Easy Street Records cleaning up after flooding damage – not because of the weather

(first two photos courtesy of Matt Vaughan)

Easy Street Records proprietor Matt Vaughan opened the shop a little later than usual this morning after cleaning up from flooding. No, it wasn’t a weather problem – Vaughan says the water was from a burst pipe in an apartment over the shop. So far, he says he’s lost about 5,000 records and 300 hoodies and tote bags to water damage.

Both the shop and the cafƩ are open, however (and as noted in our daily event list, an in-store concert is planned tonight).

1:08pm update: WSB contributor Jason Grotelueschen stopped by and talked to Vaughan, who took a quick break to show us that his staff had things mostly cleaned up at that point, with fans running. He noted where the water initially came into the store upstairs, before leaking down to the lower level of the store and even through to the Corner Pocket bar in the basement:

He added that he was grateful to those who worked hard to mitigate the damage, and said he had experienced “much worse” in terms of water damage during the store’s 36 years in business.

11 Replies to "Easy Street Records cleaning up after flooding damage - not because of the weather"

  • flimflam October 4, 2024 (12:56 pm)

    Agh! Brutal. Records and water are a terrible mixā€¦

  • Derek October 4, 2024 (1:12 pm)

    NOOOO!!! Love Easy Street hopefully they recover fast might have to grab some breakfast and a record this weekend….

  • Jim October 4, 2024 (1:15 pm)

    Some of those records must still be good. He should put them out for like a dollar each or free. Better than just tossing them

  • John October 4, 2024 (1:16 pm)

    I’d buy a water damaged hoodie if that would help.

    • Stephanie October 4, 2024 (2:10 pm)

      Same! Iā€™d go home and wash it anyway! Sorry to hear but glad it sounds at least mostly under control by now. Love easy street.

    • 2 Much Whine October 4, 2024 (2:18 pm)

      Me too!

    • ABC123 October 4, 2024 (2:26 pm)

      Maybe a “water sale” instead of a fire sale? I’m sure a lot of folks would LOVE to support if the team has bandwidth. 

    • Bonnie October 4, 2024 (2:51 pm)

      I would buy a water damaged hoodie. 

  • Yma October 4, 2024 (2:13 pm)

    If it’s just water – I’d totally still take a hoodie at half price!

  • RLV October 4, 2024 (2:42 pm)

    I’m happy to buy some water-damaged hoodies and totes, too. I’ll stop by early next week to see how else I can help you all. You’ve helped me many times. 

  • Jason October 4, 2024 (3:03 pm)

    Did they not update their pipes from galvanized to PVC?

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