A banner day: High Point Neighborhood Center sign up at Nucor

This was originally supposed to happen during Sustainable West Seattle Festival weekend three weeks ago, but got postponed till today: Alex Wang from Neighborhood House wrote to let us know that the big banner to promote the High Point Neighborhood Center‘s solar array – 256 panels spanning 6,000 square feet, biggest of its kind in the state – is now up, in space donated on the west side of the West Seattle Nucor plant. Neighborhood House will be kicking off a campaign on the summer solstice to solicit sponsors for the solar panels. By the way, if you’re interested in a hard-hat construction tour of the under-construction HPNC– not just being built green, but being built LEED GoldWendy Hughes-Jelen of Green Spaces Real Estate has arranged a rare opportunity to do just that, early next Wednesday morning — find out about it (and how to RSVP) here.

3 Replies to "A banner day: High Point Neighborhood Center sign up at Nucor"

  • Robert May 22, 2009 (3:02 pm)

    Isn’t it a little ironic for this to be posted on the building the uses most of the electricity used in West Seattle?

  • Wendy Hughes-Jelen May 22, 2009 (3:23 pm)

    No RSVP needed, but if folks are interested in events and tours along these lines they should join the meetup group. Thanks!

  • Cathy Cooper May 26, 2009 (11:12 am)

    It’s not so ironic that Nucor has agreed to let Neighborhood House use the space. The company is one of the largest users of recycled materials in North America.

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