You can still vote for Edwards!

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    I remember a time ago when we had a significant number of Edward fans out there….out of curiosity, i think it is important we make sure everyone understands we can still vote for your canidate…what would you like to hear Obama address that would make you feel like he were addressing Edwards’ issues?? We dont want to make you feel like your platforms are not being addressed. Please let us Obama supporters and ralliers know.



    I know it is the topic of death, but marriage equality is something that needs to be addresed. I secretly wonder how many candidates would support it and how many would profess their religion if were not on a national stage. I rarely hear any religion talk…even on the gay topics about religion on this site.



    Environment and healthcare. Obama is weaker on both of these than Edwards.

    But Obama is stronger on them than McCain.



    Anyone is stronger on those topics than McCain, well maybe not Bush.



    Edwards, John, does not support marriage equality — he does support civil unions. Edwards, Elizabeth, does :-)

    I’d like to see John on the ticket with Obama — it’s not a deal breaker for me — I strongly support Obama in any case.



    He has been pretty honest about not wanting to be the VP again…can’t blame him. Kucinich is the only one to back marriage equality.

    The economy is my biggest issue of course, I know I am not alone on that one.



    I would like to see Obama support Jon’s poverty program with more than an endorsement.



    Purely from the political pragmatism standpoint, I am hoping detailed anti poverty programs do not get fleshed out before the election. Promises will not make it happen anyway so keep the “great society” rhetoric away from the wingnuts. Their base will never change due to lack of empathy and “I got mine” rhetoric and their fantasy that they are also in the top 1/2 or 1 percent of wealth or about to become so at any minute.

    Obama is taking away their “personal responsibility” mantra and replacing it with realistic civic responsibility goals using the same words the repubs have tried to make synonymous with “greed is good” for the last two decades.

    More and better Democrats in the house and senate will do more to forward the Edwards message in a reality based world than asking for promises that depend on legislative branch realities anyway.



    I will second the support for poverty relief.



    Actually, he’s backed off from the “I don’t want to be VEEP” mantra (or he had last week.) Agreed about all of the poverty emphasis; should be a good year for it, since it appears more people will get to experience it firsthand.

    The great mentioners continue to mention Al Gore — I assume that’s wishful thinking…though not necessarily my wish :-)



    I know charlabob it is scary how many people are going to get to experience that firsthand over the next few months… I dont think I can watch/listen to GMA anymore it depressesme to much at the beginning of the day. OUt of curiousity, can you please share with me a bit more on the Edwards poverty plan?



    Edwards did back away, actually he has got to be moving closer to one of the front runners.

    Polling data shows him being the strongest national running mate. No real swing-state data out there. A lot of people are saying that some southern states- North Carolina, Georgia, are going to be much closer then previously expected.

    Edwards could be a good pick.

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