(WSB photo from previous Gathering of Neighbors, November 2014)
Just two weeks until the next edition of the Gathering of Neighbors. After months of mentions at local community meetings, the full lineup/schedule for the March 12th event is out tonight. Here’s the announcement:
On Saturday, March 12th, at 9:00 am at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, VieWS (Visualizing Increased Engagement West Seattle), Southwest Youth & Family Services, and the Delridge Neighborhood Development Association will present the 2016 edition of the Gathering of Neighbors.
Our theme is “Growing Pains” and will focus on the challenges facing West Seattle as we see rapid growth in populations, jobs, and housing and the benefits and drawbacks that growth brings to our neighborhoods.
This year’s event will feature opportunities to learn about the recommendations by the Mayor’s Housing Affordability & Living Agenda (HALA) Committee, recent updates proposed for the 2035 Comprehensive Plan, plans to renew and double the Housing Levy, what a Sound Transit 3 package might look like for your vote in November, and the recent declaration of a Homeless State of Emergency by Mayor Ed Murray and County Executive Dow Constantine.
Learn from invited experts about what is happening with housing, zoning, community centers, parking, transportation, and much, much more and how all this change is both creating new opportunities for us and our loved ones while also stirring up fears of increased inequality, ongoing historical inequities, and permanent damage to the character of our neighborhoods.
As always, we will also offer breakout sessions where you can learn more about how you can get be part of shaping the impact all of these changes will have on our community and meet local leaders and organizations already involved in these issues.
The morning’s agenda will be packed:
· 9:00 am – Social/Refreshments
· 9:30 am – Open House & Informational Tables: What are the Challenges Facing West Seattle?
· 10:30 am – Welcoming Ceremonies
· 10:45 am – Expert Panel: What is Being Done about Growth in West Seattle?
Moderated by Brian Callanan, Seattle Channel
Featuring a City Staffer, Urbanist, Elected Official, West Seattle Organization Leader, and Homeless Advocate· 11:40 am – Breakout Sessions: How Do I Get Involved in Shaping Our Community?
Ø North Delridge Action Plan update – David Goldberg (OPCD) & ACT Team members
Ø ST3 Planning – West Seattle Transportation Coalition + Rob Johnson, Seattle City Councilmember, District 4
Ø Land Use/Urban Village Growth – Cindi Barker and Deb Barker
Ø West Seattle Chamber conversation about business development· 12:30 pm – Facilitated Discussion: Are We In a Homelessness State of Emergency?
Moderated by Lisa Herbold, Seattle City Councilmember, District 1
Ø Michael Maddux, 43rd District Democrats and former City Council candidate
Ø Hanna Brooks Olsen, Seattlish writer, Project Manager for Civic Ventures
Ø Mercedes Elizalde, Policy & Engagement Strategist for City Councilmember Debora Juarez
Youngstown is at 4408 Delridge Way SW.