BIZNOTE: Molly Moon’s Ice Cream on the way to West Seattle Junction

(Reader photo sent by Paul)

Thanks for the tips and photos! When we first got a reader photo of the Molly Moon’s Homemade Ice Cream “coming soon” banner in the recently vacated spot at 4540 California SW earlier today, we couldn’t find confirmation anywhere (including from the company itself) – but now they’ve announced it:

After years of countless emails, DMs, comments, as well as solicited & unsolicited advice – we’re bringing our homemade ice cream to West Seattle!!


Just like at our other scoop shops, we’ll be making all of the ice creams and toppings onsite in the shop’s kitchen! Keeping our ice cream locally made, right down to the neighborhood where it’s served, is what sets us apart. Churned and scooped by people in your community with lots of love and hometown pride!

As always, we’ll be sourcing our ingredients from local farms and producers, and making sure that we’re the absolute best employers for our team, the Mooncrew!

We can’t wait to join the other iconic Seattle businesses @easystreetrecords @maharaja.cuisine and @cupcakeroyale on the block!

Our new home will be at: 4540 California Ave SW

See you all sooooooon!!!

(No word yet HOW soon.) Molly Moon’s has 10 other locations around the region. It won’t be the first ice-cream chain to try its luck on that side of that block – if you’ve been here a while, you might remember a Ben and Jerry’s franchisee in the spot currently inhabited by Cupcake Royale.

167 Replies to "BIZNOTE: Molly Moon's Ice Cream on the way to West Seattle Junction"

  • Alki resident April 5, 2024 (7:56 pm)

    This makes me so happy. Was just talking last week about not having one very close by. Yay!!

  • Rhonda April 5, 2024 (8:03 pm)

    BOO!!! (hiss)

  • Good luck April 5, 2024 (8:14 pm)

    Good luck to them. We all know how it turned out for Ben & Jerry’s…..

  • Junction’er April 5, 2024 (8:17 pm)

    I hope this doesn’t take away from even a dime of Husky Deli’s business. Seems a bit of an obvious affront as this place moved in less than one full block away from Husky.Husky Deli is family-run by some of the best West Seattle has to offer. As local as a place can be and much less a conglomerate than Molly Moons with 10 other locations. I sure hope Husky can weather this storm—without the benefit of 10 other locations to lean on. 

    • Evan April 5, 2024 (9:11 pm)

      You realize Jack owns the entire block Husky Deli sits on, right?Rent alone probably damn near covers the dell’s operating costs.

      • WSB April 5, 2024 (10:54 pm)

        Not the entire block. About a third of it.

        • Pete April 6, 2024 (9:20 am)

          Only a third?! I reckon he’ll be fine :)

    • Lucy April 5, 2024 (9:28 pm)

      Agree 100%

    • 937 April 5, 2024 (9:44 pm)

      Husky is teflon. MM will not be a contender.

      At least a vacant storefront will be populated for 18-24 months.

    • Are you a Husky Deli Proxy April 5, 2024 (10:11 pm)

      Wow, if it’s not the usual “not another pizza place” it’s the “don’t disrupt our slightly above average ice cream selling establishment” ranting.  Husky is a fine establishment for the neighborhood and long may they remain as the are (until they Ballard style development kicks off eh!), but the are also no great shakes. Many of the imported produce and confectionary items there have been at or past their best before dates and still happily sitting there on the shelf  so while it’s great to appreciate an existing local business, how about people not idolize them as some be all and end all location. After all, if there was only ever one ice cream provider for an entire town then you would crave some change right!

      • HealthyCompetition April 6, 2024 (8:33 am)

        Agreed. My wife and I like the idea of Husky but we stopped shopping there because the imported items that attract us are often expired and the sandwiches and ice cream we used to enjoy multiple times a week priced themselves out of our budget. Maybe a little more competition will be healthy for the business and customers.

        • Pete April 6, 2024 (9:24 am)

          The condiments etc they stock just sit covered in dust on the shelves due to the absolutely wild prices they charge.  The ice cream is fine and aside from the dust and dirt, the place has a certain charm. My kid likes their ice cream. I’ll try MM  and ultimately just go for whichever is cheaper as long as the taste is comparable.

        • Be frank April 19, 2024 (6:33 am)

          I think you will find MM’s prices high as well.

      • Olive April 6, 2024 (10:35 am)

        All that meat! I want an ice cream shop, not cold cuts.  And it always seems like it could use a deep clean.Hurry, Molly!  Hurry!  Yum.

      • HDeli April 9, 2024 (7:08 am)

        I stopped going to Husky’s when they almost overcharged me on a fish tin ($40, tin said $8), and when my partner and I waited over 30 minutes for our sandwiches (we were the only ones in line). I fear they allow community goodwill to give them passes on things that other businesses would get demolished for.

    • Bob April 5, 2024 (10:14 pm)

      “Conglomerate.” I can’t believe this comment section is free.

    • WSresident April 6, 2024 (8:41 am)

      Tone to spread the wealth, husky is ok but their ice cream is made with corn syrup. Molly Moons is an amazing, female owned, local business who gives SO much back to community. She’s also well known for her excellent business practices related to how she treats and compensates her employees. I think the Husky family is doing fine considering they are about to build a 5 story apartment building and own half a block of West Seattle. 

      • Olive April 6, 2024 (10:37 am)

        Better ice cream, that’s for sure.  Hurry, Molly!

      • ES April 8, 2024 (10:49 pm)

        Molly Moon has such better ingredients and vegan GF options that Husky Deli doesn’t have. Can’t wait to have ice cream I can actually eat, especially with the Full Tilt announcement 

  • Morgan April 5, 2024 (8:21 pm)

    But huskies?Alki needs more option, although spud has underrated milk shake.

  • DragonMama April 5, 2024 (8:24 pm)

    While I do enjoy Molly Moons and have visited her other shops, I’m not certain about them competing so close to Husky’s. THEY are the true ICON of West Seattle. If it comes to them or Husky’s, I will 100% support Jack and Huskys forgoing any and all competitors. The proximity is the problem. If they moved to the Admiral or Morgan junction, it wouldn’t be an issue. After what happened with Coffee to a Tea with Sugar, which I’m still angry about – Cupcake Royale is a very incredibly pale comparison but they won and Cupcake Royale was run out of business. Prior to Great American Diner, “Shelby’s Bistro and Ice Cream Shop” (does anyone remember that brief fiasco?) they were almost directly across from Husky’s.  After one brief visit, I never returned until Glenn and Singh moved in with GAD. I have been a devoted patron because Glenn is amazing! Being a West Seattle Native (approx 50 years), I am very careful to support businesses that have been here a long time since there are now so few left. The Charlestown, Admiral Way Cafe, Admiral Benbow,  Rocksport, and so many other restaurants/eateries that have closed in more recent years need continued support. The pandemic wrecked us all. So, I am glad for the new opportunities, I’m grateful for new storefronts, but if anything threatens our beloved Huskys, I won’t support them.  

    • M April 5, 2024 (8:48 pm)

      DragonMama. I agree with you! Huskies is my go to for ice cream!

    • Hopefully helpful April 5, 2024 (9:05 pm)

      If it’s any help, the benbow room reopened a few years ago and it looks great inside and has ma’ono food in there

    • Tony Balogna April 5, 2024 (10:12 pm)

      I think if Husky goes belly up due to competing with one (1) other ice cream business, there may be other factors at play. Personally, I’m really excited to be able to get ice cream at hours not (seemingly) tailored for the kids.

      • Tony Balogna April 5, 2024 (11:35 pm)

        Adding onto my comment here. The Husky Deli person apparently owns a third of the block that Husky Deli sits on. I’m not losing any sleep over him getting some competition. Guy is loaded.

    • Lauren April 6, 2024 (4:08 pm)

      Dragonmama, another West Seattle native here. I have fond memories of all those spots. You should try some of the amazing new(er) restaurants. Lady Jaye, Raccolto, Dumplings of Fury. Restaurants come and go, neighborhoods evolve, and we’re lucky to still have a LOT of good eats. 

    • bill April 7, 2024 (8:57 am)

      Perhaps if you had supported some of the new businesses back in the day there would be more old businesses now.

  • Kristina April 5, 2024 (8:36 pm)

    Husky Deli in the Junction is a big part of this community. I would feel like a traitor to eat any other ice cream so near to them! Molly Moon’s is great, but Husky Deli has my loyalty.I thought the Ben and Jerry’s fiasco a few years back would serve as a warning… This town is loyal, and no ice cream is more local than Husky and the family that has run it for generations.

  • KD April 5, 2024 (8:38 pm)

    I’m not commenting from a political view, (so no rude arguing please) but pointing out the shock of when owner of Molly Moons put a sign in the window of her other ice cream shop stating that ‘No Police Officers Allowed’ or ‘Served’ or whatever. Don’t get me wrong, I’m against police brutality (I’ve been wrongly harassed by police) but as in all professions, there are bad apples and the rudeness to shut out the basic, good or heroic ones (plus anger the abusive ones further) on being not allowed in uniform to get ice cream, what a slap in the face, especially for when we really need police, and need the confidence of good officers (and their families who saw the sign).  This was a couple years back and I don’t know if her sign and policy is still active, but I consider that a ‘bad apple’ of shop ownership for the community and will purposely avoid giving that business my $money$.. besides, Husky’s across the street is longtime ice cream vendor and I’m sure appreciates the support of police and vice versa. What nasty actions have been done by certain bad officers should not be shunning all. I was shocked when I saw the Molly Moons owner decision on the news, and it was covered quite extensively then, it was sad. 

  • SeaVieu April 5, 2024 (8:41 pm)

    Best news I’ve had in a while. I love Molly Moons! And any new business that isn’t a real estate agent or bank is MOST welcome.

  • Westside April 5, 2024 (8:55 pm)

    Husky >> Moon’s 

  • Blbl April 5, 2024 (8:55 pm)

    Shugs may be new, but they already have my heart. 

    • MarinersMan12 April 5, 2024 (10:09 pm)

      I’d love to try Shug’s but they never seem to be open! 

      • WSresident April 6, 2024 (10:01 pm)

        I agree! I was trying to even plan a pro site party and communicating and they went silent. It was really odd. 

  • BT April 5, 2024 (8:57 pm)

    Amazing news! Have been waiting years for this to happen. Love that they have vegan ice cream options, and pup cups too!

  • Scoop up this April 5, 2024 (8:58 pm)

    Husky Deli should tell them they should reconsider. Kind of like how an unnamed business owner told a Portland ice cream shop to not come to town…

    • Bob April 5, 2024 (10:06 pm)

      Ya, totally, for sure man. Or,  Husky Deli could reconsider their terrible operating hours.

      • icecreamncake April 5, 2024 (11:34 pm)

        Agreed. Molly Moon’s hours will be later. And their unique flavors/topping are unmatched!! It’s completely different ice cream.

      • icecreamncake April 5, 2024 (11:35 pm)

        Agreed. Molly Moon’s hours will be later. The other locations are open till 10 pm (I think every day?)And their unique flavors/topping are unmatched!! It’s completely different ice cream.

        Their toppings alone have me DROOLIN

  • CARGUY April 5, 2024 (9:03 pm)

    Huskys is amazing and missing out soooo much by closing at 7pm. I would spend so much more money if they were open until 11 like Molly Moons. Both have good ice cream. Good to have options. 

  • Gina April 5, 2024 (9:05 pm)

    The California Ave ice cream trail, Lopez Island Creamery served at Shugs, Molly Moon’s and Husky. I guess Menchie’s could kinda be included for the self serve crowd.

    • KM April 6, 2024 (9:46 am)

      Oh man, Lopez Island is THE BEST around. I will have to stop by soon.

    • Gina April 6, 2024 (6:55 pm)

      oops, left out Cupcake Royale which is also serving scoops and Marination for Shave ice/ice cream!

  • Mel April 5, 2024 (9:07 pm)

    Same! Will continue to support Husky Deli. 

  • Cassandra April 5, 2024 (9:22 pm)

    I am so excited to have Molly Moon come to West Seattle. I live one block from Husky Deli but I can’t digest their ice cream. So I’ve had to drive out of West Seattle to get to ice cream I can digest–Molly Moon! Now I can happily get to the best ice cream for me…and many others. I’m sure there will be folks who feel committed to Husky. But I’m glad we have options. Great addition to the Junction.

  • Icecreamfordinner April 5, 2024 (9:31 pm)

    Very glad to have this option for my kid with a peanut allergy that can’t eat at other scoop shops. Thank you Molly Moons!

  • icecreamncake April 5, 2024 (9:39 pm)

    I can never make it to Husky before they close at 7. It’s such a missed opportunity to not have ice cream available after that time, so I’m STOKED for Molly’s to come to the neighborhood!!

  • RS April 5, 2024 (9:53 pm)

    Look, folks, there’s no limit on pizza OR ice cream. You can bet I’ll visit all of them (on my bike, so I can afford the calories).

  • Anne April 5, 2024 (9:53 pm)

    Will never -ever step into a Molly Moon shop.

  • Toddy Dyer April 5, 2024 (10:02 pm)

    Incredible – hooray – I love this – finally!!!!!

  • Chrissy D April 5, 2024 (10:02 pm)

    We’re a big city now folks, plenty of room for everyone to make their own choices. Everyone thrives, get used to it, this city is expanding.

    • Trevor April 6, 2024 (7:58 am)

      Yes! We have three grocery stores basically next to each other and I’m happy to have them all. I can only afford to shop in two of them, anyway. 😸Maybe the deli will improve their hours with a little competition nearby, too.

  • Gary April 5, 2024 (10:04 pm)

    Woohoo! Genuinely cannot wait for ice cream with some normal operating hours.

  • Shut it Down April 5, 2024 (10:15 pm)

    Don’t think I have ever rooted for a business to fail but here we are. Husky Deli is everything that’s good about West Seattle and the folks behind Shugs went through a ton to get up and running in our community.Ownership at MM has done everything possible to be controversial over the years (e.g., suing the city over Chop lost revenue after being supportive of the movement, removing tip sharing for workers, the on-duty police ban, etc.). 

    • Bob April 5, 2024 (10:37 pm)

      Well, that’s not a very neighborly attitude at all now is it.

    • KD April 5, 2024 (11:18 pm)

      Agree.. and I didn’t even know about the tip controversy or the suing the city, just what I had mentioned about banning police and her statements in the news. Folks will have the right and choice to go in and enjoy their brand, but I can’t stomach the owners choices and don’t want to spend one dime there, and DO appreciate the iconic Husky Deli and the owners good cheer and work for decades in West Seattle. People have choices to go to, a wealth of ice cream in WS. 

      • Daniel April 6, 2024 (8:22 am)

        Side note, it isn’t “tip sharing”, but rather they got rid of tips altogether.  Not that you can afford to live comfortably in Seattle either way on a Molly Moon’s or Husky Deli income alone, given rent prices.  And it wasn’t “on duty police ban”, but rather a ban on guns (which realistically translates to openly carrried guns).  Whether or not you or I agree with tipless $21/hr wages or a ban on people open carrying guns in stores, the phrasing on GP is a little misleading.

        • Shut it Down April 6, 2024 (10:30 am)

          MM has had the no gun policy for years, and understand the reasoning there, but the owner then added signage at the Capitol Hill that was directed explicitly towards officers – then started doing news interviews about how she’s against our current policing system. All for having a voice and using it, just don’t go as far as politicizing your business and then come back to sue the city for the way they handled the criminal justice reform movement after you helped advocate for it.Fair point on removing tips outright vs. tip sharing – lots of employees effectively took pay cuts as a result. There are valid points on either side of that one and a biz owners choice, but don’t masquerade it as we’re here for the consumer. It’s mostly riding the social wave of anti-tipping policy but then just increasing costs to offset it.

          • CAM April 6, 2024 (10:54 am)

            Oh, youre against businesses making political statements? Does that apply to Next to Nature? Or West Seattle Runner? Or any of the other businesses in West Seattle that have done so?

          • Jeff April 8, 2024 (9:34 am)

            That makes them cool in my book. The officers around CHOP were gassing people and shooting bean bag guns at people. This will make me buy an ice cream at MM after all.  Literally every place is increasing costs and sneaking in higher tipping. Your post feels like hate just to hate.

    • icecreamncake April 5, 2024 (11:32 pm)

      This is wild. Rooting for a business to fail just because you are loyal to an existing ice cream/sandwich/imported goods shop is ridiculous. This is another business local to Seattle! and ultimately: it’s ice cream! Relax.

      • Shut it Down April 6, 2024 (12:20 am)

        Not literally hoping for MM to fail, the post and user name was a bit tongue-in-cheek – will just personally support other businesses that do more for our community. It is a good addition for those with dietary restrictions/preferences and glad people will have new options.Last thing, but take a look at when the owner publicly petitioned against something as simple as bike lanes being added in Bellevue because it would eliminate a few parking spots near her storefront.

        • Cam April 6, 2024 (7:47 am)

          Are you absolutely kidding me? Just a bit tongue in cheek? You’re ridiculous. It’s a freaking ice cream place, the world will be ok. If you don’t like it, don’t go there. Also I wonder when any of these commenters actually got ice cream at Husky…

        • Alki resident April 6, 2024 (8:24 am)

          In that case, I’m happy she petitioned to keep parking available to her customers. I would’ve done the same thing..Having parking isn’t a bad thing, it’s a necessity. My family member is currently looking for a brick and mortar and parking is one of the top priorities in their search. 

  • MAF April 5, 2024 (10:15 pm)

    Wow… this makes me so upset knowing the history when Click closed and the stuff the LL pulled

    • Suzanne April 5, 2024 (11:45 pm)

      MAF — Who is LL?

      • Pelicans April 6, 2024 (2:31 am)

        By LL I think the poster is referring to the building’s landlord.

      • Oh Seattle April 6, 2024 (9:07 am)

        Guessing LL = landlord. If I recall, Click had a buyer lined up for their business, but the landlord would not negotiate with them on the lease so Click shut down instead of continuing under new ownership.

  • Matty April 5, 2024 (10:29 pm)

    Hooray — All the ice cream will float! What happened to the ebike place??

  • Alki resident April 5, 2024 (10:38 pm)

    I grew up with Husky Deli and still to this day it isn’t the best ice cream I’ve ever had. One of the best sandwiches I’ve ever had though. It’s nice to have variety and different flavors and versions. Not everyone can eat the Husky ice cream. I know my grandsons can’t. Can you imagine only getting one version of pizza or burgers here? 

  • Abuseintake April 5, 2024 (10:46 pm)

    How about a healthy option? There’s so much junk on California Avenue. Don’t you think that Chipotle could use a little competition? 

    • SacramentoBeeMan34 April 5, 2024 (11:37 pm)

      Are you implying that Chipotle is a healthy option?

  • brad smith April 5, 2024 (10:46 pm)

    Husky Deli RULES!! Molly Moon GO AWAY!!

  • ICE CREAM April 5, 2024 (10:55 pm)

    I am so excited!!!!!!!!!! YAY!! I love Molly Moon’s!

  • Suzanne April 5, 2024 (11:39 pm)

    Husky Deli’s 3rd generation owner, Jack Miller and his family personify the kindness and caring of WS. They’ve supported countless community efforts and employed probably hundreds of our kids, providing their first jobs. I’d be hard pressed to think of another retailer who has done more for WS than Husky Deli (although Matt Vaughan of Easy Street Records is probably a close second). 

    The location MM’s is choosing is completely tone deaf to the Junction as it clearly wants to compete directly with Husky Deli. If they had chosen another WS neighborhood, I would be okay that. But with this business decision, I genuinely hope they fail. My heart will always be with Husky Deli and the Miller family. 

    In addition to being tone deaf on proximity to Husky, MM’s includes in their “they’ve announced it” link the Maharaja restaurant (“We  can’t wait to join the other iconic Seattle businesses @easystreetrecords @maharaja.cuisine and @cupcakeroyale on the block!”) The two brothers who own the Maharaja restaurant own of the properties that were rented by Pharmaca, Bin 41, and Taqueria Guaymas. For a painful reminder of the Maharaja brothers lack of commitment to the Junction,  see the comments here — 

    • Bob April 6, 2024 (8:48 am)

      Suzanne, what, exactly, is so so great about Husky deli? Outside of a first job for your kid and a cute memory. It’s a rich guy who owns half the block and employs your kids… and? Molly Moons is a rich gal who owns 10 ice cream shops and will employ your kids. This obnoxious obsession with husky is so weird. The ice cream is mediocre! 

      • ACG April 6, 2024 (4:54 pm)

        Without hesitation,  Husky Deli (Jack) is always willing to support school fundraisers, community groups and community events. Every single time. I appreciate the community support Husky has offered for decades. That good will earns a lot of loyalty from people. 

    • WSresident April 6, 2024 (10:07 pm)

      Are you implying that BUSINESS’ shouldn’t be competitive? We should have sit downs with the other local business before we decide what ti do with our business plans- that’s so ridiculous. 

    • wsresident April 11, 2024 (11:55 am)

      If you believe that Molly Moons is even considering Husky and it’s ice cream, I think that’s bananas. There is no comparison of the two products. MM has every right to come and have a business in WS and take up space and also compete with whomever they’d like. Jack and his family have done a lot for the community but Molly Moon isn’t a money hungry business owner – she’s extremely community centric and donates TONS of money to causes such as homelessness, domestic violence and the food bank to name a few. So of the tenants that COULD be coming, I surely welcome a newer, business who pays a living wage, offers amazing benefits and also takes care of the community to JOIN our business district, thy offer vegan and healthier options. Big city, things change, don’t eat there if you don’t like it but I believe they will thrive in the junction. 

    • B April 19, 2024 (8:51 pm)

      Suzanne, your response is what is wrong with the internet. Community is needed in our world and wishing failure upon a female-owned business is eye-opening to say the least. Welcoming new businesses into the junction is vital. Would you prefer empty store fronts to adorn our Junction? Individuals are welcome to spend their money where they choose. I genuinely hope conversation continues regarding the unspoken, gatekeeping that individuals like yourself wish to perpetuate in West Seattle. 

      Very excited for Molly Moon’s! Bring on the YETI :)

  • Vegan For The Animals April 5, 2024 (11:51 pm)

    I’m just glad an ice cream place with VEGAN options is opening in The Junction. Last time i checked (this morning), Husky Deli had NO vegan options, NONE!The vegan community welcomes you, Molly Moon’s! 

    • Admiral Res April 6, 2024 (10:23 am)

      I share your excitement to finally have vegan options coming for those who cannot enjoy anything at Husky Deli. Can’t wait to support a business that recognizes not everyone can consume dairy!

  • Jay April 5, 2024 (11:52 pm)

    If for any reason, you can’t handle Husky ice cream (which happens to be my favorite), the PCC carries Molly Moon’s. I think Molly Moon’s is just a bit too hipster, but their ice cream is okay. 

  • Mellow Kitty April 5, 2024 (11:53 pm)

    Husky Deli is going to be fine. The ice cream portion is probably not the most significant revenue source. The comments seem to suggest that people are forgetting Husky is a deli with an ice cream counter. I’m all about the sandwiches and goodies! If you want their ice cream, no one is stopping you. Keep supporting them. For people outside of West Seattle, like family and friends, they’ll like having a choice. I like having a choice. MM will have many different flavors to choose from. They’re not just going to be a clone of the Husky ice cream counter. 

  • Iscreamforicecream April 6, 2024 (12:17 am)

    I’m all about supporting local businesses, but if Molly moons is open and husky deli is closed yet again, I know where I’m going for my ice cream cravings… seriously husky needs to figure out their operating hours, I see so many people try to get ice cream and they are already closed.

  • Gatewood Gal April 6, 2024 (12:27 am)

    Never heard of Molly Moon’s….. remember there used to be a Baskin & Robbin’s on Admiral? Gotta get out of WSea more

  • Resident April 6, 2024 (12:44 am)

    If half of the effort that went into the comments of this article was put towards our homeless and fentanyl crisis we probably could get something accomplished. What a joke.  

  • Rb April 6, 2024 (12:53 am)

    I am happy for them bit I actually wish they would have opened in Westwood village.  There is already ice cream in the Junction.

    • Elle April 6, 2024 (1:21 am)

      Small biz can’t afford Westwood. My fav small biz pet store there had to move to Jefferson Square!

      • WSresident April 6, 2024 (10:08 pm)

        If she can afford U-village she can afford Westwood. 🤣 it’s not the target demographic. 

      • wsresdient April 11, 2024 (11:57 am)

        Pet Supplies Plus in Westwood is amazing, locally owned and community minded – I love them so much and their owners are the loveliest people. 

      • wsresdient April 11, 2024 (12:03 pm) for all the haters – uses local milk, supports local food banks, environmentally conscious, supports Seattle Schools, local Girl Scouts and many others. 

    • Kt April 6, 2024 (7:27 am)

      Hi RB…nearby Westwood Village, White Center has two ice cream shops:  Full Tilt and Puffy Panda.

  • Elle April 6, 2024 (1:18 am)

    Good grief. It’s an ice cream shop; another locally-owned small biz. And female-owned! There’s enough room for everyone at this table! The pearl-clutching comments are childish quite frankly. Not once has MM’s stated that they’re coming to take business away from anyone.  People complain about small biz disappearing. How about we quit being hypocritical and support ALL small biz?! Geez, I’ve seen 3rd graders act more mature.

    • Matt April 6, 2024 (8:46 am)

      Came here to say that. You said it better. It’s like everyone wants a business that they love to do well, and they want people to know about it, but they don’t want it to do TOO well, and they don’t want too many people to know about it, and if it expands or starts to get too successful they can’t wait to jump on the “it used to be cool” train.Literally everything wrong with humanity encapsulated in a microblog post in tiny West Seattle. Well done, people.

      • Elle April 6, 2024 (1:01 pm)

        Exactly, Matt. And, I didn’t even mention that MM’s has a completely different menu and business model. Heaven forbid Dick’s ever decides to open a location in WSea! Can you imagine the uproar?

        • sam-c April 6, 2024 (3:26 pm)

          You said it so well Elle.  The rabid dedication to Husky ice cream is confounding to me.   Obviously, Husky will be fine, with Molly Moons in the Junction or not.I do like the candy, specialty foods, sandwiches, deli items, etc from Husky.  But to me, the Husky ice cream is not anything to get excited about.   To me, it’s similar in flavor to the Tillamook or Umpqua cartons I pick up from the grocery store.  And some people like those flavors, and enjoy going to pick up an ice cream treat at Husky Deli; that’s great!  On the other hand, Molly Moons flavors suit my tastes better.  Honey lavender is my favorite.  Around 10 years ago, I tried a peach blondie flavor at MM that I still think about.    Sweet Cream and Yeti are good too.   And the toppings and sundae options are what make Molly Moons a special occasion dessert night for our family.And it will be nice that Molly Moons will still be open after we finish dinner.

  • Walterego April 6, 2024 (1:19 am)

    Truly embarrassing these comments wishing failure to Molly Moons. There’s plenty of room for another ice cream shop, especially a homegrown, woman-owned establishment like MMs. And it’s great ice cream, period. 

  • Alf April 6, 2024 (1:29 am)

    Competition is a good thing in the market placefolks will decide between husky and MM

    • Rocky Rhodes April 6, 2024 (4:19 pm)

      I totally agree. I wish Salt & Straw would open in the Junction too.

  • miws April 6, 2024 (2:10 am)

    Latest hot topic: ICE CREAM! 😄 —Mike 

  • Pelicans April 6, 2024 (6:22 am)

    Holy S####!Crap, I don’t want to be berated with politics the second I walk in to buy ice cream. Just sell it to me, let me pay, and then walk out. Is that so hard?

  • Andy April 6, 2024 (6:49 am)

    One thing I know for certain that Molly Moon’s does have that Husky does not: an “s” at the end of its name.  

  • Andrew April 6, 2024 (7:10 am)

    The amount of b-hurt in this post is epic. Just go to the ice cream shop of your fancy…we don’t need all the opinions on this. I’ll be over here on the stair climber with my lactose intolerance digestion. 

  • Kt April 6, 2024 (7:25 am)

    I wonder if these comments would be of a different tone if people had to use their real names.

  • Sam-c April 6, 2024 (7:44 am)

    Excited for Molly Moons in West Seattle!  I really like their flavors.  I know I’ve been one of the “many” emails…

  • HS April 6, 2024 (7:50 am)

    Yay!! I’m super excited to have a place that stays open late. I love their ice cream. These comments are nuts. There are 5 recycled clothing stores in the Junction. Three places that sell kid toys. Three places that sell speciality pastries & desserts. Three places to exercise. Three places to get skin care. Two places to buy furniture. Personally, I buy sandwiches at Husky Deli but don’t like their ice cream but I love Molly Moon ice cream 🤷‍♀️. I also like getting pie and ice cream at A La Mode 🤷‍♀️ Fortunately, my gym is just down the street 😂

    • Duwamesque April 6, 2024 (6:05 pm)

      Don’t forget 80 places to get Mexican food and 80,000 options for pizza.

  • Trevor April 6, 2024 (8:01 am)

    I’ll be happy to have an option for ice cream I can eat (dairy does me wrong) available during the hours when I like to eat it.

  • DRW April 6, 2024 (8:10 am)

    Can more ice cream really be a bad thing?

  • Scarlett April 6, 2024 (8:18 am)

    For all sackcloth and ash routines about being poor and over-taxed, a lot of West Seattleites seem to have no problem coming up with $5 for a scoop of ice cream.  

    • Alki resident April 6, 2024 (9:44 am)

      It’s perfectly fine to reward yourself now and then with a delicious treat no matter the price. Nothing is cheap anymore, and ice cream will always have a soft spot in our hearts. 

      • Scarlett April 6, 2024 (10:57 am)

        True, nothing is cheap anymore, and you know who have suffered the least and profited the most from inflation, Alk resident?  The upper-middle class with sizable assets.  The moaning about being poor is only superceded by the moaning about taxes – the latter, though I’ll grant you, has been a complaint from time immemorial. 

  • DD April 6, 2024 (8:18 am)

    Long time customer and fan of Husky’s and appreciate the Miller family’s commitment to our community.  Glad there will be a later night option for a scoop during the summer, but have always enjoyed mingling with other fans and their kids on line for a treat during the day.  What sets Husky Deli apart from Molly Moons is the service and sense of celebration you enjoy….even when it’s a long wait!  You never know who will be behind the ice cream counter and it can be a unique experience.  I don’t begrudge anyone having a choice of ice cream vendors and options, so won’t rant about the siting MM has chosen, though I agree it could have been better located.  I have been to Molly Moons on Queen Anne, U Village, Bellevue.  Not hugely impressed, and definitely not the same experience with friendly service.  The price point is an eye opener/ wallet cleanser too.  But if they offer options of flavors and blends that folks prefer and enjoy, that’s great.  I’m pretty sure Husky Deli as well as Molly Moons will be busy.  Personally I’m a huge fan of a couple of Husky flavors (not saying which) that I’m sticking with! 

  • Joan April 6, 2024 (8:26 am)

    Agreed. Husky will be just fine.  It’s like when Whole Foods came to WS. I vowed never to go there. I love PCC and TJs, and have never gone to WF. They are all doing just fine.

  • Glendafrench April 6, 2024 (8:36 am)

    I’m not the biggest fan of Molly Moons, and I wish they would have picked Alki, which could use a good ice cream option.  Not sure if this was covered here before, but Molly Moons will also be setting up shop at the historical Washington Street Boat Landing, which is right as you get off the Water Taxi

    • Alki resident April 6, 2024 (9:40 am)

      Alki is dead in the winter and not many businesses thrive down there that time of year. This’ll be close and convenient for everyone ALL year round. They have great ice cream

  • aa April 6, 2024 (9:08 am)

    This is not competition, it’s an option.  Husky Deli does not need its customers fighting a ridiculous battle for ice cream loyalty.   Molly Moons is a conglomerate by definition and there is no reason to use that as an insult if you actually look up the definition.  By having many locations Molly has been able to provide good paying jobs with 100% covered health benefits for all her employee’s. Creating and promoting financially stability for food service workers is very important to her. When you calm down from your ice cream outrage you will learn that these two business owners are cut from the same cloth, they honor and respect their employees and the community.  Life is too short to fight over ice cream!

  • JackJackAttack April 6, 2024 (9:33 am)

    I will never understand why so many people of West Seattle believe that Husky Deli ought to have a monopoly on ice cream in the junction!  Frankly the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream was better than what Husky has to offer.   And Shelby’s was better than Ben and Jerry’s, and the ice cream that Cupcake Royale served for a limited time was better than the rest.  But oh my gosh, if you dare to compete with Husky Deli…  the gloves come off.  I have been to Husky countless times with my kids – but the ice cream there is not the greatest by any standard.  The man needs to step up his game in the quality, service and cleanliness departments – but with no competition he has no incentive to do so.  I will be first in line at Molly Moons – because it is the only way to force Husky to be better Jack sure isn’t gonna do it on his own.

  • Ex-Westwood Resident April 6, 2024 (9:41 am)

    Chill about the Moly Moon vs. Husky folks.

    They are not even the type of businesses. Husky’s is a Deli/Boutique store that also sells ice cream. Molly Moons is an ice cream store.

    You CAN patronize both; buy a sandwich at Husky’s and eat it while walking to Molly Moon’s for dessert!!

    Personally, I won’t step foot in Molly Moon’s. The “open carry ban” IS an “ipso facto” ban on On-Duty Police Officers since they OPEN carry guns.

    NO, they can NOT lock their service firearm in their patrol car to get ice cream.

    YES, they are allowed to stop and eat while on patrol.

  • BUDDSMOM April 6, 2024 (9:45 am)

    Doesn’t Cupcake Royale ALSO sell LOCALLY made ice cream by Full Tilt? Support our WS family run options!  RIP Justin.

    • Demarie April 6, 2024 (3:36 pm)

      Yes, Cupcake Royale makes and sells their own ice cream (not from Full Tilt) It’s awesome to have so many options to choose from!

  • Katie Bucy April 6, 2024 (10:32 am)

    I won’t be visiting MM. I’m a loyal Husky customer. 

  • Amy Thomson April 6, 2024 (11:25 am)

    I’m deeply divided on this.  My daughter works for Molly Moon, and I know that they treat their employees very well, and pay them a really decent wage.  However, I’m also a long-time West Seattlite, and Husky Deli is quite an institution.  I wish Molly Moon had picked a different location, but I’ll probably go to both, on the rare times I let myself eat ice cream.

  • Flaunt-Leroy April 6, 2024 (11:31 am)

    Oh no! Change! More options and successful business in the junction! What will we do!?

  • Mike April 6, 2024 (11:48 am)

    Why go to either when you can buy an $8 pint of Ben and Jerry’s from Thriftway?  Mike

    • Pelicans April 6, 2024 (8:09 pm)

      Sad newsflash:  “Pints” aren’t pints anymore. At least for B & J’s. More like 14 oz.

      • Pelicans April 7, 2024 (12:06 am)

        Oops – Meant Haagen-Dazs is now 14oz. B&J’s is still 16. But can no longer find my fave, their Pistachio Pistachio. Will have to “settle” for Rum Raisin 🫠

        • miws April 7, 2024 (12:46 am)

          Pelicans, Amazon Fresh delivery has Pistachio Pistachio available for $6.29/pint. —Mike 

    • Wes C. Addle April 8, 2024 (12:48 pm)

      Also, it’s only 4.99 most of the time.

  • waikikigirl April 6, 2024 (12:32 pm)

    Sometimes I think these comments are “just pretend” so as to keep people from moving to WS…after seeing all the complaining, especially about any type of food I’d be scared to move here! 🥴

  • NW April 6, 2024 (1:46 pm)

    Great news look forward to MM in The Junction. I am going to take the bus 50 from The Alaska Junction tomorrow evening to Colombia City anyone care to join me to visit their location?

  • TTT April 6, 2024 (2:22 pm)

    Yay! I love MM! 

  • D April 6, 2024 (3:40 pm)

    When are we going to get bagels in the junction?? I’m hoping they put a bagel shop in the ex Lodge space I would be in multiple times a week!

    • LO April 6, 2024 (5:47 pm)

      East coast bagels, yes please 

  • Foop April 6, 2024 (3:50 pm)

    Can we get the pickle ball thing done in LP while all the NIMBYs are busy creating faux outrage over ice cream?

    • WSresident April 6, 2024 (10:14 pm)

      🤣🤣🤣 thank you for this! 

  • Patrick W April 6, 2024 (4:18 pm)

    Go Cougs! Go Molly Moon!

  • Colby April 6, 2024 (4:38 pm)

    Believe it or not, you can visit and support multiple ice cream locations. 

    • My two cents April 6, 2024 (9:53 pm)

      That would be a win-win!

  • Alki resident April 6, 2024 (4:41 pm)

    I’m embarrassed to even be in the same community as some of you at this point. It was completely impossible to welcome a new small business to the junction. A successful one at that. I hope she focuses on her business and carefully selects what she ends up doing for the community as a contributor. I hope other small businesses choose wisely if they want to be a part of this now snobby community that once didn’t use to be that way. Unreal

  • Rosey April 6, 2024 (6:37 pm)

    This neighborhood can be exhausting sometimes. You can support local Seattle-based Molly Moons and WS-staple Husky Deli. You don’t have to choose. I’d rather we celebrate a Seattle ice cream staple moving in to our side of the city.

  • aa April 6, 2024 (7:02 pm)

    This reminds me of the uproar over Chipotle coming to the Junction.  How many years ago was that?

  • What’s all the fuss April 6, 2024 (10:30 pm)

    Am I missing something?husky is a well known shop and more of a place to be seen and say you shop atice cream is Ok, sandwiches while tasty very expensive I just don’t see the huge attraction of the store, kinda like a urban myth, bigger better in folks mind than reality 

  • 98136 April 7, 2024 (9:29 am)

    This thread is really giving NIMBY foxnews comment section vibes. A neighborhood should be thrilled to welcome new local businesses for more offerings to their downtown. They aren’t overlapping and they’re totally different business models. After a little league game, I’m sure crowds of people will still take all their kids to go line up husky for sandwiches and ice cream (a deterrent for me, so excited for another option). People who want traditional home style ice cream will go to husky. At 8pm after dinner in the junction on a Tuesday, I’d love to go to MM. both can exist. Both will be great. Welcome!!

  • Pam April 7, 2024 (10:41 am)

    Sheesh. First people complaining about the new coffee shop opening, and now 100+ comments complaining about an ice cream shop opening. Does everyone here want empty store fronts? No wonder most new restaurants opening in WS are owned by the same people. If I was a business owner I wouldn’t want to open a place here after reading these comments…

  • NW April 7, 2024 (10:47 am)

    Maybe Molly Moons ice cream can provide a space and a time slot for admittedly myself included West Seattle NIMBYs to have an in person sharing circle place that accepts ALL. I am serious it’s needed in greater west seattle.

  • BF April 7, 2024 (10:55 am)

    Favor who you want, because in The Junction, we now have a myriad of local and beloved options to choose from … one would say we have a plethora of options! From Cupcake Royale’s cupcake laced flavors, to Moto’s soft serve varieties in their own homemade sourdough cones, to our own legit neighborhood ice cream parlor provided by Shug’s, to the clear leader of ice cream induced love, Husky Deli. I welcome the drool worthy aroma of Molly Moon’s waffle cones to the Junction! Visit them all & maybe start dropping hints for an ice cream crawl or  scoop-off at Summer Fest!!

  • David April 7, 2024 (11:02 am)

    In my opinion Cupcake Royal has the best ice cream – it’s expensive but worth it – looking forward to trying the new Molly Moon’s 😎

  • Kathy April 7, 2024 (11:47 am)

    Donut shops, eclair shop, ice cream shops, cupcake shop, pie shop, bakeries, beignets (tho “temporarily” closed). We are well covered for sweets in West Seattle. 

  • SuperAwesome April 7, 2024 (3:00 pm)

    Shame on you all for wishing failure on a small business. Molly Moons is a home grown Seattle chain that happens to make bomb ice cream (not to mention accessible for peanut and other allergy havers.) I’m excited for this new edition! 

  • Als April 7, 2024 (6:58 pm)

    Don’t really care about either and would prefer to see west Seattle actually have healthy food options, even if a chain. (e.g. Evergreens)

    • BF April 8, 2024 (6:07 pm)

      I second an Evergreens!! I will definitely need a few salads in my life after all this ice cream.

  • Jeff April 8, 2024 (9:38 am)

    I am pro Molly Moon!!!!

  • La April 8, 2024 (12:48 pm)

    Very astonishing that there are adults on here vocalizing a business downfall. I’m all for speaking your truth and whatever opinions and bias you may have, but what ever happen to keeping that shit to yourself? Why cant we just welcome the new business and hope it goes well. You don’t have to visit it if  you don’t support the owner but it’s so disappointing to read some of these comments, you guys should be embarrassed. 

  • Al April 8, 2024 (1:42 pm)

    Have any of the commenters here ever been to Husky? The line during hot weather goes 50ft through the store. We need more ice cream options, and now we finally get one. As a husky fan, I’m happy for this, simply because I hope now maybe the line at husky will be a little shorter. 

  • Suzanne April 8, 2024 (10:15 pm)

    Molly Moon’s — Please consider taking over Full Tilt’s location in White Center. I’m certain that you would be a very welcome addition to that neighborhood. They need the joy, happiness, and delicious ice cream that you would bring, to help fill the gigantic hole left after Justin’s passing.

  • LoveMM April 21, 2024 (1:28 pm)

    I am SO excited about this! We love Molly Moon and can actually eat it. They make excellent ice cream – no funky ingredients and offer vegan and gluten free options. We were just in Columbia City yesterday and there was a line down the block. This is a huge boon for West Seattle. 

Sorry, comment time is over.