TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday on the move; Bike To Work Day

(WS Bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
In honor of Bike to Work Day, we’re adding the camera closest to the low bridge’s West Seattle end:

From 6-9 am, three “commute stations” are welcoming riders in West Seattle and White Center – click the markers to find out more:

View Commute Stations — Bike to Work Day presented by F5 in a larger map

Fun and treats promised at all three stops. Other notes this morning:

WEEKEND ALERTS: Here’s the citywide list of weekend events that will or might affect traffic – among them, the West Seattle 5K (last day to register online!) and Seattle Summer Streets road-closing fun on Alki on Sunday – the full race route to and from Anchor Park will close Alki SW until 11 am, and then a smaller section, between 56th and 63rd SW, will be closed 11 am-5 pm.

TAKE THE POLL YET? As first mentioned here Thursday morning, the West Seattle Transportation Coalition wants to know which taxing option(s) you would use – from the ones the city has the authority to enact – if it were up to you to decide how to get money to avoid Metro cuts. Go take the poll here (before Tuesday morning).

9:13 AM NOTE: We stopped by the local Bike To Work Day stations – separate report coming up.

9:37 AM: If you use Airport Way – take note:

8 Replies to "TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday on the move; Bike To Work Day"

  • k May 16, 2014 (7:34 am)

    Be careful out there! A friend was in an accident this morning on the interurban trail north of Tukwila and likely has a broken wrist.

  • wsea May 16, 2014 (9:13 am)

    I had a close call on avalon and 35th. A lady pull across on the bike path and almost into oncoming traffic. We had a green light from the top of avalon so i’m not sure what she was thinking. I’m pretty use to things like this so I was not too upset but I was impressed what she could do to prevent a car accident while still holding her coffee in her left hand. be careful drivers/cyclist/peds

  • j May 16, 2014 (10:56 am)

    Was going to take the poll regarding how to make up for the Metro shortfall but all the options were to tax citizens through various avenues. I wanted to check the box RAISE BUS FARES but shockingly it wasn’t an option.

  • Bree May 16, 2014 (11:53 am)

    j – We were wondering about that also.

    WSB – will we be able to see the results of the poll once it is completed?


  • West Seattle since 1979 May 16, 2014 (1:41 pm)

    j, as WSB Tracy (and probably others) mentioned on the story about the poll, they are raiing the bus fares next year! They have also raised them in, I believe, 2011 and 2012.

    If bus fares are raised too high, fewer people will find it cost effective to take the bus, and there is a comment from Dr. Dimentico in the post regarding the poll showing one such situation. It’s one of the posts near the bottom, but it was really interesting and eye-opening.

  • Jane May 16, 2014 (2:56 pm)

    If as much of our taxes went to pubic transit as goes to subsidizing private vehicle use we would have world class transit to such a degree that no one would want or need to drive. Instead we get subsidized gas and roads that keep our population crippled by automobile addiction. I say let people pay the true cost of their cars as individuals and see where there priorities lie then.

  • Anne May 17, 2014 (7:55 am)

    West Seattle since 1979– they have never- & aren’t now raising fares enough!! They need to be MUCH closer to what it actually costs! More efficiency will encourage more people to use transit. Do we just have cheap fares – with ridiculously long commutes- or try to bring more on board with getting them where they want to go in the least amount of time- hopefully fewer transfers! I’d gladly pay higher bus fare for that.
    Jane— sorry I don’t understand what you’re trying to say?

  • West Seattle since 1979 May 17, 2014 (7:59 pm)

    Anne, how much do you think they should raise the fares?

Sorry, comment time is over.