VIDEO: RapidRide H Line mini-update in SDOT levy briefing @ City Council Transportation Committee

West Seattle’s next big transportation project is moving forward. That was noted during a Move Seattle levy update during today’s City Council Transportation and Utilities Committee meeting. The project is the conversion of Metro Route 120 to the RapidRide H Line, a joint project of SOOT and Metro with components including extensive repaving of Delridge Way (north of the section that was repaved in 2013). During the levy briefing, which started 38:17 into the meeting (video above), SDOT reps said they expect the project to go out to bid later this month. Before then, they’ll provide a project-specific briefing to the council on what’s happened between 90 percent and 100 percent design. (We reported on the 90-percent stage back in November.)

P.S. Back to the Move Seattle status – here’s the overview slide deck presented during the meeting:

One other note of local interest – on page 7, the Lander Street Overpass project in SODO is mentioned, with a projected opening in “late 2020,” though the project website still says “summer 2020.” (We’re asking about the discrepancy.)

5 Replies to "VIDEO: RapidRide H Line mini-update in SDOT levy briefing @ City Council Transportation Committee"

  • Jon Wright February 5, 2020 (1:39 pm)

    The Lander Street Bridge project web site says SDOT expects Lander Street closures to last through summer 2020 when bridge construction will be “substantially complete.” But further down the web page it says “we expect construction to be complete by fall of 2020.” So perhaps the interval from summer to fall is when the project goes from substantially complete to completely complete?

  • East Coast Cynic February 5, 2020 (7:54 pm)

    Presumably it will be usable by the fall of 2020 as opposed to mostly complete.  The SDOT is cushioning the blow by telling you it will be “substantially complete” by summer. Speaking of diminished expectations with regards to infrastructure projects, still nothing but crickets from the SDOT on the Columbia St exit project.  I thought it would be complete by March; now I’m thinking April? May?

    • WSB February 5, 2020 (8:08 pm)

      They replied last week to a reader that it would be open late this month. I pinged SDOT/city contacts to confirm that and they said the cited date wasn’t accurate, promising an update later this week … still waiting.

  • AMD February 5, 2020 (8:25 pm)

    Has anyone mentioned an extensive plan to repave Roxbury between 15th and 25th?  It’s bad.  Real bad.  RapidRide isn’t going to make it a ton worse (mostly because the bar is already pretty low), but it’s not going to make it better either.  What do we have to do to get Roxbury repaved?

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