on a personal note about John Ashcroft…a few years ago when he became ill with pancreatitis, I actually felt for him, as I had the same disease aobut 12 years ago..one of the worse pains and experiences of my life…and I was so disappointed when he was better in two weeks (mine was more like 4 months)…I was sooo disappointed that he didn’t suffer enough…lol…but that’s just a tongue in cheek thing…I wouldn’t want anyone to suffer like that…
I was told after mine that it involved the chakra that encompasses the pancreas..that it meant “no sweetness in life”..I tended to agree at that time in my life…perhaps it was the same for him…
I have always wondered how “W” found all of these “evil” persons at the same time…Ashcroft, Rove, Rumsfeld…what kind of world did they come from?