CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Burglary suspect charged, as family tells their story of fighting back

(WSB photo, early Sunday)

“The facts of this case are terrifying.” That’s how the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office opens the charging-document summary for 29-year-old Ethan McConaghy, charged with first-degree burglary and fourth-degree assault, accused of breaking into a home near 48th/Charlestown early Sunday morning and attacking the family who lives there. (Here’s our original report.) Even more than the narrative in the charging document, that assessment is borne out by the family telling their story in their own words – including their children’s bravery. Here’s what they sent:

It was around 6:45 am and my husband and I had just woken up when we were startled by the sound of breaking glass. Thinking that our china cabinet shelves had collapsed, we went downstairs and were confronted by an intruder entering the house via our broken dining room window. We demanded he leave our house but he didn’t respond and instead, came at us. My husband stopped him physically and they began to wrestle. I yelled for our children to call 911.

I proceeded to help my husband by opening the door so he could force the intruder outside. Once out, he was again told to leave. He ignored us and came at my husband again; they wrestled, moving onto the lawn while I called out for help. The man then ducked out of his shirt and jacket, allowing him to elude my husband and run at me while I was standing in the doorway. I defended myself but was ultimately dragged down the front steps to the lawn. The man then ran back into the house; he made it to the foot of the stairs before my husband caught up with him.

I had followed my husband inside and we tried to hold the intruder back, but he was able to struggle up the stairs. He then managed to break free and enter our younger daughter’s room, but he came back out immediately. She was not there because she had locked herself in our bedroom and was on the phone with 911. He then broke down the door to our bedroom and rushed our daughter, knocking the phone out of her hand. At that point, my husband was able to stop him by jumping on top of him. I grabbed our daughter and took her downstairs, yelling to our older daughter to call 911 and that we needed to leave immediately. When we caught up with her, she was on the phone with 911, and we were all able to get out of the house together.

Our children ran for safety while I ran to the neighbor’s house to get help. When I returned to our house with my neighbor, my husband had the man pinned down. I then left to locate our daughters. While I was looking for them, the police arrived, and I directed them to the scene. Our daughters had hidden themselves safely out of sight and were soon found by the police. Eventually, the police brought the man out of our house, and he was taken away in their custody.

We appreciate the help and kindness of our neighbors and the police response. We are proud of our daughters. They reacted quickly and effectively; they got the police to our house, took care of each other, and found safety. My daughters and I are in awe of how my husband handled the situation. Through this ordeal, we are closer as a family. We can only hope that as we heal mentally and physically from this experience, the person who caused this trauma is also getting the help he needs so we all can grow from this terrible experience.

The suspect remains in the King County Jail, held in lieu of $50,000 bail. The charging documents list his “last known address” as several blocks south of the crime scene; the family had never seen him before. His only listed prior conviction is for DUI, 13 years ago; he also has a recent DUI case that is not yet resolved.

23 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Burglary suspect charged, as family tells their story of fighting back"

  • West Seattle Lite March 14, 2024 (6:25 pm)

    I am so incredibly sorry this happened to you. Your entire family was very brave, especially your daughters who thought to call 911, and to lock themselves into hiding. I can’t imagine what you went through nor what you’re going through now. We’re less than a block away on the same street and it’s crazy to me that this was happening to you Sunday morning while everyone else went on with their usual Sunday mornings. Hoping that you can all recover. 

  • onion March 14, 2024 (6:52 pm)

    Based on the horrific narrative it seems to me the bail is too low. I hope the bail is high enough that he gets to sit in jail a long time, long enough to get the mental help and supervision that he needs. An older or less fit person might not have survived this without serious injuries.

    • DRW March 14, 2024 (7:09 pm)

      I agree with Onion. Should have been at least $500,000.00 just due to the violent nature. 

  • Person March 14, 2024 (7:27 pm)

    So scary and glad you weren’t harmed. Was the person a blond white man in about his late 20’s to late 30s? While out walking last week, I passed a man of that description in that area who was obviously suffering from mental issues (yelling very angrily at nothing). Concerned me enough to tell my family we need to start being more vigilant about locking all doors.

  • HM March 14, 2024 (8:35 pm)

    I’m so glad your family was able to fight and survive this -may justice be fully served!And I hope you all find peace and healing from this unimaginable trauma.

  • Karen B March 14, 2024 (8:39 pm)

    I’m also terribly sorry to hear this happened, admire  the family’s bravery, and am horrified by some of the additional details that they have shared here. Hopefully, these vivid details – especially the description of this guy knocking the phone out of the younger daughter’s hand, and not going away when first offered the door, but instead  slipping out of his jacket shirt and dragging  someone down the stairs –  will  help convict him and get him out of our community for a long while. The earlier first mention of this incident that was paired with  another break-in that terrorized a family’s dogs while they were away is also chilling to me.  People who break into other people’s homes need a serious “time out.” 

  • Beth March 14, 2024 (9:08 pm)

    $50,000 bond should give ANYONE with half a brain pause as to what that means in conjunction with what this man did. (insert angry face)  Not convinced, reread the account. 

  • maxwell March 14, 2024 (9:16 pm)

    Oh my goodness, so glad the intruder didn’t have a weapon. Glad no one was harmed. How terrifying. 

  • Erik March 14, 2024 (9:33 pm)

    Wow that’s terrifying. I hope you guys can heal from that trauma. Glad everyone is safe. Hopefully the WSB will keep us informed of updates regarding the case. I’m really curious why the man would have done that in the first place.

    • Julie Harrison March 15, 2024 (7:05 pm)

      Erik, I can answer. Sadly it was just a drug-induced psychotic break in an individual who’s never had a violent moment or action in his entire life. It’s shocking and heartbreaking, and the trauma that family went through is devastating… We can only pray that they will heal from this tragedy and the compassion they have shown after what they have been through is staggeringly kind. 

  • Hg March 14, 2024 (9:46 pm)

    Oh my gosh I’m horrified to hear this happened to you. Like the other poster we live a block from you and it’s amazing how oblivious we all were to it in the moment. I hope you find comfort in each other, there must be trauma you will be sorting through. Sending all our neighborly support to you. 

  • Rhonda March 14, 2024 (10:05 pm)

    Husband AND father of the year 2024 🏆

  • Andrew March 15, 2024 (3:28 am)

    We need to rethink some things here if we have judges that are willing to think a 50k bond is acceptable here. This guy is a violent criminal and should not be allowed to walk around. What sweeping changes to be need to make to our justice system to prevent this travesty?

  • Dog Whisperer March 15, 2024 (4:18 am)

    Thanks for your courageous resistance. Thanks for setting the right kind of example for your family. Yes we fight as necessary when our home and children are threatened. 

  • Seattlite March 15, 2024 (7:32 am)

    Why is the bail only $50,000?  Thank goodness that the family is safe after going through this horrific home invasion.  Firstly, hats off to dad who protected his family from the criminal invader.  Secondly, hats off to mom getting her daughters to safety and daughters for remaining calm enough to calling 911.  

  • WsNeighbor March 15, 2024 (8:00 am)

    Absolutely terrifying. I have to ask, what was the response time for the police on this incident?

  • Gatewood March 15, 2024 (8:32 am)

    Who set the low bail? I keep track of judges who need to be voted out.

  • WSRes March 15, 2024 (8:34 am)

    $50,000 bail?? That’s ridiculously low considering the violent nature of the incident. 

  • HW March 15, 2024 (10:44 am)

    Terrifying . I am in awe of your quick action, bravery, and teamwork. It says a lot about your family; clearly you are united, strong and brave. I am so sorry this happened to you and will be thinking of you all as you rebuild and heal from this. If you need resources or support, please let WSB know so our community can jump in and help.

  • Terry March 15, 2024 (2:25 pm)

    Its too bad that we sent any money available for addiction/mental health for endless war,

    • Julie March 16, 2024 (10:48 am)

      I can’t agree with you anymore. As I said in an earlier post, the perpetrator of this crime is someone I’m very, very close to and this person, in all of us 29 years has only been a loving and kind human being, and has never hurt a soul prior to this. He has spiraled into drug use over years, and for the first time ever, his mind gave out and he went into this state of temporary psychosis. He desperately needs to be incarcerated in a mental health facility. Prison will only permanently destroy what I know to be I have beautiful and kind soul.  There are people who need to be locked up because they are truly not good people and will only continue to hurt society but there are people like this who need long term treatment more than anything in the world.  What happened here was terrifying and all of us who are close to Ethan are devastated and so very sad for the trauma the family suffered.  We are also in awe of their kindness and wishing that he find the help he needs.  Thank you for this. It helps with the grief we are all suffering over this terrible situation. 

      • Julie March 18, 2024 (6:31 am)

        Typo – the first line of my post should have said I can’t agree with you MORE… (not I can’t agree with you anymore).

  • Eldorado March 17, 2024 (10:00 am)

    Who was the Judge so I know who to vote out next time?

Sorry, comment time is over.