day : 23/09/2008 11 results

West Seattle delegation gives Mexican village a reason to smile

September 23, 2008 11:56 pm
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 |   West Seattle people | West Seattle religion


That’s Tessa Code distributing toothbrushes and hygiene information in Mexico as part of a Fauntleroy Church trip this summer. While talking with Judy Pickens about the church’s ongoing centennial celebration — which includes tonight’s 7 pm showing of the documentary “The Fauntleroy Story: 100 Years of Community” (previewed here; you’re invited; showing’s in the Fellowship Hall; DVDs will be available) — she mentioned this trip, and we said we’d love to share the story with you:Read More

Door-to-door alert: “Obnoxious,” “belligerent” solicitors reported

First one we got a half-hour or so ago, we were mulling over how to handle. Then came the second one. That suggests a trend – so here are two reader reports of pushy door-to-door folks out in southwest West Seattle (Gatewood and Fauntleroy) tonight:Read More

“Alcohol Impact Area” for South Delridge/White Center?

September 23, 2008 6:46 pm
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 |   Delridge | Safety | West Seattle news | White Center

Just broke this story at our partner site White Center Now: King County Councilmember Dow Constantine‘s office has announced a discussion October 2nd about a potential Alcohol Impact Area in the White Center business district – and the announcement notes that since the district includes areas within Seattle city limits as well as unincorporated King County, authorities and community members on both sides of the line are invited – and that the concept of “adjacent AIAs in unincorporated King County and the South Delridge area” should be considered in the discussion. The discussion is set for 7 pm Thursday, October 2nd, during the regular meeting of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council at North Highline Fire District headquarters. Read more here (the seventh news item today on White Center Now, with at least one more to come – newsiest day for our partner site since it launched seven weeks ago).

Pedestrian-safety rally planned in West Seattle


(WSB photo from 35th/Juneau crash scene, 9/4/08)
Just in from Denise Sharify, who works for Neighborhood House in High Point and has been active on area pedestrian issues: A pedestrian-safety rally is set for 2:30-4 pm October 7 at 35th/Juneau, where a High Point 15-year-old was hit and injured just a few weeks ago. Everyone concerned about pedestrian safety in our area – not just on 35th – is encouraged to join in; Denise’s note to community members also mentions the California/Dawson crash that killed 92-year-old Rosemary MacCorkindale yesterday and the 35th/Brandon crash that killed 39-year-old Gregory Hampel last month. More details on the rally when plans are further finalized.

West Seattle Farmers’ Market continuing 4-hour sessions, all year

The Neighborhood Farmers’ Market Alliance, which manages the West Seattle Farmers’ Market among others, says not only will WSFM be year-round again this year, it also will keep its regular hours throughout the year (winter hours last year were 11 am-2 pm, but this year, Janet Hurt just confirmed, it’ll keep the 10 am-2 pm schedule every Sunday, all seasons).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Sawed-and-stolen sign

(On the West Seattle border, anyway.) Just out of the WSB inbox from Vera at Village Green Perennial Nursery (WSB sponsor):

Hey- just to put the word out- last night someone stole our Village Green sign from the corner of Roxbury and 26th (map) – it was chained to the tree and they SAWED off the leg and stole the sign. I have the sawed-off piece. If anyone sees a sign around – probably lying on the side of the road somewhere…or being reused as a ‘newly made-over’ sign- please contact us- they are not cheap. Someone also had to have seen this event take place…sawing wood takes a minute or two…

California/Dawson pedestrian death followup: Victim, 92, identified


(Photo from Monday afternoon, while investigators worked at the crash scene)
One day after the deadly crash in the California/Dawson crosswalk south of The Junction, we checked with Seattle Police to get an update on the investigation and the people involved. First: Seattle Police media unit Officer Mark Jamieson tells WSB the victim was a 92-year-old woman; (this added 3:29 pm) the Medical Examiner’s office has just identified her as Rosemary MacCorkindale. Officer Jamieson also tells us the driver was a 77-year-old woman. Both are described as “Seattle residents.” As for whether the crash will result in a citation or charges, none so far, since the investigation is not complete yet, but Jamieson notes the driver did not appear to be “impaired.”

Alaskan Way Viaduct future: Two events this week

September 23, 2008 11:57 am
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 |   Alaskan Way Viaduct | Transportation | West Seattle news

skyway.jpgLast week, we mentioned a briefing planned this week by the Florida man who proposes the “Seattle Skyway” – an admittedly pie-in-the-sky, or road-in-the-sky – Alaskan Way Viaduct alternative. He called this morning to say that it’s open to the public – which hadn’t been noted before – so if you’re interested, it’s 6 pm tomorrow, Duwamish Room at Ivar’s Acres of Clams on the downtown waterfront (the room seats about three dozen, first-come first-served).

If you want to know what’s going on in the official review process for what will happen to the Central Waterfront section of The Viaduct, here’s the next place to be: viaductphoto.jpgDay after tomorrow (Thursday 9/25) is this month’s meeting of the people from all over the area who have been meeting as the Stakeholders Advisory Committee (including West Seattleites Pete Spalding of Pigeon Point and Vlad Oustimovitch of Gatewood). As was reiterated during the recent Viaduct briefing presented to the Southwest and Delridge District Councils (WSB coverage here), this committee is not making a decision or recommendation, but rather helping vet the possibilities (8 current “scenarios,” as we reported when they were first unveiled, soon to be narrowed to 3, then 1). You’re welcome at these meetings too – Thursday it’s at 4 pm, Bertha Landes Room at City Hall downtown (map).

Recent WSB coverage of the Alaskan Way Viaduct is archived here; the state has a prodigious amount of info available on the official AWV site here.

Welcoming a new WSB sponsor:

We first mentioned West Seattle-based when its liquor-license application went in last December (WSB report here), and now that it’s up and running, it’s collinsphoto.jpgjoined the WSB sponsor team to get the word out. Here’s what its owner (photo left) wants you to know about the business: “Patrick Collins, a fellow West Seattleite, has launched a new online wine store, It has been created for the person who enjoys a great wine at reasonable prices, but is also interested in trying something new. was created for the fun, unique wine drinker who enjoys trying new wines, but doesn’t really want to pay an arm and a leg for it. will feature more than 10,000 different labels – from organic, to Washington wines, as well as ports and fine wines from all over the world. They are also offering free delivery in West Seattle for orders over $100. Patrick’s motto is: “Try something different–it’s just wine!” Patrick Collins, owner of CheapWineStore, is like many other West Seattleites. That is, he believes in giving back to his community. Therefore, Patrick also volunteers much of his time to many local charities including Northwest Harvest, the American Cancer Society, the Son Rise House and is donating a portion of the proceeds from every sale to our local animal shelter, the Animals First Foundation.” Thanks to and all our sponsors for choosing to grow their businesses by advertising on WSB to let you know what they’re offering; our Advertise on WSB page is where you can see the latest on our traffic, plus the full list of current sponsors and how to find out about joining them.

Got some time Saturday to help people save energy and money?

September 23, 2008 8:55 am
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 |   Environment | How to help | White Center

This event has been on the WSB Events calendar for a while, and it’s been previewed at partner site White Center Now, but the day’s getting closer and the call for volunteers (see the flyer here) has been renewed in the West Seattle as well as WC: A coalition of environmental and economic-justice groups plans to send volunteers to visit every home in White Center this Saturday to share information about energy efficiency. As you can imagine, that takes a volunteer force of hundreds; if you can spare some time that day, go here to find out how to get involved.

Another West Seattle church celebrates a milestone

September 23, 2008 6:30 am
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 |   West Seattle religion


This summer, we covered the centennial celebration of Fauntleroy Church. This weekend, another longtime local church — First Lutheran Church of West Seattle — celebrates its centennial-minus-ten. A special event will mark the 90th-anniversary celebration, and the church’s leader offered this article to tell you about it:Read More