day : 30/08/2007 6 results

2 finales tomorrow

August 30, 2007 9:56 pm
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 |   Elliott Bay Water Taxi | Fun stuff to do | West Seattle parks

watertaxisunrise2.jpgTomorrow, you get two “last chances”: First, last chance to ride the Elliott Bay Water Taxi‘s special early run, 6:10 am. As you may recall, this extra run was added for Freeway Fright ’07; the road work ended early, but Metro stretched the bonus WT run one full week to gather data. The Water Taxi’s regular season, by the way, has another month to go — it continues through September 30th.

Second, it’s the last non-holiday weekday of the year at Colman Pool. The beautiful beachfront pool at Lincoln Park will be open daily through Labor Day, then closed till one final “post-season weekend” Saturday-Sunday, September 8th-9th. For us, it’s just not summer unless we swim there at least once.

Latest from land-use land

Slew of West Seattle items on the latest Land Use Information Bulletin — busy folks at city HQ before everyone rushes out for the holiday weekend. Highlights:

OUT WITH THE APARTMENTS, IN WITH THE TOWNHOUSES: Application for six townhouses at 57th & Alki. This seems to have several addresses associated with it; main project filing is here.

DOUBLE THE FUN: One lot becomes two in the 4200 block of Beach Drive, as one last approval comes in for two new houses. 12th photo from the bottom on this busy page reminds us, that’s the last lot before the open shoreline of Schmitz Viewpoint.

CHURCH EXPANSION: Filing’s in for new building at West Seattle Christian Church. The church website describes the new multipurpose building planned there.

HS football hits the field, before the kids hit the books

School doesn’t start for most local kids till next week, but high-school football starts now, as sure a sign of impending fall as the pumpkin-spice drink flavors that have just returned to you-know-which mega-coffee-chain. The Times site has comprehensive schedules for all local schools including the 3 high schools in WS — for Seattle Lutheran, the season-opener is Saturday afternoon; for Chief Sealth, it’s tomorrow night; for West Seattle, it’s Saturday night.

Hello fire station, goodbye house

WSB reader Val sent the two photos below from 35th & Holden, where the end seems near for a nondescript little house that’s on part of the land where the city will build the new Fire Station 37 to replace the historic building 4 blocks north (the substation next door is on the other part of the land and is going away too).

From Val’s e-mail:

This house was remodeled a few years ago after being vacant for a while (before the remodel, it inexplicably had two front doors) and obviously wasn’t anything special, but I hate to see a loss of housing anywhere. I believe there is a new fire station going in to these two lots, and unlike in Queen Anne, there was no public outcry about the loss of historic housing in the neighborhood. I suppose it is too much to ask to hope that the house is being moved somewhere instead of being trashed … Plus, I’d like to see the old fire station become a local (British for nearby bar). There’s really nothing along 35th, and the E-9 in Tacoma has been doing great business for years.


More WS “sharrows”

sharrowsaturday.jpgNext major WS road to get the “sharrows” now gracing Beach Drive (photo right) and Lincoln Park Way: Admiral. We noticed them roughed in (like this) on the fresh pavement after striping crews finished their work last weekend.


Some folks grump at us from time to time for deciding to refer to the venerable California Avenue Southwest as “Cali.” Yes, we admit, we made it up, although there is at least one business that uses the shorthand (Cali Nails, south edge of The Junction). Other new abbreviations have started to appear in the past year or so, such as SOA. But now, here’s one we have never heard/seen before — interested if you have — a blogger who apparently moved to WS recently is calling it “WeSea.”