CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Police release video in teen’s Westwood robbery arrest. Here’s where the case stands (updated Thursday afternoon)

2:25 AM: Almost three weeks ago, we reported that a woman had been attacked and robbed at the Westwood Village Rite-Aid, and followed up with a report on the charges filed against the 13-year-old arrested shortly after the attack. On Wednesday, SPD released this video of both the incident and the arrest:

The SPD post featuring the video did not include any case information beyond what we reported back when this happened. As we noted in our first follow-up report, the suspect already had two warrants out for his arrest before the Rite Aid incident, including one related to a business robbery and assault in Normandy Park in September that had been the subject of TV-news reports because of security video. The other was for a stolen-car case in Renton in October. He also was wanted for escape after cutting his home-detention bracelet and leaving home six days after being released from secure detention back in February.

So here’s what court documents say has happened since our last report:

-He’s been charged with second-degree robbery for this month’s Westwood Rite Aid incident.
-He’s been charged with second-degree escape for cutting off the monitoring device and leaving home in February
-He’s been charged with possession of a stolen vehicle for another October incident in Renton, this one involving a Kia Soul stolen from Auburn

With all that, the suspect is now charged with five felonies. He’s still in secure detention and is due in court today (Thursday) to be arraigned on the three newest felony charges. We’ll update when we find out what happens.

4:48 PM: Court documents from today’s brief hearing say Judge Kristin Richardson ordered the suspect to remain in custody. His next hearing is scheduled for May 9.

40 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Police release video in teen's Westwood robbery arrest. Here's where the case stands (updated Thursday afternoon)"

  • Brian April 25, 2024 (6:26 am)

    Love the “what’d I do?” response. Real cool dude. 

  • Steve April 25, 2024 (6:54 am)

    This guy sure loves to hit older women. The attack in Normandy Park was also on a women in her 60’s.  Hopefully he will learn this isn’t ok.

    • 1994 April 25, 2024 (10:50 pm)

      His father taught him the boxing moves and the father identified him after seeing video of the boxing moves on the poor lady in Normandy Park gang bang mob in the convenience store…..father also needs to instruct  his child on self-discipline, self-control, self-respect, and mostly respect for others! The kid is right where he belongs – for a while anyway – in detention. But after seeing him try to dart away from the police he doesn’t seem like he is interesting in learning how to make better choices. 

  • Canton April 25, 2024 (7:05 am)

    Maybe they should use candy bracelets with a monitoring device. Then there would be a chance the suspect would eat the gps tracker instead of cutting it off?!

  • DRW April 25, 2024 (7:09 am)

    13 years old. And he tried to bolt surrounded by four officers. Five felonies. Watch the video of him punching the victim then you judge.

  • Rio April 25, 2024 (7:38 am)

    So disturbing- the frenzy of others running in to take the women’s property is disgusting. 13 year old causing that much havoc is unbelievable. I grew up in WS and can hardly believe how dangerous it has become. What can we do to remedy this? 

    • WS teen April 25, 2024 (5:49 pm)

      As a 13 year old who grew up in ws and still is growing up in this city, I feel bad that I have to worry about the things that people MY age are doing to our elders. Last time I checked I was told to respect elders.

    • Tinycat April 25, 2024 (11:02 pm)

      Vote differently. We need someone who cares about crime and is actually going to do something about it. 

  • froggy8 April 25, 2024 (7:40 am)

    Holy crud, there was a group of them involved – vultures circling, picking thru the spoils! I need to watch the video again on a bigger screen – it looked like one of the punks was pushing a stroller, leaving it on the sidewalk (unattended) while running towards the group that ran SE  (lower left of screen) towards the woman. The “stroller-pusher’s” buddy (who was carrying a shopping bag) also dug thru the items that were spilled onto the ground. With all the released/unreleased video captures – each person that was involved, can/should easily be identified by family, friends, and school officials. Everyone in that group needs guidance/other outlets/compassion for others.

  • WSRob April 25, 2024 (8:24 am)

    Thanks Dow. 

  • HS April 25, 2024 (11:01 am)

    Incredibly disturbing. They all circled back to steal items from her then saw, watched briefly and slowly sauntered away while one of them physically assaulted another person (a woman). I was disgusted by the repetition of “I’m on the ground” while being arrested. His complete lack of concern for another persons safety yet the expectation of care & safety for his self, while being arrested for robbery and assault … I find people who have learned how to ‘work the system’ very frightening.

  • Lex April 25, 2024 (11:10 am)

    This is also why we need to be able to prosecute the parents in this too. At 13, he has obviously not had the parenting that has helped. 

    • Rhonda April 25, 2024 (6:00 pm)

      His father helped Seattle police identify him.

    • Tinycat April 25, 2024 (11:04 pm)

      Most of these parents out here with troubled teens actually care and have tried everything to get them back on the right path. It’s when they get mixed in with the wrong crowd that is when they get lost and start getting into trouble.

  • Alki resident April 25, 2024 (11:27 am)

    I was at Roxbury Safeway yesterday which I normally avoid. As I left the store to go to my car, I looked both ways before crossing the parking lot crosswalk and to my right I hear a girl yelling “ what are you looking at B”. I look over and she’s directing it towards me which was bizarre because I didn’t notice her and her girlfriends climbing the huge stack of bagged mulch along the store front. I looked at her as she’s wearing pajamas, clearly not in school and has total disregard for her elders. It’s pretty shocking how some of these kids have turned out. 

  • M April 25, 2024 (12:10 pm)

    I’m the parent of a son close to this age and can’t fathom behavior like this ever even crossing his mind.  Who is raising kids like this?  It blows my mind. 

  • Help our city April 25, 2024 (12:41 pm)

    Not ok anywhere. Assaulting old people and robbing purses seriously who’s kids are they hold the parents responsible for not keeping an eye on their kids behavior and raising a young adult to do better. That was the most petty crime I’ve ever seen those brats didn’t even know how to get away or run.. no wonder they got caught they deserve everything that’s coming to them

  • Westseadad April 25, 2024 (12:42 pm)

    The kid looks to be trained in 1800s style boxing. Isn’t that how the father identified him? 

    • WSB April 25, 2024 (1:04 pm)

      As mentioned in our previous followup (linked above), yes.

    • onion April 25, 2024 (1:17 pm)

      Did these kids grow up feral, without any adult guidance?  Their lives could have been so much better than they are going to be. What a waste.

      • Tinycat April 25, 2024 (11:06 pm)

        No. Alot of these kids get mixed up hanging out with people from the wrong crowd and then it’s down hill from there. You would really be shocked at how many of these kids actually come from good homes.

  • Derp April 25, 2024 (1:00 pm)

    Just makes me sick watching this young teenager taking on the woman.  I for one will step in if i see this happening again. We, the people of West Seattle need to start standing up to these delinquents. And where are this kids parents. It’s time for police and prosecutors to bring these parents up on charges.  

    • K April 25, 2024 (1:39 pm)

      His parents are the ones who recognized him and turned him in to police.  What charges do you think they should be brought up on?  Do you think other parents will be quick to turn their kids in to police if they know it will result in charges for them?

      • Derp April 25, 2024 (5:21 pm)

        Well they did the right thing.  If only other parents would be responsible for their delinquents. This one can’t be released again. He has proven he has no control.  

        • K April 26, 2024 (6:49 am)

          That’s the thing, Derp.  You don’t know what role parents are playing beyond your own assumptions.  Yes, it is often the case that environmental factors help shape a youth’s perspective on the importance of material things or social status, but kids with parents who do all the “right” things commit crimes too.  Let the police and the court system sort out who should be charged with what.  Write your state representative if you want to see the law change.  Dragging the parents through the mud online doesn’t solve anything.

      • Derp April 25, 2024 (5:24 pm)

        Where do you see he was turned in by his parents. The police caught him after this horrible incident happened. He tried to run away from numerous officers. Charge the parents for criminal assistance.  

        • WSB April 25, 2024 (6:16 pm)

          We reported that in our previous coverage. Linked above.

  • Mel April 25, 2024 (1:24 pm)

    I don’t care how old someone is, they need to be held in custody (as they are in this case) after committing crimes like this. Clearly this child doesn’t understand consequences. The safety of the community trumps the right for this young person the be released. We have seen so many instances of juveniles being released. I hope the judges will start to have a change of heart as we’re seeing more of this in our community. 

  • Every Day Carry April 25, 2024 (2:05 pm)

    SPD did a tremendous of job twisting this VERY dangerous, violent criminal into a pretzel, cuffing him, and getting him safely off the streets. They likely saved several senior women from being assaulted over the past few weeks.

  • Charles K April 25, 2024 (2:07 pm)
    • RIO APRIL 25, 2024 (7:38 AM)

       REPLYSo disturbing- the frenzy of others running in to take the women’s property is disgusting. 13 year old causing that much havoc is unbelievable. I grew up in WS and can hardly believe how dangerous it has become. What can we do to remedy this? 

    What we can do is stop voting for people like Dow Constantine, who wants to close the Youth Center.

  • Local of Gatewood April 25, 2024 (3:37 pm)

    Great work SPD. Continue your path to get this city back in line. Appreciate all you do. Anyone who sucker punches some poor lady hopefully will get what’s coming to them in the future. What a coward. 

  • TAnderson April 25, 2024 (4:54 pm)

     Watching this demonstrates that we need police officers to have almost super-human self-control at all times in order not to react out of anger — the sort of anger I felt at watching this video………again, I don’t condone police brutality but am in awe at the self-control and professionalism of these officers.

  • west seattle resident April 25, 2024 (9:30 pm)

    Teenagers are constantly shoplifting alcohol from that Rite Aid at Westwood Village and Rite Aid on California Avenue. Rite Aid staff and security need to do more to prevent anybody under 21 from getting hold of alcohol.

  • alki mom April 25, 2024 (11:02 pm)

    We need to do more to stop shoplifting. It’s everywhere, all the time, it’s creating an unsafe environment for everyone especially the people working in stores, and creates a sense of impunity a d gives them even more confidence to go to the next level of crime and aggression.  

    • ws blog reader April 26, 2024 (1:33 pm)

      Yes, shoplifting is being done by teenagers at many stores in West Seattle and lots of teens are going into those places to get alcohol. Security and staff should pay closer attention to what their customers are doing.

  • WSB reader April 25, 2024 (11:19 pm)

    This was disgusting and violent behavior, and the other kids condoned it. If it weren’t for the brave Rite Aid worker who intervened, things could have been worse for the lady. The parents of those involved should pay restitution for the city’s time and any required medical checkup. The kid should be taken off the streets for a fair amount of time. 

  • Westwood resident April 25, 2024 (11:36 pm)

    Throw the book at him, let him stay in juvenile until he’s 18 then lock him up for the same charges as an adult. I remember being a mischievous kid at his age, made some mistakes but he’s crossing lines you never cross. No respect for anyone else, not even himself.  Incredibly sad

    • Rick April 26, 2024 (7:11 am)

      If I got caught pulling that cr*p at 13 pretty sure I wouldn’t have seen 14.

  • Jeepney April 26, 2024 (7:22 am)

    Please do not forget that Dow Constantine and other local politicians want to eradicate secure juvenile detention in our county.

  • florida April 27, 2024 (7:48 am)

    In response to the comment, ‘poor old lady’. She doesn’t look like a ‘poor thing to me. So proud of my fellow ‘old lady’ for standing up to this guy. The ‘white knight rescuing the damsel -in- distress’ trope is so 1800s. If the Harveys get you in a hotel room, yer on your own. . . no white knight. No matter how much times HW serves, yer still f___ed.

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