Followup: Homecoming may be soon for cemetery crow

If you’ve been following the saga of that distinctive crow rescued by Forest Lawn Cemetery staff before it froze to death the other day, Forest Lawn’s Jeff Jorgenson has been posting updates in comments. Most recent one – looks like a reunion is imminent:

Hello all!! Friday update!

Thanks to someone here on the WSB, the breeder called me from Alabama – Corvid Ranch – just as we were discussing the move to Sarvey. He provided me with the band information and an address that matches up with the cemetery such that there is no question as to who belongs to this crow. I have a call into them and am awaiting their return. So, for the time being, the six month old crow is comfortably resting with private fireplace and blanket until the owner gets home. Thanks again WSBers!!!

8 Replies to "Followup: Homecoming may be soon for cemetery crow"

  • awesome December 11, 2009 (9:29 pm)

    That’s great news, he’s too cute.

  • SpeakLoud December 11, 2009 (10:13 pm)

    Isn’t that a magpie? We have those in England-they are the equivelant of crows.

  • Cheryl December 12, 2009 (9:22 am)

    I am so in love with this crow. Glad he’ll be on his way home soon. :-)

  • JumboJim December 12, 2009 (12:22 pm)

    Did the breeder provide any clue as to how the bird got here??

  • DRG December 12, 2009 (1:34 pm)

    JumboJim: Though the crow’s breeder is in Alabama, the quote from Jeff @ Forest Lawn indicates that the current owner lives close to where the bird was found.

  • oddreality December 12, 2009 (8:35 pm)

    Is the bird home yet??

  • John December 14, 2009 (1:56 pm)

    I would be worried about returning the crow to the West Seattle resident. The owner may have thrown the bird out, but will take it back, say ‘thank you’, only to safe face! Think about it!!!!! The owner may dumb the bird again some other day.

  • dawsonct December 14, 2009 (7:40 pm)

    It’s an extraordinarily expensive bird for someone to be dumping. I would think that, even if a person finds themselves in a financial situation that prohibited them from caring for the bird, it would make far more sense to sell it than set it free. A rescue mutt, yes (if you have no heart), but an expensive and exotic pure-bred pet I doubt gets the same treatment.

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