Fauntleroy Community Association: Pump-station timeline; school-commute parking

June 13, 2012 11:08 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle news

(County rendering of Cove Park, after the Barton Pump Station project)
From last night’s Fauntleroy Community Association meeting: The latest timeline for the start of major work for the Barton Pump Station upgrade project – which will close Cove Park north of the ferry dock for about two years – plus, neighborhood traffic/parking concerns related to school commuting via ferry – read on:

BARTON PUMP STATION PROJECT: Glen Hiraki from the King County Wastewater Treatment Division was at the FCA meeting to update the board on the impending start of major work on the project. He said they’re not expecting to start till July, at which time Cove Park will be closed to the public. FCA has been working with the county on project details for a long time but sought reassurances about noise and lighting; Hiraki said noise factors could include a diesel generator that would be used if there’s a power problem during the project. There will be some lighting used if needed during work hours, particularly in the winter, when it gets dark early, but lighting will not be left on, Hiraki said, once workers leave for the day.

TRAFFIC/PARKING INVOLVING SCHOOL COMMUTERS: Hundreds of students headed for Vashon Public Schools use the Fauntleroy ferry, and according to discussion at last night’s FCA meeting, this is bringing more and more cars into the neighborhoods near the dock, with some drivers idling for up to half an hour while waiting, and others blocking driveways or driving onto lawns. FCA wants to do outreach to educate people dropping off and picking up students that nearby residents need to be able to come and go as well, so it’s planning to set up a meeting including Vashon school reps and City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen or someone from his staff.

FCA meets on second Tuesdays, 7 pm, at the old Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW).

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