Two more Peace Poles in West Seattle

That’s one of two new Peace Poles installed around the peninsula by the Rotary Club of West Seattle

  • . It’s the fifth one, now in place in front of the Log House Museum (61st/Stevens). Keith Hughes sent the photo with word that Peace Pole #4 is also in place, at Our Lady of Guadalupe (35th/Myrtle). A dedication ceremony is planned there at 12:15 pm tomorrow (Sunday, June 25th), and all are welcome. Helen Oesterle from OLG explains that the Peace Pole there is also in collaboration with Eagle Scout Nick Krum, and intended “to acknowledge that the highest point in the city of Seattle is on the traditional land of the Duwamish People, past and present.” Rotarians have placed more than a quarter-million Peace Poles around the world, as invitations for people to contemplate what they can do to foster peace. (Others in West Seattle are at Fauntleroy Church, dedicated last September; at C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor), also dedicated last September; and near Fauntleroy Creek, dedicated last November.)
  • 3 Replies to "Two more Peace Poles in West Seattle"

    • Frank June 24, 2023 (7:57 pm)

      I like the gesture but unfortunately I don’t think we’ll see poles in the top watched things on Tick Tock or Reddit.Com.My nephew is on his Nintendo 24/7. He watches Tick Tock and is always swiping his phone to the next weird thing people like me don’t understand.He doesn’t contemplate anything. Much less world peace or the symbolism of some poles. And he’s the age that should be thinking about these things.I graduated in 2001 and we had no idea how the world would end up but it’s weird and I miss Real World Road Rules challenge.

      • David June 25, 2023 (4:13 pm)

        Maybe it’s time to do a nephew bonding drive, visit all the peace poles in West Seattle and talk about what they mean and where they came from. That’s my plan with my son. Talk about Hiroshima and how these Peace Poles came to be.

    • AJ June 25, 2023 (12:51 pm)

      Everybody is for peace. It’s peaceful in the mountains. It’s peaceful on the moon. It’s peaceful in North Korea. It’s peaceful in Tibet. It was peaceful in Crimea after Putin stole it from Ukraine. What kind of peace do these pole-setters want and what are they willing to sacrifice to get it? (If you liked this rant, ask me about calls for “unity”.)

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