(Photo by Shawn McNurney from the WSB Flickr pool)
Highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:
SOUTHGATE ROLLER RINK OPENS: 8:30 tonight in White Center (9646 17th SW); coverage of last night’s “soft open” is on our partner site White Center Now.
MDA LOCK-UP: More than 100 business and community leaders in West Seattle will be ‘locked up’ today to help the Muscular Dystrophy Association of King County, which explains: “These jailbirds are being accused of having a big heart for Jerry’s Kids and will ‘serve time’ while raising ‘bail’ to fight neuromuscular disease.” This year’s West Seattle Lock-Up is hosted by Angelina’s Family Italian Restaurant. Watch for a “bail me out” note from your favorite local leader, or call (206) 283-2183 for info.
WEST SEATTLE BE PREPARED: Preparedness training tonight at the Senior Center of West Seattle, 6-7:30 pm. Full details on the WSBP site.
OPEN MIKE NIGHT AT FRESHY’S: 1st and 3rd Thursday “open mike” night at Freshy’s Coffee. Beverage discounts for those who show up to perform! Open mike starts at 7 pm.
READ THE KORAN IN FOUR WEEKS: At First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, Pastor Ron Marshall‘s unique instruction session begins – as news-relevant as it was when he started teaching it eight years ago. Call 935-6530 to see if there’s still room.
NOT IN WEST SEATTLE, BUT RELEVANT TO ALL: West Seattle resident Lucy Gaskill, a member of the League of Women Voters of Greater Seattle, invites you to attend “Ain’t got no money honey.” This public forum on our economic future is sponsored by the LWV and will be held at Seattle First Baptist Church (1111 Harvard Avenue at Seneca), 7:30 – 9 pm. At this forum government experts will outline our options, shedding light on the revenue predictions in the near future and budget challenges facing our elected officials. Beth Goldberg, Seattle city budget director; Tom Goodwin, chief economist with King County’s office of Economic and Financial Analysis; and Marc Baldwin with Washington State’s Office of Financial Management will share the spotlight.