West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
(WSB video added 9:17 pm, the first minute of Dow Constantine’s speech)
Latest results here – Susan Hutchison in first at 37 percent, Dow Constantine is in second with 22 percent.
(Constantine party, just before the first results were announced)
8:04 PM: We’re covering all tonight’s key results, but this is the marquee race – so your editor here is at King County Council Chair Dow Constantine‘s event at Kells Irish Pub in Pike Place.
8:17 PM: The first results are in – as you see at the top of this post – huge cheers as Constantine is in second place (top 2 advance to November). Fred Jarrett is a distant third. Constantine is scheduled to speak in about half an hour.
8:44 PM UPDATE: Constantine entered a few minutes ago to a hero’s welcome. He says the early results are positive but the “campaign has just begun.” He says King County residents deserve a government “as innovative as they are.” He says the message is stand up for what’s right, persevere and good things are going to happen. He says he got this far because of “grass-roots momentum … 2,000 volunteers .. a small army of volunteers that broke all records” for voter contact. “We are headed for the general election!” he just shouted exuberantly. And he thanked people including his girlfriend Shirley, “who has been my rock.” He also says he wants to thank the other candidates – “the ones who showed up at every debate” in a clear jab at the person it appears he will face in the general, Susan Hutchison, who drew fire for not showing up at early campaign forums. “Tomorrow we begin Phase 2 of this campaign,” he says, “bringing our vision, our ideas, our passion to the hundreds of thousands of King County voters who did not vote in this election – who need to know the stark choice they face over the future of King County .. Susan Hutchison is too conservative, too out of step with the mainstream values of King County.” He adds, “This election is about who is best qualified. I have a track record of public service … I understand the enormity of the challenges … We must do what it takes to make government work better. My opponent has not had to make the tough choices, has not had to stand up and be counted, and has offered little of substance during this campaign.”
8:56 PM UPDATE: Constantine has just wrapped up his speech, saying he’s giving his supporters 12 hours to celebrate, and then it’s time to start work on the general election campaign. His last dig at likely general-election opponent Susan Hutchison: “You are nothing but platitudes … Celebrity is not a qualification for King County Executive.” (We will link to coverage from her party once we have it.)
9:39 PM UPDATE: Here’s the Publicola report from Susan Hutchison’s party, where she is reported to have vowed to win the support of those who voted for Larry Phillips, Ross Hunter and Fred Jarrett, with what she promised would be a “nonpartisan” campaign. (Voters decided last year to make the County Executive and County Council positions officially nonpartisan.)
9:59 PM UPDATE: The second and final vote-count update of the night is now posted. Nothing’s changed – 37 percent Hutchison, 22 percent Constantine, 12 percent Jarrett, 11.7 percent Phillips, 10 percent Hunter. (Though the candidate himself seems to have moved on, or at least isn’t in the main room right now, his parents are still here – dad John just came and looked over our shoulder at those new results.)
(added 9:56 pm – Publicola video, uploaded to YouTube, from Mike McGinn’s speech)
Latest results here.
8:17 PM UPDATE: The first run is almost a three-way tie but it’s Mike McGinn first, Joe Mallahan second, West Seattle’s Greg Nickels third.
9:38 PM UPDATE: We’ll have some mayoral candidate reports from Kathy Mulady later. In the meantime, from our favorite political site, Publicola – here’s their report from the Nickels party.
10:13 PM UPDATE: After a few more votes were added in the newest count, scheduled to be the latest of the night, here’s how that three-way race is going:
Mike McGinn 16891 26.58%
Joe Mallahan 16376 25.77%
Greg Nickels 15921 25.06%
ADDED 11:35 PM: Kathy Mulady‘s mini-report (and photo) from Mallahan’s party at Fado downtown:
Joe Mallahan celebrated at Fado as the early ballot counts put him in second place, a fraction of a point ahead of incumbent Mayor Greg Nickels. “His slur campaign hurt him more than it hurt me,” said Mallahan.”We just pointed out that he is a bad manager, and I am a good manager. He has got to go. I look forward to reaching out. I am pro-union and I am pro-business.
ADDED 11:56 PM: Also from Kathy, snapshots – that photo and the following words – from City Councilmember Jan Drago‘s election-night party; her mayoral bid has faltered, with 8 percent of the vote, placing her in fifth at this point (James Donaldson is fourth):
Jan Drago’s gathering at McCoy’s Firehouse bar and grill in Pioneer Square was low-key, warm and congenial as she thanked supporters and handed out copies of her richly detailed “Blueprint for Seattle.”
“I hope the next mayor of Seattle, whoever that is, will use it, refer to it,” said Drago.
“I’ll save it,” said Peter Steinbrueck, who was standing nearby. The former city councilmember is often mentioned as a mayor candidate.
ADDED 11:59 PM: Kathy also visited the Nickels event:
“It’s too close to call, there are still a lot of ballots to be counted,” Mayor Greg Nickels told the media and supporters gathered at the United Food and Commercial Workers hall in Georgetown.
Nickels, his family, and his closest advisors stayed in a back room until after the first results were announced. In a choreographed move, supporters stepped behind the podium holding Greg Nickels signs about five minutes before Nickels came into the room.
Among the people waiting for Nickels to appear were former spokesperson Marianne Bichsel, spokesperson Marty McOmber, Transportation Director Grace Crunican and Fleets and Facilities Director Brenda Bauer.
“We don’t know yet who will be our opponent, but we are confident that we will move on to the general election,” said Nickels.“It will be a new ball game, it will be one-on-one, head-to-head,” said Nickels, who faced seven challengers.
Nickels said the next eleven weeks, leading up to the general election will be about more than pot shots and false accusations.
“We will ask who has the maturity, and the experience and the track record to put our values into action,” he said.
(added 9:31 pm, Position 4 candidate Dorsol Plants of Highland Park, at Dow Constantine’s party)
Position 4 results here, with Sally Bagshaw in first, David Bloom a distant second.
Position 6 and 8 results here. For 6, Nick Licata is leading, ahead of Jessie Israel; for 8, it’s Mike O’Brien followed by Robert Rosencrantz.
9:14 PM UPDATE: Dorsol Plants, West Seattle-residing candidate for Position 4, just stopped by our table at the Dow Constantine party. He’s not in the top 2 so far but is in “great spirits.” We’ll add a picture shortly.
In all of these races, the top two advance to the general election.
(photo of Max Vekich at Dow Constantine’s party, added 9:49 pm)
Port Commission: Latest results here. For Position 3, it’s Rob Holland followed by David Doud; for Position 4, it’s Tom Albro followed by Max Vekich.
For North Highline South Annexation – “Yes” is way ahead, 59 percent to 41 percent; latest results here.
9:45 PM UPDATE: Your editor here is still at the Constantine party, where we just talked to Max Vekich, who is a West Seattleite. He says his top issue for the general-election campaign is “reform.”
Here are the latest results. The bag fee is losing, 41 percent to 58 percent.
One home break-in and one car break-in, and both victims e-mailed WSB to make sure you were aware of what happened – read on:Read More
Thanks to JayDee for that photo and word that the stabilization project on the Ferry/California Way slope (near Seacrest) is finally under way. And today, he says, Ferry Avenue is posted as closed at the site, near the junction with California Way, over Harbor Ave. (map) The stabilization work has been needed since the December 2007 deluge and received approval this year.
Just putting in another pitch. Mail your ballot ASAP, or get it in a dropbox by 8 pm. We’re on the road right now checking to see who’s waving signs during the evening rush hour. Team WSB also will be out and about tonight at Election Night parties as well as publishing results updates here (and tracking the annexation vote at White Center Now). If you’re at an Election Night party, we invite you to send photos – to editor@westseattleblog.com or, via Twitter to @westseattleblog (or Facebook, where we’re at facebook.com/westseattleblog). 6:25 PM UPDATE: No sign-wavers to be found in the 5-5:40 pm vicinity when we checked 35th/Fauntleroy, the Fauntleroy walkover, Admiral. Guess this morning’s sightings will have to do.
This Thursday, 7-9 pm, it’s another After Hours event at WestSide Baby, which helps families in need in the West Seattle and White Center areas – and they’d love to have you pitch in:
Kids are heading back to school and need clothes! WestSide Baby partners with our community to provide essential items to local children in need by collecting and distributing diapers, clothing, toys and equipment. All those donations need to be prepared for distribution. WestSide Baby invites volunteers to join us this Thursday, August 20 from 7 pm to 9 pm to help us sort clothing and other donations. We promise to provide lots of projects and fun for those who can join us and lend a hand. Volunteers must be at least 14 years old to attend alone or 8 years old to attend with an adult. Please RSVP to sarah@westsidebaby.org if you are able to join us and, if volunteers are under 18, we appreciate knowing so we can prepare appropriate projects.
WestSide Baby HQ is at 10032 15th SW (map).
On this day when Seattle Police are asking for help in solving a West Seattle bicycle crash that has left a woman fighting for her life — there’s news of a court decision related to the West Seattle bicycle crash that killed 27-year-old Susanne Scaringi almost three years ago. The crash happened at 35th and Graham (map) on September 27, 2006; we took the photo at left on the first anniversary. Scaringi died after hitting the side of a van that made a left turn in front of her. Months later, the driver was charged with, and convicted of assault, under a city law that made certain traffic violations crimes if they resulted in death or serious injury. But in a ruling made public yesterday, rooted in an appeal of that conviction, the state’s 1st Court of Appeals agreed with an earlier ruling that the law in question is invalid; see the ruling here; read more at seattletimes.com. (Thanks to Todd for e-mailing to let us know about this.)
Today we welcome a new WSB sponsor – The X Gym, on Alki. As is our tradition, we offer new sponsors the chance to tell you about their business, and here’s what The X Gym wants you to know: “The X Gym distances itself from the competition in every way. We have taken exercise and health out of the Dark Ages and have brought it into today’s world of busy parents, professionals, and weekend warriors. Everything we do, from strength training to nutrition, is based on the latest scientific research. Gone are the days where a person has to spend hours at a gym just to achieve mediocre results. We have invented our own specific exercise methods based on the latest scientific research to achieve the outstanding results we have demonstrated since 1998. These methods allow us to train clients safely and effectively, achieving a functional, well rounded fitness in much less time than traditional training for more than double the results. The X Gym is a place where the Average Joe and Jane can become real urban athletes. Our client base runs the age spectrum from 15 to 90, from all types of backgrounds, and every fitness level. For our clients there is no more diet yo-yo, guessing, fitness plateaus, or frustrations. The X Gym covers all four components of health: Physical, cardiovascular, mental, and nutritional. Finally, one of the biggest factors that separates us from the rest is that our services do not start and stop at the door. Clients are held accountable for everything relating to their health, whether it be food tracking or showing up for appointments. At The X Gym, you are not just another number, you’re family, and we always take care of family. Clients are constantly amazed at the stark contrast in the results they achieve and in the short amount of time they actually spend working out. Some clients have spent years trying to get into shape, but traditional training has failed them.” The X Gym on Alki is at 3213 Harbor SW (map); online at xgym.com; by phone, 206-938-XGYM.
Thanks to The X Gym for supporting West Seattle’s only independent, neighborhood-based, community-collaborative 24/7 news, information and discussion service; our current sponsor team can be seen here, along with info on how to join.
Publishing the reminder today, in case you want to attend tomorrow afternoon’s hearing: The city Landmarks Preservation Board is scheduled to decide at 3:30 pm tomorrow whether The Kenney‘s century-old Seaview Building (left) should be designated an official city landmark (here’s the nomination document). Last month, board members voted to accept the nomination for consideration (WSB coverage here); tomorrow, they will see another presentation, ask questions, take public comment, and vote. At an early stage of The Kenney’s planning for major redevelopment, the building was proposed for demolition, but the latest plan calls for saving Seaview. The Landmarks Board meets on the 40th floor of the Seattle Municipal Tower (700 5th; map) downtown; if you can’t be there in person, you can send comments here.
Really, it’s that important. All of our local governments have declared themselves to be in deep money trouble and have to make major decisions regarding how to spend what they have – the folks you vote for today will be making more big decisions when the winners are sworn in early next year. And if you’ve got a voting question, King County Elections has answers – in an earlier comment thread, it was asked if you can just put your ballot in the outgoing mail today – Barnaby at KC Elections’ Media Hotline told us, “If a postal worker picks up your ballot today, it will be postmarked today.” (And remember the dropboxes, till 8 pm.) If you never got a ballot, call 206-296-VOTE, ASAP. More info here. First vote count should be announced shortly after 8 pm, and we’ll track results here, as well as roving to some of the election-night parties.
ORIGINAL 10:58 AM REPORT: Thanks to those who’ve called and e-mailed – we have just confirmed with police that a foot chase in the Admiral area (near West Seattle High School) has ended with an arrest, so that’s why you’re seeing major police activity in the area. We expect to have more details shortly on what happened. 11:16 AM UPDATE: One of our tipsters had told us the suspect was believed to be Skyelar Hailey, a repeat offender who we have reported on here before, most recently in May, when police found him in a stolen car, weeks after he was sentenced on reduced charges related to an Admiral burglary case. Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen confirms to WSB that Hailey is in custody, under arrest for investigation of theft, along with a “female” who was with him, and has these additional details of what happened: Lt. Paulsen says Hailey is suspected of stealing a teacher’s purse this morning at WSHS, where summer school is under way; apparently a custodian originally gave chase. Police were called and a foot pursuit ensued, with Hailey taken into custody (the female’s involvement is not clear at this point). (Photo by Christopher Boffoli, from Hailey’s April 24 sentencing) 4:47 PM UPDATE: Hailey has finally shown up on the King County Jail register, booked about an hour ago. The potential charges are listed as three counts of investigation of burglary. 6:16 PM: His entry now has been updated to “bail denied.”
Just posted at SPDBlotter: Police are asking for help finding witnesses in a West Seattle bicycle crash this morning. They found a woman in her twenties, with life-threatening injuries, in the 7700 block of Delridge (map). But they don’t know what happened – whether someone hit her, or whether something went wrong and she was the only one involved. From The Blotter:
Traffic Collision Investigation detectives were called to the scene to investigate and process the collision site. It is unknown at this point whether or not this was a single vehicle collision or a hit and run. The investigation continues. Anyone who may have information regarding this collision is asked to contact detectives as 206 684-8927.
Checking the 911 log, it looks like medics first responded to that area around quarter past 6 this morning. We’re checking with police now to get more information beyond what’s on The Blotter. 6:28 PM UPDATE: Lots more info in comments during the day, at least regarding what was seen at the scene after it happened. Meantime, we called police late today to ask if there’s any new info – regarding the bicyclist’s condition, or any information on the crash’s cause. Short answer: No. (Without knowing the name of the rider, by the way, we are unable to independently obtain information on her condition from the hospital. So if anyone who knows her does see this and is able to let us all know how she is doing, that will be appreciated.) 8:01 PM UPDATE: Amy sent this via e-mail:
i do know her. and right now all i know is she is in ICU i don’t want to um
say her name cause i don’t know if they’d want that.but shes in icu she has facial fractures, a broken arm scrapes bruises and
some internal injuries. she probably will need surgery for the facial
fractures. but other than that i do not know how she is. that update was
given to me around 1 pmish. prayers for her and her family are appreciated.
With today being the first major all-mail election in King County, we wondered if the tradition of candidates and supporters waving signs during “rush hour” would go on anyway … it did. Here’s what and who we found in the 35th/Fauntleroy area on the way to The Bridge – King County Executive candidate (and King County Council Chair) Dow Constantine above, these two groups below (none of whom contacted us, by the way – we just went out looking):
The Fauntleroy walkover bridge had two volunteers with Constantine signs – didn’t get a photo. If you have photos of other sign-wavers in West Seattle this morning, editor@westseattleblog.com – we’ll be out looking when the afternoon commute gets close too. Remember, make sure your ballot gets postmarked today, OR take it to a dropbox by 8 pm tonight (locations listed here).
The ballot dropoff box outside White Center Library (11220 16th SW; map) and its counterpart at North Delridge Neighborhood Service Center (5405 Delridge; map) are the two closest places to take your ballot up until 8 pm tonight (or get it in the mail, but be sure it’s postmarked today). County Council District 8, which includes West Seattle, is still the district with the highest percentage of returned ballots – but 80 percent are STILL out there, so that’s a whole lot of voting yet to happen. We’ll bring you election results once the vote-counting begins.
Also today/tonight:
HIGH POINT MARKET GARDEN: 4:30-7 pm, 32nd/Juneau (map), see what’s fresh from the mini-farm right by the stand.
END-OF-SUMMER CELEBRATION AND FAMILY GAME NIGHT: Delridge Library is throwing a party because readers of all ages “nearly tripled the Delridge Branch summer reading goal of 2,350 books!” Drop in any time between 6 and 8 pm (5423 Delridge; map).
“INTRO TO (BIKE) COMMUTING”: That’s the latest Bike Smart Seattle presentation in West Seattle, 6:30 tonight at Southwest Community Center (2801 SW Thistle; map).
(Olympic National Park photo from nps.gov)
Right now, a group of West Seattle High School students is “on assignment” with National Geographic Photo Camp in Olympic National Park, and this Thursday night, 7 pm at Youngstown Arts Center, you will be able to see the results – Susan Turner from NatureBridge sent the following news release with information about what’s happening – read on!Read More