(It’s Monday – you can do it! Photo by Jerry Simmons)

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

WOMEN’S PERSONAL SAFETY CLASS: Free online class at 3 pm for 14+. Details are in our calendar listing, including how to register.

BOOK DISCUSSION: At 6 pm online, Frank Abe, Tamiko Nimura, Ross Ishikawa, and Tom Ikeda discuss “We Hereby Refuse,” a graphic novel telling this story: “Japanese Americans complied when evicted from their homes in World War II — but many refused to submit to imprisonment in American concentration camps without a fight.” Free event presented by partners including the Seattle Public Library; registration required to get the link – our calendar listing explains how.

PIGEON POINT NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL: Meeting online at 7 pm with an agenda including the Port of Seattle and Sound Transit. See our calendar listing for the attendance link.

WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY: That’s today, so if you can donate, Bloodworks NW asks you to visit their website or call 800-398-7888 to make an appointment to donate.

5 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE MONDAY: 4 notes"

  • Gill & Alex June 14, 2021 (10:55 am)

    Thank you, Jerry!

    • Jerry Simmons June 14, 2021 (6:46 pm)

      My pleasure and thank you!

  • anonyme June 14, 2021 (12:24 pm)

    This ladybird appears to be  Coccinella septempunctuata (Seven-spotted ladybird) and was an introduction from Europe in the 1970’s.  It has the unusual status of being both invasive and beneficial.  Beneficial as they are voracious aphid predators, invasive because they dominate habitat and drive out native ladybird species.  Please be careful when buying lady beetles for your garden by making sure you purchase native species when possible, and especially avoid Asian lady beetles.  You could be doing more harm than good as, unlike native species, they will invade structures and become pests.  They also feed on ripe or over-ripe fruit in fall.  Asian ladybirds have a distinctive, white letter ‘M’ (or ‘W’ depending on your POV) on the head.

    • pessoa June 14, 2021 (5:13 pm)

      Quite Interesting. I suppose it is a matter of opinion when an invasive species stops becoming invasive and is accepted as part of a native ecosystem (probably when we give up trying to eradicate them).  I know the Barred Owl was originally an Eastern woodlands owl and began spreading through Canadian forests until arriving in British Columbia mid-20th century and then migrated south into  Washington, Oregon and finally California.  These aggressive owls have made life hell for native species such as the more retiring Spotted Owl.  

      • anonyme June 15, 2021 (6:45 am)

        Quite true.  Trying to eradicate the seven-spotted ladybird at this point would be like trying to get rid of starlings.  That’s a battle lost.  I wonder if there has ever been a case of an introduced (or genetically modified) species not becoming a pest? 

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