day : 21/11/2008 14 results

Trim your tree while helping Hi-Yu: Ornaments on sale!

November 21, 2008 11:21 pm
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 |   How to help | West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival | West Seattle news

Those are three of the four glass ornaments that West Seattle Hi-Yu is selling in its annual holiday-time fundraiser – designed and hand-blown by Glass Eye Studio, $25 each, proceeds supporting Hi-Yu (including all the fun summer events Hi-Yu presents, and the float its volunteers create this year to represent West Seattle in parades near and far). You can buy them from any Hi-Yu member, or be on the lookout for ornament-sellers around West Seattle — this Sunday, you will find them at the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle booth on the east side of the West Seattle Farmers’ Market (10 am-2 pm) and you’ll also find Queen Zoe and Princess Elyse from the Hi-Yu Junior Court selling ornaments Sunday, 11 am-2 pm, at West Seattle Thriftway in Morgan Junction. Another big event coming up where you’ll be able to buy them: The Kiwanis Club’s big Pancake Breakfast (which itself sounds like a great deal — all the pancakes and ham you can eat, 7 am-11 am December 6th at the Masonic Hall [map], $6 adults/$3 kids 12 and under; Santa’ll be there too – here’s the flyer). The Hi-Yu ornaments are available through Christmas — if they don’t sell out sooner!

Truck flips on Genesee near Avalon, driver survives

Nasty night and more trouble on the roads – this time, a pickup truck flipped on Genesee near Avalon, blocking Genesee just east of Avalon (map) – the driver survived and is talking with police right now, while a towing crew figures out how to handle the truck. We’ll have a picture in a bit. ADDED 9:54 PM: Our short video clip shows the tow truck starting to work to get the overturned pickup off the top of that steep section of road (we had to stop rolling to get out of the truck’s way).

New P-Patch in the works for West Seattle

November 21, 2008 8:37 pm
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Found this on the High Point Neighborhood Association website, though the P-Patch will be in the Junction area — a new one next year on a site donated by West Seattle Christian Church (which is already gardening to help neighbors in need, as we reported last July). If you’re interested in the P-Patch, Here’s how to get involved. West Seattle currently has six P-Patches, per this map.

WSB Forums reader report: Pedestrian vs. vehicle on Barton

Thanks to “gatekrasher” for posting an eyewitness report and photo in the WSB Forums about an accident of some sort on Barton between 16th/17th (map). This call was on 911 as “medic response” and we don’t automatically roll on those; heading out now to see if police are still at the scene and if so, to see what we can find out. 7:16 PM UPDATE: Talked to Officer Jeff Kappel in the Seattle Police media unit; his info says it was indeed a pedestrian-vehicle accident and one person was taken to Harborview Medical Center, but that’s it for details.

Looking ahead to school-closure proposal: “Workshops” set

Next Tuesday, Seattle Public Schools leaders are scheduled to present their proposal for the next round of school closures. We’re watching this closely because South and West Seattle have the most likelihood of finding schools on this list, since the north end has been dealing with overcrowding, but these areas have not. We don’t know yet if a media briefing is planned earlier that day, but we do know the recommendations will be formally presented to the School Board at a 6 pm workshop at District HQ, and whichever buildings are scheduled for closure will get on-site public hearings during the week of 12/15. Before that, the district has just announced two “workshops” 12/4 and 12/6 to discuss the recommendations before those hearings – read on for full details:Read More

Friday miscellany: Chances to get; chances to give; coffee talk!

November 21, 2008 4:13 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle businesses | West Seattle video

First, the getting – We caught that quick video clip in The Junction this afternoon, as festive boxes (decorated by Swee Swee Paperie) arrived at merchants participating in the big $5,000 Giveaway – go to a participating West Seattle Junction (WSB sponsor) merchant (full list on the 2nd page of this flyer) any time starting NOW to enter (free!) the raffle for Junction gift certificates totaling $5,000. There will be three raffle drawings, starting with one at the Christmas Tree Lighting at 5 pm December 6th (44th/Alaska).

Two more Junction notes: Husky Deli has its holiday open house 5-9 TONIGHT, and also — this just in via Twitter — just launched its updated website (see it here).

Also from the “getting” file: Lora Lewis at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) sends word of bonus Internet access hours:

Are you an early riser and like to get your Internet surfing done in the mornings? Then come into Hotwire and with a drink purchase you receive a full hour of Internet surfing in the mornings from open till 10 am. More of a night owl? Then we have surfing for you too! Purchase a drink and sign in between 4 pm and close and you also receive a full hour of surfing. Between those times you still get 15 minutes of Internet surfing with a beverage too. Hotwire has computers loaded with the full MS Office suite, a printer and super high-speed connection. We’re also a great place to do any online holiday shopping too with our double firewall secure connection. Have a laptop? FREE lifetime wireless is at your fingertips.

Also from West Seattle coffee land, in addition to the Java Bean food drive we mentioned yesterday, C and P Coffee sends word that through the end of December, if you bring in a “food or diaper item” to donate to its Food and Diaper Drive, you get a free drink. One last coffee note – the other day, we mentioned that Xconomy Seattle seemed to be slighting West Seattle in its post about innovators’ favorite coffee hangouts; it heard the call and has updated the list, a bit. P.S. We are starting to assemble our annual holiday “which coffee shops are open and which aren’t” lists – if you are a WS coffee provider, e-mail us with your Thanksgiving hours! Thanks!

Bound to be a big crowd: Public hearing on city gun proposal

Not in West Seattle but with all the city-owned parkland etc. around here, certainly relevant – the city’s just set a public hearing for the proposed rule restricting guns on city-owned property – read on for the full announcement (including a new webpage through which you can send written comments):Read More

West Seattle door-to-door alert: News ruse?

Wanted to spotlight a reader report that a Gatewood resident just posted as a comment on a Crime Watch report from last weekend — sounds like this may be a new door-to-door ruse:Read More

Speaking of road work: Another Fauntleroy Way followup

A side note to the Fauntleroy Way lane-reconfiguration proposal, which as we reported last week will be discussed at an open house December 1st (now that the prerequisite repaving project’s a go despite city budget woes): Cindi Barker‘s latest bulletin to the Morgan Community Association includes background on the last time something similar officially came up – voted down by Morgan Junction “stakeholders” in the neighborhood-plan process exactly 10 years ago today, as it turns out – here’s the excerpt from what Cindi sent out:

Brief history of “ Fauntleroy Way SW Boulevard†proposal as part of the Morgan Junction Neighborhood Plan process.

As part of the process to create and adopt the Morgan Junction Neighborhood Plan, the MoCA Transportation Sub-committee proposed a series of improvements. One of those recommendations was for Fauntleroy Way SW to be studied for reconfiguration into a boulevard concept. Below is the text of the draft recommendation that was presented to the public at a Validation Event on Nov 21, 1998, at which Morgan Junction stakeholders voted on all the elements of the proposed plan. There were 222 ballots returned, 79 supported the Boulevard concept, 123 opposed the concept and 20 ballots were blank for this element. (104 of the votes were cast at the event, the rest were mailed in or submitted at the town hall drop box). In addition, a “straw poll†was conducted on the day of the event by a group associated with Neighborhood Rights, which was a group in opposition with the Urban Village and Neighborhood Plan concept. The results of their straw poll was that 12 people supported the Boulevard Concept and 56 opposed the concept.

To see the exact text of what was voted down on that date, read on:Read More

Gas-pipe road-work update: Puget Sound Energy explains

When we brought you some SDOT information earlier this week about the project that’s been tearing up roads in Fauntleroy (primarily Barton toward 35th) and now has moved east of 35th, we mentioned that we hadn’t heard back from Puget Sound Energy, whose gas line is at the heart of the work. We subsequently got a call from a PSE media person who couldn’t find our phone message but did read the WSB post – so she in turn connected us to another PSE person who had more details on the project. We have lots of new details now about what turns out to be work to replace almost two miles of old metal gas piping with plastic (as shown above) – read on for more about what’s happening, where, why, when (and how come there was no general announcement sent to news sources like us, to share with you):Read More

County budget crunch: Proposal to save some public-safety $

November 21, 2008 11:16 am
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 |   Safety | West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

We’ve been tracking the county budget crunch here and on White Center Now; many components of the county budget affect far more than those in unincorporated areas — it also affects public-safety and other services provided for everyone in King County. Council leaders just announced they’ve found a way to save some of the services that were on the chopping block – here’s the entirety of their (long) announcement (P.S., you can send comments online by going here):Read More

West Seattle Weekend Lineup: Talking pre-turkey

November 21, 2008 9:48 am
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wswllicon3.pngHoliday merriment, of course, continues to gear up — free turkeys, wreath-making, the Log House Museum‘s annual gala — but this edition of the West Seattle Weekend Lineup has eclectic offerings too: Seattle Free School brings a timely class to West Seattle (Stocks 101); the Point of Order Parliamentary Law Unit welcomes you to its monthly gathering; Chief Sealth and West Seattle High Schools both have theater productions; that’s all among 38 West Seattle and WS-linked events on our handy list ahead:Read More

West Seattle greenery: 2 ways to celebrate it today

November 21, 2008 8:15 am
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 |   Environment | Fun stuff to do | Gardening

From the Events calendar: At 10 am, the West Seattle Garden Club meets – topic, “Winterize Your Garden,” bring your lunch, the club provides dessert and beverage, $5 donation, Alki Congregational Church, 6115 SW Hinds (map). At 1 pm, the Nature Consortium‘s free monthly guided hike through a part of the West Duwamish Greenbelt you might not have known existed – it’s a fairly easy walk, fun, and fascinating, meet at the trailhead at 14th/Holly (map); call 923-0853 if you want more info first.