day : 18/05/2010 12 results

West Seattle Weather Watch: Wind on the way

May 18, 2010 11:01 pm
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A “special weather statement” is in effect (read it here) – bottom line, it’s going to get windy again, with gusts up to 45 mph predicted for tomorrow night, after a breezy day. Here’s the full forecast. Meteorologist Cliff Mass calls it “a serious storm” and breaks it down bigtime here – but also points out the worst of it will be on the seacoast.

Case closed, in the saga of the purloined pig from Joe’s

Case closed: Two months after it was reported missing, the Endolyne Joe’s pig is back. We noticed it this morning and asked Dickie about the backstory. She said it’s been back for a few weeks; a Joe’s employee was at a real-estate open house and spotted the pig in one of the bedrooms! The employee called Dickie; Dickie called the police; the pig was recovered. No info on the fate of the pilferer.

See the newest West Seattle traffic cams, “live” online

New city-operated traffic cameras (NOT “red-light” cameras, just traffic-monitoring live cams) are finally online in West Seattle. Three of the latest images are “live” above – 42nd/Alaska in The Junction, Fauntleroy/Cloverdale near the ferry terminal, and 11th/Spokane near the “low bridge.” A westbound “high bridge” image is showing now too:

And there’s one at California/Alaska (see it here). The newest ones are not on the “traffic cameras” list on the city website, but they are on the Travelers’ Information Map. And we’ll add these to the WSB Traffic page tonight. (Hat tip to our friends at Capitol Hill Seattle and My Ballard, who published updates after discovering “their” new cams are online, inspiring us to check on “ours.”)

Followup: Tour of “The Hole” brings one rapid result

Thanks to commenter “dd” for observing that a crew was at “The Hole” this afternoon, removing the tagged green tarp that had been up against the fence – one of the problems pointed out by the community leaders who led a walking tour of the site late Monday (here’s our original report, published this morning). We went over to check on “dd”‘s report, and got the photo you see above. The crew told us they’d be replacing the tarps.

High-school sports: Chief Sealth’s spring wrap-up

From Chief Sealth International High School athletic director Sam Reed, we have Sealth’s spring sports wrapup – just in time for Thursday night’s spring-sports banquet – read on for his full writeup:Read More

Parking in The Triangle: Agenda for this Thursday’s meeting

May 18, 2010 2:20 pm
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During the very first meeting of the special West Seattle Triangle Advisory Group (WSB coverage here), it was clear that parking was one of the hottest issues regarding the area’s future. City planner Susan McLain promised a special meeting would be devoted to that topic – and today she’s sent the agenda for that SDOT-hosted meeting, coming up this Thursday:

I. Introductions (10 min) Casey Hildreth, SDOT
II. Review of 2009 West Seattle Junction parking project (20 min) Danté Taylor, SDOT
III. Discussion of key issues (30 min) All
a. Employee parking
b. Residential (RPZ) parking
c. Hide-and-ride, park-and-ride
d. BRT parking impacts
IV. Next steps (5 min) Casey
V. Q & A (25 min) All

(BRT refers to RapidRide – “Bus Rapid Transit.”) The meeting’s at 6 pm Thursday, Senior Center of West Seattle, and everybody’s welcome. Meantime, the city has posted documents and graphics from past Triangle Advisory Group meetings here.

Once a target of crime, Pigeon Point’s signpost now fights it

Remember the saga of the Pigeon Point sign – first poking fun at a road closure, then cut down and stolen, then having its frame replaced? Now, Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council co-chair Jim Sander has created a new two-sided sign – to urge participation in Blockwatch. You can figure out the first photo; in the second one, if you don’t recognize the face, that is local uber-involved Pigeon Point resident (and former PPNC chair) Pete Spalding. Speaking of Blockwatch, dare we remind you again that tonight is the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council‘s monthly meeting, 7 pm, Southwest Precinct, which is also where the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network will have its second meeting one week from tonight – Tuesday, May 25, 6:30 pm (here’s the Facebook invite).

First the letter, then the tour: A visit to “The Hole”

As first reported here April 8, the Southwest District Council voted to send a letter to the owners of The Hole – the excavated-then-stalled Fauntleroy Place/Whole Foods site at 39th/Alaska/Fauntleroy – voicing concerns about safety and aesthetics issues. (Here’s our April 13 report with the final text of the letter.) Then at last week’s Junction Neighborhood Organization meeting (WSB coverage here), president Erica Karlovits announced a date was set for a representative for the company that wants to take over the site, Madison Development, to come out for a walking tour and firsthand look at the concerns.

Last night, that tour happened. In the top photo, that’s Madison spokesperson Natalie Quick with Karlovits, her fellow SWDC co-chair Chas Redmond, and West Seattle Junction Association executive director Susan Melrose, who originally proposed the letter. In this clip shot and edited for WSB by Christopher Boffoli, they explain the tour:

As for whether Madison Development is currently liable for The Hole, Quick is checking on that – in a complicated series of transactions tied up with the legal action involving the site, an entity called 3922 SW Alaska LLC holds the note and has filed for judicial foreclosure.

Read on for our notes from the tour, and more photos:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglars interrupted; 2 arrests

Thanks to Joan (via e-mail) and Rob (via Facebook) for asking about a police search late last night, with K-9, in an area ranging (at least) from 35th/Graham to 39th/Holly. Southwest Precinct Lt. Ron Smith tells WSB that it started when someone who lives in the 6700 block of 40th SW (map) came home to find a burglary in progress. The burglars fled; police started searching and, with K-9 helping follow the trail, found and arrested two suspects. (P.S. As noted earlier, the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets tonight @ the precinct, 7 pm.)

2 nights till “Once Upon a Mattress” @ West Seattle High School

(Edited since original publication after WSB was notified 5/26/10 by another media outlet that the “promo photos” provided for our use in publicizing the show were actually the property of that media outlet. The photos have been removed at that outlet’s request, and we have removed text that referred to the no-longer-appearing-in-the-story photos.)
Thursday night is opening night for “Once Upon a Mattress,” a joint production of West Seattle High School‘s Drama and Music Departments, playing Thursday-Saturday and again May 27-29. Above, you see the production’s sizable cast, which is also getting help from student marketers who provided this synopsis of the musical’s plot:

A love-sick nobleman seeking to marry his sweetheart does his best to find his ruling prince a suitable bride so that he himself may wed. No one in Prince Dauntless’s kingdom is permitted to marry until the prince himself exchanges vows — a problem hindered by the fact that the prince’s overprotective mother, Queen Aggravain, has thus far thwarted all efforts to marry her son. This does not sit well with the honorable Sir Harry, a man whose heart longs to wed the fair Lady Larkin, and after a long and arduous journey specifically designed to find the prince a bride, Sir Harry returns to his kingdom to present Princess Winnifred of the swamps. Immediately smitten by the princess, Prince Dauntless sets into motion plans for a lavish wedding as his scheming mother cooks up a test that’s sure to send his marital plans awry.

Not only do ticket-buyers support this production, but they’re also helping raise funds for the program’s future.
Tickets for “Once Upon a Mattress” are $10 at the door, $5 with reservations, kids under 12 half-price with a paying adult, and if you make reservations for six, you only pay for five; for reservations, call 206-252-8834. All performances are at 7:30 pm; here’s the Facebook events page.

West Seattle Tuesday: Crime Prevention Council, Rainbow Festival

May 18, 2010 6:21 am
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Got crime/safety concerns? Your monthly chance to bring them directly to Southwest Precinct police leadership is here again, as the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets tonight, 7 pm at the precinct (Delridge/Webster). Guest speaker tonight is Liquor Control Board Lt. Woodrow Perkins. … At South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor), it’s the first of three days of the Rainbow Festival, with activities starting with the “Parrot Lady” at 10 am and continuing through a reception for the college gallery’s newest show A Labor of Love 5-7 pm (full schedule here) … Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) hosts the “Exile on Main Street” CD release party, 8 pm (details on the Feedback website) … At The Bohemian tonight, it’s Books for Beers, with a portion of beverage sales 6-10 pm – plus proceeds from raffles – going to Room to Read (event flyer here, with appetizer coupon) … Not in West Seattle but of interest if you want to take the next step in helping marine wildlife: As announced by WS-based Seal Sitters, marine-mammal-stranding training is at 6:30 tonight at the Seattle Aquarium (WSB sponsor) … Even more on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar.

More West Seattle volunteering: Circle cleanup; more Rampathon

A few more West Seattle volunteerism reports have come in since last weekend, to add to the ones we’d already spotlighted. First, Michele reports from northwest of The Junction:

Patty Blair organized a traffic circle cleanup party at 47th Ave SW and Dakota [map], Saturday, May 15th. 14 neighbors came together to pull weeds, pick up trash and dig up stumps. The traffic circle once knee high in grass looks beautiful. Michele Miller supplied coffee while Patty served homemade carrot muffins and chocolate chip cookies. Neighbors helping out were Barbara and George, Art, Bobbie, Erik and daughters Addy and Riley, Heidi, Lilith and daughter Nora, along with Sherry and daughter Yasmine, also Beth who came from Queen Anne . Many others drove by thanking us and shouting support . By the end of the day we made new friends with our neighbors, strengthened friendships and found a lot of earthworms and snails. Thanks also to the city who supplied gloves, bags and safety vests.

Photo above, Erik and daughter Addy (with others in the background); below, organizer Patty:

(What’s YOUR neighborhood up to? Share it with the rest of West Seattle!) Next – one more project from Rampathon. On Saturday, we showed you the one done that day in Highland Park by Potter Construction (WSB sponsor); turns out another West Seattle-based construction company, Weitzel Construction, had a Rampathon project too – Dave Weitzel shared this photo of the completed project in Magnolia: