West Seattle Crime Watch: Morgan Junction break-in attempt

Linda tells the story of what she found when she got home tonight (6300 block of 40th SW; map):

Looks like we had an attempted break-in today at our home, approximately 4:30 p.m.

We have a basement window located at ground level near our front door, the screen was removed and a large rock was left on our sidewalk. To get to the screen, a rather large brass wind chime sculpture was moved out of the way. Thankfully the potential thieves made a lot of noise, alerting a resident who was home at the time.

We’re not sure what exactly scared them away but they did leave. FYI: our home is, rather unfortunately, located behind a large hedge with a gate in it, the potential thieves had to enter through our gate to get to the area they were at.

The resident at home did not realize the brass wind chime sculpture had been moved so was not sure an attempted break-in had occurred. It wasn’t until we arrived home approximately half an hour ago that we determined it was definitely an attempted break-in. … I’ll be notifying my neighbors tomorrow in person so they are aware this happened.

Gotta say, not feeling as safe in my own home as I did earlier today.

Yes, Linda has reported this to police; even if hours have passed, you can and should call the non-emergency number, 206-625-5011 (if you ever need it fast, it’s on the WSB Crime Watch page).

10 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Morgan Junction break-in attempt"

  • Jonas February 7, 2009 (8:45 am)

    Wow, that sucks! Glad everyone’s OK. Next time, send the thugs over to my place. I work from home, and have two shotguns.

    I’d be happy to “help” them figure out what they’re doing wrong.

  • BB10 February 7, 2009 (9:20 am)

    I feel like a doofus admitting this, but for a moment everytime when I click links like this, I read it as “West Seattle Crime….Watch Morgan St BreakIn” like it’s gonna be a video and I’m all “ooooh busted! caught on tape” and then “oh…wait”

  • miws February 7, 2009 (9:50 am)

    I’ll join you in doofusdom, BB10. Though it didn’t happen with this thread, I, too, often misread the titles. Sometimes accidentally, but other times on purpose, just for fun! ;)



  • FabulousEm February 7, 2009 (4:34 pm)

    Did anyone hear about the Drive by shooting at 34th and Holly? It was on King 5 this morning. They said it happened Friday night at around 11 pm. What the heck is going on around here!?

  • D February 7, 2009 (4:43 pm)

    Linda stopped by today. I appreciate the heads up as I don’t always take the time to look at this very excellent community blog and she’s very close to my home.

  • WSB February 7, 2009 (4:45 pm)

    Fab, that wasn’t in West Seattle. That was in South Seattle.

  • FabulousEm February 7, 2009 (5:00 pm)

    Ahhh….. Thanks. I guess I feel a little better. :)

  • WSB February 7, 2009 (5:02 pm)

    Still disturbing, but … as soon as I saw your comment I was worried we’d missed something over here. In section of South Seattle and Beacon Hill, the street numbers and names mirror some of the ones here, so if you don’t hear the “South” vs. “Southwest” suffix it might sound like a WS intersection. We are used to hearing this when we listen to the scanner.

  • beatrice February 8, 2009 (8:59 am)

    Many times I hear my sons talk about the events that have gone on here in West Seattle – the ones you never hear about because they NEVER get reported to autorities. Just this week there was an invasion type break-in at one of their friend’s houses and there were guns involved, no one shot but a robbery did take place. These two people who shot the boy in the junction were only two of many kids who have guns and are not afraid to carry them, taunt and threaten people with them, and ultimately use them. We cannot live in fear because if we did it could easily consume us. We need to continue to be a community that offers good examples for our youth and places that they can go and feel safe. These are not always “bad” kids – they come from “good homes” all over West Seattle. (The above-mentioned incident happened in the North Junction neighborhood) We also need to somehow convey the value of life to our youth. This is the message they have not understood.

  • Mustafa February 18, 2009 (10:12 pm)

    You just can’t be too careful anymore. That’s just maddening. What are those people thinking?

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