day : 01/06/2007 8 results

So close and yet so far

One of the things we adore about West Seattle is that downtown is so close … yet it can be “out of sight, out of mind” until and unless you choose to stop for a view like this:


Just here to represent

June 1, 2007 8:22 pm
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 |   Crime

Hadn’t heard much about the case against the mayor’s son (who reportedly had been living at the family home here in WS) since it was announced last week, till the Daily Weekly unearthed this tidbit about the lawyers hired to defend him.

A big thanks to WSB readers

June 1, 2007 4:50 pm
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 |   West Seattle parks

That “thank you” comes from Ercolini Park project organizers, who are working to transform a big beautiful empty lot west of The Junction into a real park. They say WSB readers have stepped up to commit dozens more volunteer hours to the project since our last update earlier this week. And they just got great news from the city — pending mayor and council approval, they’ll get a $90,000 grant, to complement $10,000 in “volunteer time and cash” that they will have to nail down by Halloween. They’ll also be teaming up with the folks working on Junction Plaza Park (on Alaska between Cali and 42nd) for fundraising efforts, with a joint meeting set for June 13.

Charlestown Cafe campaign: Picketing date set

As discussed at the community meeting regarding efforts to save the Charlestown Cafe and stop the site from being turned into Petco’s new location or any other “big box” development, plans are now in place for a picketing demonstration. According to the announcement just posted on the Our Town West Seattle Yahoo! group, it’ll happen 11 am-2 pm June 30, along California, in front of the restaurant.

First West Seattle weekend in June

Happy June! Lots to choose from in a full slate of WS weekend events, one click away.Read More

Sealth scandal leads to lawsuit

Fired assistant coaches are suing parents who spoke to the Times, says the paper.

WS Gas Price Watch: Still falling

… so fast, we can barely keep up. Now the lowest posted price we’re seeing (but not by much) is Fauntleroy/Alaska Shell, $3.24/gallon.

Alive & kickin’

June 1, 2007 4:14 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | WS & Sports

Starting today, you can register kids/teens ages 5-18 to be part of the West Seattle Soccer Club for its fall youth soccer season (mid-Sept. through mid-Nov. for most players). League officials soccerteam.jpg(who provided the photo below, from a 4/29 visit to WSSC by Seattle Sounders players) say “the emphasis is on fun and soccer skills” — and a wide variety of playing environments are offered, including coed. You can learn more about WSSC, and you can register online, at their website, or click here to e-mail the league if you have questions. P.S. They’re offering soccer coaching clinics in June and summer soccer camps in July & August, too!