(The three proposed painted-curb-extension designs SDOT wants you to vote on)
Two months ago, SDOT told the Alki Community Council (WSB coverage here) that more changes were coming to the western stretch of SW Admiral Way — specifically, to crossings at six intersections.
At the time of the April briefing, details weren’t finalized. Now, they are – and perhaps the biggest one is that 59th/Admiral will be converted – tentatively – to an all-way stop. Here’s the update SDOT sent us today (also note that it includes a “poll” seeking your vote on the design for painted curb extensions – the three options above):
Following the SW Admiral Way restriping completed in late 2016, we’re improving pedestrian crossings at 6 intersections along the corridor this year:
ï‚· SW Lander St (at 53rd Ave SW)These improvements are intended to provide a safer and more comfortable pedestrian environment along SW Admiral Way and were informed by feedback from the community. The crossing treatments work to:
ï‚· Shorten crossing distances
ï‚· Reduce speeds of turning vehicles
ï‚· Improve access to key destinations throughout the corridor, including schools, transit, and parks
We’re aiming to have all 6 improvements completed by the end of 2017, with the crossing at 59th Ave SW on a slightly faster timeline. This crossing will be implemented in two phases. Before the beginning of the 2017-18 school year, our crews will install new signage and signal changes to convert the intersection to an all-way stop. After a couple of months, we’ll evaluate the all-way stop. If it’s performing well, we’ll install phase 2 improvements, which include curb extensions and a red flashing all-way stop beacon.
Five of the six projects will also feature decorative painted areas, and we’re asking community members to weigh in on their preferred design. We’ve added a poll to our project website for community members to vote for their favorite option.
Questions or comments? Dawn Schellenberg at dawn.schellenberg@seattle.gov or (206) 684-5189.