TRAFFIC ALERT: West Seattle low bridge reopens ahead of schedule – here’s why, and what’s next

10:53 AM: Thanks for the tips. SDOT says the West Seattle low bridge – at one point expected to remain closed until next Saturday – has reopened ahead of schedule; this phase of cylinder work is done.

12:46 PM: We asked SDOT why they were able to reopen much sooner than projected. Spokesperson Chris Miller replied: “The removal and reinstallation work went better than expected. The Bridge Maintenance Crew had the advantage of executing the cylinder removal early this year. Their previous experience working in the limited space and handling such an unwieldy object helped them feel more at ease with the process. Additionally, many of the complications we faced during the initial removal process earlier this year did not occur this time. Predicting the complex issues that may arise during the rehabilitation of aging mechanical and electrical infrastructure is a challenge. We hope that we won’t encounter any significant problems when we reinstall the refurbished cylinder that was removed over the past weekend and the rehabilitation work for the other cylinders shifts to the west pier housing next year.”

The original announcement warned of future “short-term” closures ahead, so we also asked if there’s any timeline for those. While other low-bridge work continues without requiring closure time, “The next major project that will require a bridge outage is the replacement of the bridge control system. This work is currently projected for early spring, and the exact date will be determined based on the completion of the communications line installation. The reinstallation of the cylinder that was removed over the past weekend is still to be determined.”

11 Replies to "TRAFFIC ALERT: West Seattle low bridge reopens ahead of schedule - here's why, and what's next"

  • Spencer October 10, 2023 (12:35 pm)

    Oh dang. If I recall correctly the last time the bridge was out, normal operation returned a little ahead of schedule too. Thank you for all your hard work SDOT! :D

  • DC October 10, 2023 (12:46 pm)

    Credit where credit is due: good job SDOT. Glad so see this done before the Water Taxi went out of service for maintenance. 

  • Pelicans October 10, 2023 (3:03 pm)

    Bravo to SDOT! It seems like the learning curve wasn’t so steep this time for disassembling the parts of this unique bridge, and then conducting the needed repairs.While the closure didn’t have the major impact that it would’ve had a couple of years ago, multitudes of us appreciate your great efforts in getting this project accomplished four days ahead of schedule.Thank you and well done !

  • sw October 10, 2023 (4:24 pm)

    Thumbs up.  Back on the bike tomorrow.

  • LC October 10, 2023 (5:22 pm)

    Glad to be able to bike commute again tomorrow! Would appreciate hearing any advice on safe alternative bike routes besides the ferry if/when the bridge closes again. Tried to navigate roads to 1st Ave bridge but it felt too dangerous. 

    • bill October 10, 2023 (8:10 pm)

      Here you go. The route going south along W Marginal is easy, using the protected bike lane and then the Duwamish Trail to the 1st Ave bridge’s bike trail/sidewalk. In south SODO there are some slow signals to wait for and some sidewalk riding is necessary for most people, especially along 1st Ave. I’ve tried to note where sidewalk riding is necessary.

      • CAM October 12, 2023 (8:14 am)

        Hey Bill. As a person walking on those sidewalks as you attempt to knock me over with your bike coming at me full speed from behind (wearing a helmet and full protective gear) I’m going to suggest that if “sidewalk riding is necessary” you dismount and change that sentence to sidewalk walking. 

  • sam October 10, 2023 (7:36 pm)

    best news ever! I wish I knew about it when commuted back home today. Biking on 1st ave is a death wish. Cars don’t give any space and pass at 50mph. Was pretty scary couple of days.

  • Admiral-2009 October 10, 2023 (9:48 pm)

    Nice the bridge is open again, but SDoT apparently had set a schedule with a lot flex built in.  Beating such a schedule is good, but the goal line was made easier with the conservative schedule.

  • Alkistu October 11, 2023 (4:41 pm)

    Just in time for a couple nice and dry day commutes. Still would like to see the extended cycle track to Highland Pk Way. 

  • LC October 12, 2023 (7:07 am)

    Many thanks Bill!! 

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