West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
We got that sneak peek at the Delridge Skatepark‘s schematic design by going downtown for a Seattle Design Commission presentation last month (that’s designer Micah Shapiro from Grindline). Tomorrow (Monday) night, you can see it, and offer comments, and ask questions, right here in West Seattle, by going to the third and final “design meeting” at Youngstown Arts Center, 6:30 pm. The skatepark (planned for the northeast corner of the parkland at Delridge Community Center/Playfield/Wading Pool) is much closer to reality than it was during the first two design meetings, now that the Parks Department has mustered about three-quarters of a million dollars to replace the funding cut from the city budget — about half a million from the Hiawatha Playfield project – where work is just starting – since its bids came in under budget, and a quarter-million that’s being moved (pending final approval) from a Parks and Green Spaces Levy allotment for a “skate spot” at the future Myrtle Reservoir park site.
(see bottom of story for next-day updates)
ORIGINAL 9:41 PM REPORT: There’s an overturned car near Admiral and 48th. It appears to be a single vehicle, overturned in the eastbound lane of Admiral. One person has been taken out of the car and moved to the medic unit. Admiral still blocked in both directions.
9:55 PM UPDATE: The street is being hosed down. So far it appears that the one person removed from the car and taken to the hospital was the only person in the car.
10:06 PM UPDATE: Admiral now open to traffic. The car is off to the side and traffic is moving slowly in both directions.
10:31 PM UPDATE: Just left the scene a few minutes ago; the wrecked car was still there, in the outside eastbound lane just west of 49th. We talked to people at the scene; nobody saw what happened – thanks to the people in the house right over the crash scene for allowing us to share their landing to shoot video of the rescue efforts, which we will add shortly. No word yet exactly why the car crashed, nor do we know the driver’s condition.
ADDED 10:57 PM: That video clip shows the rescue scene just before the man was pulled out of the car and taken to the medic unit by gurney. We’ll add one more showing the car from the other side of the street (11:25 – here’s that clip, from after the man was pulled out:)
And one side note – we’ve noticed at recent crash/crime scenes that red battery-operated lights are used instead of flares – in this case we were close enough to get a little video of them:
MONDAY MORNING UPDATE: Fire Department spokesperson Dana Vander Houwen tells WSB the crash survivor is a 60-year-old man who was taken to the hospital with “non-life-threatening injuries.” We’re about to check with police to see if they have anything more on the investigation. 4:38 PM UPDATE: Detective Jeff Kappel with the SPD media unit says the preliminary – and we stress, preliminary – finding of investigators is that the driver apparently fell asleep at the wheel.
If you haven’t been to the Fremont Solstice Parade, you might not realize, given the turn the major coverage has taken in recent years, that it includes much more than naked, body-painted bicycle riders. For example: In the photo above, that’s The Center School‘s dragon in Saturday’s parade. (The Center School is a high school based at Seattle Center, “with a focus on the arts and community engagement” per its website, part of the Seattle Public Schools system.) It was a creation of West Seattleite Andy Bell‘s “Global Arts and Cultural Expressions” class at The Center School – here’s Andy and son Adam Bell in the parade:
The 25-foot dragon was accompanied by artists from the school expressing a variety of genres; they got other youth involved along the parade route, decorating the dragon as it went:
Thanks to Paul Dieter, a West Seattleite and Center School parent, for sharing the photos (and for his WSB Forums note that the parade isn’t just about the two-wheel, no-clothes crowd – although note there WAS well-rounded coverage on one of our fellow independent neighborhood-news sites, FremontUniverse.com, which is affiliated with nearby Ballard’s #1 online news source, MyBallard.com). We’re less than a month away now, by the way, from West Seattle’s own summertime parade, the American Legion Grand Parade (that’s its official name; though you may know it as the “Hi-Yu Parade,” it’s presented by Legion Post 160, not by the Hi-Yu Festival). It’s coming up on Saturday, July 18th.
Celebrate Liberty on the Fourth of July – by visiting the old Alki Statue of Liberty (and then if you want, later, the nearby plaza’s new one) at the Log House Museum‘s gift shop. But that would be just one side attraction at the Southwest Seattle Historical Society‘s annual membership picnic. Even if you’re not a member yet, you’re invited to come join at the picnic, which will offer free hamburgers, hot dogs, coffee, tea and lemonade – just bring a side dish to share – and help launch “Telling Our Westside Stories,” which the Historical Society explains as: We’ll collect your memories of the land, water, beaches, and hills of the Duwamish peninsula.” (The LHM is at 61st/Stevens in Alki; here’s a map.)
Out of the WSB inbox, from LJ, who’s seeking suggestions about a problem she’s noticing three months after the big recycling changes:
I am wondering if any other residents are experiencing an increase in rodent and wildlife issues that appear to be related to food scraps now being placed in yard debris recycling containers. In the past I would see the occasional rat at night and crows will be crows, but as I feared, I have had a huge increase in rat sightings at night in my yard and a huge increase in crow issues. I am convinced this is related to the food scraps in the recycling. I am constantly finding food scraps dropped in my yard by the crows which in turn attracts the rats if it is not picked up immediately. I even had a crow fight to the death in my front yard over food scraps. The crow that was killed died in a large fountain in my front yard, when I tried to remove it I was attacked by the other crows and had to call Animal Control to remove it. I am sorry but this creeps me out. I am all for more recycling but not at risk of disease and pestilence because the containers are not crow-proof and people are uneducated about how to maybe guard against this with the containers that we are issued. Thoughts, suggestions????
That sign went up, on building-side space donated by Nucor, a month ago – and now the accompanying donation drive has begun: Today, Neighborhood House launches the Solar Panel Challenge to bring in $100,000 for a “second array of solar panels” atop its under-construction (here’s our recent hard-hat-tour story) Neighborhood Center in High Point, which will be both a community gathering place and a headquarters for social services as well as environmental education. The second array will make the building “energy-neutral” and will pay for itself within a few years, saving up to $30,000 a year. Read on for the official news release about the Solar Panel Challenge:Read More
When we reported nine days ago that Seattle chef Gabriel Claycamp was planning to open his Swinery Deli and cured-meat business as part of the Seattle Fish Company storefront in The Junction, it was noted that the deal hadn’t been finalized yet. This morning, WSB has learned that Claycamp has just signed a lease for a different West Seattle space: WSB photojournalist Christopher Boffoli, who has covered Claycamp’s endeavors before, reports that the Swinery’s planned deli and preparation kitchen will both be housed in the 3207 California SW location (left) that Muttley Crew Cuts is leaving for its new Admiral/42nd digs; the lease, according to what Claycamp told Christopher, was signed yesterday – they’ll meet with architects Monday, and are aiming for a mid-August opening. According to Christopher, “Gabriel says this location is better because they can consolidate their entire operation under one roof and divest themselves of the commercial kitchen space they recently started renting. He is excited about the potential of the outdoor courtyard too, as it will offer the opportunity for a ‘walk-up BBQ window’.” (For more details of what Claycamp is planning, see our June 12th report.)
(Photo from last month, shared by Gregory Wright)
FATHER’S DAY TIDEWALK, ANYONE? 10 am-1 pm, beach naturalists will be out south of Alki Point and (south of Colman Pool) on the Lincoln Park shore, as a very low tide – minus 3.0 – bottoms out just after 10:30 this morning. (And even lower tomorrow!)
FATHER’S DAY CAR SHOW: It’s an annual tradition. Classic/antique cars on display at Providence Mount St. Vincent (here’s a map), 1-3:30 pm. Free. South side of the building.
FATHER’S DAY BRUNCH: Looking for brunch options? West Seattle restaurants where you’ll find brunch include our three restaurant sponsors — Cafe Revo (opening today at 10), Skylark Cafe and Club (open at 9 am), and Ama-Ama Oyster Bar and Grill (open at 10).
FATHER’S DAY AT THE WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm as always, 44th/Alaska. Here’s the “Ripe ‘n’ Ready” list; check the Neighborhood Farmers’ Market Alliance Twitter feed for last-minute alerts and on-site discoveries.
FUNDRAISER FOR A FATHERLESS FAMILY: We first told you about this last Monday – the Phares Phund event at Alki Bathhouse, 4-7 pm today.
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