Work could start as soon as Wednesday on the long-promised crossing improvements at 49th SW/SW Admiral Way. That’s the word today from SDOT‘s Ching Chan, who says the work will “take up to 4 weeks to complete and have minimal impact to traffic. Here’s the official announcement:
To continue improving access and safety for all users who live, work, and play along Admiral Way SW, we will soon be constructing a crossing improvement at SW Admiral Way & 49th Ave SW. This project was planned in late 2017 and includes several elements to enhance the pedestrian environment at this intersection:
*Relocate the crosswalk at this intersection to the northeast leg
*Install new accessible curb ramps that meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards
*Construct a new median refuge island
*Provide new pedestrian-activated rapid flashing beacons at the crosswalkThese treatments will help to increase visibility at the intersection and provide a more comfortable and protected crossing for people who walk.
This project, minus the curb ramps, was supposed to be done two years ago.