Just got word today from Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association executive director Derek Birnie that former Seattle Mayor Norm Rice (right) has confirmed as keynote for this year’s Gathering of Neighbors in West Seattle, coming up November 6th at Chief Sealth International High School. It’s a chance for community organizations and West Seattle businesses to gather in one place so that they and community members can learn more about each other. And tonight, the Gathering of Neighbors registration form is online, for prospective participants. This will be the first GON since spring 2009; Birnie told WSB in a phone conversation that it’s expanding to be more than just a gathering of community exhibitors with a smattering of entertainment. For example, you’ll see more workshops – Birnie describes them as “learning exchanges.” GON will also be a kickoff of sorts for DNDA, he explains, as it grows into a role of not just making projects happen, but also helping sow and nurture “Seeds of Innovative Leadership” (SOIL for short) – which will be a “peninsula-wide leadership program” that you’ll hear more about at Gathering of Neighbors. Click here to download the registration form – you can e-mail it to phillippiag@dnda.org or send via postal mail to Phillippia Goldsmith, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 4408 Delridge Way SW, Seattle 98106.
West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
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