ORIGINAL REPORT, 2:04 AM: Thanks to the tipsters who reported a hit-and-run crash early this morning on 44th between Andover and Charlestown. Both reports came in via text, and one included these photos with the explanation, “Stolen car hit a parked car.” The reportedly stolen car is actually the pickup truck in the photo above, and the car it hit was a small SUV.

No injuries reported. We’ll check later this morning to see if anyone was caught.
ADDED 5:53 PM: There are at least two reports related to this incident, and while Seattle Police Media Relations was unable to access, yet, the one with details about the crash itself, they were able to provide the one that dealt with alleged liquor violations by two teenagers believed to have walked away. Ahead, info from that report:
The report – which contains no names or ages (SPD SOP for providing reports to media) – says the officer who wrote it was dispatched just after midnight to help investigate the hit and run in the 3800 block of 44th SW. The original call was “Vehicle hit house, all occupants running northbound, 3 teens.”
The officer got to the area at 12:13 am and “began driving around in the area of SW Charlestown/California SW” and “northbound in the alley west of the 3700 block of California SW. As I drove northbound, I saw three teens in the alley walking northbound. … When the three teens turned and looked southbound, they saw my patrol vehicle and two of the teens ran eastbound toward California SW between several buildings. The third went westbound over a fence toward 44th SW.”
The officer finally caught up with two of them on California SW, and wrote: “When I stopped (both suspects), I could smell a strong odor of alcohol coming from the two. I asked where the two were coming from, they both stated they were at a party. They were unable to give an exact location of the party. I then asked for their names and they both gave to me their correct names, both are juveniles. I asked if they were driving the vehicle that crashed. they both stated that (name redacted) was driving and they did not know it was a stolen vehicle. I placed both … under arrest for minor in possession. I transported (them) to the Southwest precinct.”
While at the precinct in a holding cell, one suspect described as female got sick. “Due to her extreme level of intoxication, SFD was dispatched to the holding cell to check on (her). I asked (the other suspect) if he needed to see SFD, he stated that he was fine and ‘only had two beers at the party’. (Female suspect) was then transported by AMR to Children’s Hospital for detox.” A relative or family friend – hard to tell because of the redaction – was contacted to pick up the male suspect.
The report includes the officer’s recommendation that both teenage suspects – one of whom lives in West Seattle, one of whom lives in Shelton – be charged with unlawful liquor possession (Seattle Municipal Code 12A.24.100, which would be a misdemeanor). We will try again tomorrow to see if the other report related to the crash has become available.
ADDED THURSDAY, 4:36 PM: We have some additional information from another part of the multi-part report related to this case:
This report also says the original call was “a vehicle hit a house and the occupants were running northbound on 44th SW.” This responding officer says no house was hit, but “the suspect vehicle did hit the landscaping at (a house in the 3800 block)” and reports seeing the Honda CR-V pushed up on the sidewalk, with “the suspect vehicle … Toyota Tundra stopped on the sidewalk.” A check revealed the plate was stolen (a different incident number says it was reported stolen in the 9000 block of 1st NW). The victim told police, according to the report, that “he saw a white female in the vehicle. This vehicle was later identified as (name redacted). He stated that there were multiple subjects in the car; however, he was not able to identify their positions in the vehicle. He could not identify the vehicle driver. While I was talking with him, (a witness) arrived on the scene. She stated that she found (suspect) walking midblock on 44th SW. She stated that (name redacted) told her she was in the suspect vehicle at the time of the accident. (She) appeared to be very intoxicated. She stated that she is taking the 5th. She sat down on the sidewalk. She complained about pain to her jaw. I called SFD to have her checked out. SFD arrived; they treated and released her at the scene. Subject (name redacted) then laid down on the sidewalk and went to sleep.
“(name redacted) is a minor. I had (another officer) transport her to her mom … (she) was released to her mom. (Another officer) located two possible subjects in about the 3700 block of California.” (Editor’s note – this appears to refer to what we summarized in the update above, from Wednesday evening.) “They both admitted to being in the stolen vehicle at the time of the accident. They would not say who was driving. They were hostile and uncooperative during questioning. They were taken to the SW Precinct for further questioning. At the precinct, they still refused to cooperate. I was not able to determine their role in the incident. (One) was released to the custody of his aunt. (The other) was highly intoxicated. We were not able to locate a parent or guardian for her. She was taken to Children’s Hospital to be evaluated and released from there.
“I checked the suspect vehicle. The keys to the vehicle were in the ignition. The ignition was intact. A review of the original stolen report revealed that a spare key was located in the center console and used to steal the vehicle. There were several cans of alcoholic beverages in the truck. (Another officer) submitted them into evidence for prints.” The report goes on to mention that photos were taken and uploaded into the SPD system, and that the stolen truck was impounded. Looking up the report numbers related to the car – the plate(s) were reported stolen in the 9000 block of 1st Avenue NW on August 20th, according to this SPD tweet, but we’re not finding the incident number that would have referred to the original theft, so we don’t know where/when the Tundra was taken.