CORONAVIRUS: Thursday 5/6/2021 roundup

Here’s what you need to know about the pandemic tonight:

NEWEST NUMBERS: First, the update from the Public Health daily-summary dashboard:

*104,256 people have tested positive, 372 more than yesterday’s total

*1,533 people have died, 1 more than yesterday’s total

*5,924 people have been hospitalized, 10 more than yesterday’s total

*1,051,030 people have been tested, 1,666 more than yesterday’s total

One week ago, the four totals we track were 97,620/1,514/5,784/1,036,081.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them, county by county, on the state Department of Health page.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 156 million cases worldwide, 32.6 million of them in the U.S. See the nation-by-nation breakout here.

VACCINATION VISITS: Tomorrow’s the first of the city’s new pop-up clinics in neighborhood business districts. This will be in the U-District, but a West Seattle Junction visit is planned Saturday, May 15th – stand by for details.

NEED A RIDE TO GET A SHOT? Free and discounted transportation is available.

NEED FOOD? The Greater Seattle Filipino-American SDA Church is offering free food boxes again this Saturday, 2-4 pm. Just show up at 2620 SW Kenyon.

GOT INFO/PHOTOS/TIPS? 206-293-6302, text or voice, or – thank you!

10 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Thursday 5/6/2021 roundup"

  • Hg May 6, 2021 (11:20 pm)

    Hi – yesterday the total numbers were 99k and today 104k. Do you know why the sudden jump even though only 372 new cases? Thanks. 

    • WSB May 6, 2021 (11:40 pm)

      There’s a slight change in terminology now on the number of test results – now labeled as “people tested by PCR” – and a data note toward the upper right of the page (see the exclamation point under Alerts & Data Notes) – but they don’t seem to entirely explain that one discrepancy, won’t be able to ask till tomorrow.

  • JJ May 7, 2021 (7:47 am)

    I’m sure it couldn’t be all the positives that were being held to avoid a phase roll back. They would have to be flipped back in somewhere, quietly… But that would be conspiratorial thinking, right? There must be some other reason for the “data delays” just before every phase review, surely?

    • Lisab May 7, 2021 (10:43 am)

      I think you are on to something, JJ:) Agree.

    • Jort May 7, 2021 (11:28 am)

      One thing I love about the intersection of conspiracy theories about nefarious, deeply-intentional  ill intent from the government and people who think governmenet is incapable of doing anything correctly is how totally and absolutely incompatible these two beliefs are. 

    • flimflam May 7, 2021 (12:31 pm)

      maybe, but the numbers had already been bad enough to qualify for a phase rollback, Inslee just decided to change the metrics/rules yet again to satisfy business interests with the reasoning of “well, maybe we’re plateauing! i hope.”

      • Susan May 7, 2021 (1:16 pm)

        To satisfy business interests in being able to afford staying open and paying their employees? I thought we were supposed to be supporting local mom & pop shops not blaming and shaming them for not wanting to operate at 3 tables per night max capacity during a time when not many people have disposable income and rising inflation.

        • flimflam May 7, 2021 (5:03 pm)

          lots of “free” money in the form of PPP loans was available to small businesses. the place i work at got 2 rounds of “free” money and yet the owner is still running with a skeleton crew and doesn’t want to spend his PPP money…he hasn’t personally lost a cent. maybe not making the profits he’d like, but i’m not shedding any tears for him that’s for sure. believe it or not, the employees would rather feel/be safe than make money.

          • Um, No! May 7, 2021 (5:56 pm)

            Sorry but if you’d rather feel safe than make money,  I think your choice is obvious ? Or just continue as is and continually complain about something you can personally do something about. Do you want your employer to close shop?  If so, you’re out of work anyway. 

          • Pessoa May 7, 2021 (7:51 pm)

            I don’t begrudge mom and pops a dime, but some of the huge PPP grants handed out to medium-companies and non-profits is enough to raise eyebrows, to put it mildly. Some of these companies hardly saw a dent in their business.  This will be turn out to be one of the most abused public programs in modern American history.  No one ever turns down free money. 

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