy Families Celebration at Neighborhood House’s HP Center, 5 pm
*Science on Wheels at West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) with Pacific Science Center, 6 pm
*Backpack giveaway at Westwood Christian Community, 6:30 pm
*Comedy night at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), hosted by Mona Concepcion, 8 pm
*In a recent comment discussion, it was mentioned that new SDOT director Scott Kubly had accepted an invitation to the next Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting. Turns out DNDC is NOT meeting tonight but you can mark your calendar for Kubly, Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, and other transportation-related guests at the September meeting – 7 pm September 17th at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, per DNDC chair Mat McBride, who says they’ll move that meeting into the theater so there’s more room.
(WSB July photo of awaiting-demolition Arbor Heights Elementary)
The decision is now published for the second appeal related to the Arbor Heights Elementary rebuild, which has had key elements on hold pending the hearing and ruling. City Hearing Examiner Sue Tanner has rejected the appeal by affirming the city decision to allow demolition of the old AHES. Here’s her ruling (PDF), or read it embedded below:
We’re checking with Seattle Public Schools regarding how the project timetable will be affected, now that the decision is in. A separate appeal related to the project was argued and rejected in May.
Since taking office at the start of the year, Mayor Ed Murray has hired department heads including a new Police Chief and new Transportation Director, and now he’s launching a search for another one – a new Parks Superintendent. Just in:
Mayor Ed Murray today thanked Christopher Williams, Acting Superintendent of Parks and Recreation for the past four years, who is stepping down to the role of Deputy Superintendent. Williams is returning to his previous role with the department as he manages some personal health issues.
“I want to thank Christopher for his dedication and service to Seattle Parks and Recreation and the people of Seattle over the last four years as Acting Superintendent, and for many years before that in other capacities with the department,” added Murray. “Under his leadership, the department has successfully weathered significant budget reductions as the result of the Great Recession, including both service and staffing cuts. Seattle’s park system will benefit from Christopher’s work for years to come.”
The Mayor will conduct a national search to find a new leader for the Parks and Recreation Department. The search is underway and will be completed by January of 2015.
Williams lived in West Seattle while growing up and is a Chief Sealth International High School graduate. (Photo: WSB file, from 2011)
After months of discussion, the West Seattle Land Use Committee is about to become reality. The seed was planted as local community-group leaders discussed the fact that there is no West Seattle-wide group looking at development and zoning/land-use issues – they only come up in response to/conjunction with particular projects. Other neighborhoods have land-use committees that get involved early on, so why not West Seattle, with so much growth and change? So here’s the agenda for the first meeting, set for next Wednesday (one week from tonight):
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27 – 6:30 – 8:00West Seattle Senior Center – Nelson Room – 4217 Southwest Oregon
__________________________________________________________6:30 – Welcome and Introductions of Land Use Committee Members
*Introductions of attendees from the public6:45 – Recap of the joint meeting of the Southwest District Council and the Delridge District Council – Sharonn, Vlad and Matt
7:00 – Additional issues to be added to the summary document – All
7:30 – Additional possible solutions to be added to the summary document – All
7:50 – Additional topics to be discussed at our next Land Use Committee meeting
8:00 – Adjourn
All are welcome. Helpful homework if you’re planning to be there – the official notes from last June’s joint meeting of the Southwest and Delridge District Councils with City Councilmember Mike O’Brien to talk land use:
We covered the meeting; our as-it-happened coverage is here.
These sessions are usually really popular, and advance registration is required, so here’s an early heads-up: The city Office of Emergency Management is offering a free earthquake-retrofit workshop at West Seattle (Admiral) Branch Library on October 4th, 11 am-1 pm. More info here, including the note that you have to sign up, so if you’re interested, do that ASAP – e-mail snap@seattle.gov.
(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Welcome to another late-summer commute. The morning starts with the road-work alerts:
ARBOR HEIGHTS MICROSURFACING CONTINUES: Our Monday story includes the map of which streets are getting it and when.
STRIPE-PAINTING: Just one day after the SDOT alert about work crews here by week’s end, we spotted one out working on California SW yesterday. Keep your distance if you see them.
HIGHWAY 99 WORK, INCLUDING THE BIG CLOSURE: Overnight prep work is closing lanes nightly, getting ready for the big work that requires a two-phase closure beginning Friday night: See maps/times here.
7:31 AM UPDATE: Thanks to CC in comments and someone via phone for the tip – there’s a problem on the ramp from the eastbound bridge to Highway 99. (added) Julia says, “We just passed the ramp. A semi and smaller truck appear to have collided and blocking the ramp. Use other routes if you can.”
7:41 AM UPDATE: Annie tweets that she’s on the Route 120 bus and it just “took the SODO detour.”
7:57 AM UPDATE: The ramp is now clear, according to multiple reports including an SDOT tweet. Thanks for the updates (again, especially from bus riders and others who aren’t driving – if you see a problem while you ARE driving, please don’t call, text, tweet, etc. until you can do so safely and legally after arriving at your destination).
ORIGINAL REPORT, 2:04 AM: Thanks to the tipsters who reported a hit-and-run crash early this morning on 44th between Andover and Charlestown. Both reports came in via text, and one included these photos with the explanation, “Stolen car hit a parked car.” The reportedly stolen car is actually the pickup truck in the photo above, and the car it hit was a small SUV.
No injuries reported. We’ll check later this morning to see if anyone was caught.
ADDED 5:53 PM: There are at least two reports related to this incident, and while Seattle Police Media Relations was unable to access, yet, the one with details about the crash itself, they were able to provide the one that dealt with alleged liquor violations by two teenagers believed to have walked away. Ahead, info from that report:
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