West Seattle Weather Watch: Not that cold, so far

(Refresh for the latest “live” views from both directions of the West Seattle Bridge)
Though there’d been fears of lows in the 20s and potential ice trouble on the roads, it’s still above freezing (37 at the official Boeing Field gauge) as we write this just after 3:30 am, so things might not be so bad out there after all. Forecast looks pretty good through New Year’s Eve, too. You can check a few more cameras, and latest-traffic-update links, on the WSB Traffic page. Hope you have a safe drive/ride/walk to work.

8:15 AM UPDATE: Trouble-free commute by all accounts.

2 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: Not <i>that</i> cold, so far"

  • Mike December 30, 2010 (7:02 am)

    West Seattle bridge is pretty clear and dry, lower Admiral Way has ice on it, looks like somebody might have a burst pipe draining onto the road?

    Kirkland/Redmond has black ice all over the place. Very easy to go sideways. Remember ice is ice, even Quattro/AWD/4WD you won’t have traction… i know, I got sideways today in my Audi. It’s pretty nasty over here.

  • Bianca December 30, 2010 (8:05 am)

    For those of you coming south for work or whatnot…516 from I-5 down to Kent, and downtown Kent, is ICY. Be prepared to take it easy.

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