day : 20/05/2008 15 results

Seen on the bay today, open for touring tomorrow

May 20, 2008 11:54 pm
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 |   Seen at sea


Thanks to Susan Stern Grossman from Singingpixel Photography for that photo of the USS Rushmore as it passed West Seattle shores today, headed to Terminal 30 for a history-commemorating event you can read more about here. The Rushmore is one of two Navy ships that will be open for tours 9 am-2 pm tomorrow.

2 links of note: HPAC jail-site page; salon-crash neighbor

LINK #1: Highland Park Action Committee‘s website now has the promised page compiling information in the group’s fight against the two proposed city-jail sites in southeast WS.

LINK #2: As a side note to this morning’s truck crash at Jan’s Salon south of Morgan Junction (WSB coverage here and here), salon neighbor Chill has posted a note to clients on its blog.

Community Safety Partnership report #1: Shootings update

May 20, 2008 10:40 pm
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 |   Crime | Delridge | Safety | West Seattle news

First of at least two reports from tonight’s West Seattle Community Safety Partnership meeting — Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen had a little information about the mother and son shot in their Delridge duplex last week. He said both are doing OK; no one in custody right now but a possible “person of interest” was detained, then released pending further investigation. He also said the shooting was not random – the mother was definitely targeted, not sure about the 10-year-old son. Other news from tonight’s meeting included the promised briefing on “casing” (no revelations but good reminders) and plans for WSCSP’s first Officer Appreciation Day at the precinct. More on all that in the morning.

Seahawks starter swoops into College Night at SSCC

May 20, 2008 9:34 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools


Above left, that’s Seattle Seahawks cornerback Kelly Jennings, focusing on the educational field rather than the playing field tonight at South Seattle Community College, appearing on behalf of City University, which is partnering with SSCC in a new 4-year-degree program (reported here last month). This was part of College Night at Brockey Center on the school’s campus in northeastern West Seattle:


During the event, visitors wandered between booths and tables set up on behalf of other educational institutions as well as SSCC programs like its culinary-arts offerings, spotlighted in a cooking demo:


College Night is an annual SSCC event organized to provide information on transferring to four-year programs or further exploring some of the school’s vocational programs. (One more note on Jennings’ appearance – info provided in advance notes that he holds two degrees in Finance and Business Management from the University of Miami.)

Charlestown Cafe: Why you’re not seeing lots of activity

Quick followup to our update the other day mentioning the permit’s been granted for repairs to the fire-damaged Charlestown Cafe: We heard back from co-owner Larry Mellum, who explains you’re not seeing signs of work onsite because “The hood is being fabricated offsite … We will know a little more by the end of the week but at this juncture it looks like we COULD be opening around the 10th of June. It is early so don’t hold me to that but it is looking that way!!”

Carving out a niche: Sculpted at streetside


Thanks to Greg for sending word of the wood sculpture that he says has just emerged from beneath a tarp at 44th/Brandon. Here’s a wider shot:


Crime Watch reader reports: Backyard theft; break-in try

From two people who want you to know what happened to them – read on:Read More

New parks-levy push: West Seattle meeting just announced

May 20, 2008 4:24 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle parks

We’ve mentioned the citizens’ committee set up by the City Council as it considers whether to push for a new parks levy later this year. Just got word this afternoon from the office of West Seattle-residing Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, who chairs the council’s Parks Committee, that a West Seattle meeting has just been added so you can share your opinion with the citizens’ advisory committee (which includes three West SeattleitesSharonn Meeks, Pete Spalding, and Bruce Bentley): 7 pm June 2, Alki Community Center. Full details:Read More

Looking for work? Six new West Seattle jobs posted

May 20, 2008 3:54 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses

If you missed the recent announcement of our West Seattle Jobs Offered section – in the past 24 hours alone, six new jobs have been posted. Posting is free for employers, so long as the job is physically in West Seattle and the post is clear about which business (with contact info) is hiring. (Please let us know when a job is filled, so we can mark the post CLOSED.)

Salon crash update: Saved by a quirk of fate


Followup on this morning’s crash at Jan’s Salon south of Morgan Junction (earlier WSB coverage here): We dropped by to talk with Jan earlier this afternoon; she is still trying to sort things out and expects to be closed at least a few days (photo above shows some of the damage, through the shop window). She was not insured – she said she was “between insurers.” She also said it was a quirk of fate that she wasn’t in the salon when this happened – she originally had a 9 am appointment scheduled today, but the client canceled, otherwise she would have been in the salon at the time of the crash. (The truck, shown in the photos from our earlier coverage, was towed after a couple hours; we wound up two cars behind the tow truck as it rattled past our corner, heading southeast.) Jan says she’s been in business at this location (California & Frontenac) for 14 years.

Satterlee House followup: Agent says repairs in the works

May 20, 2008 1:21 pm
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 |   West Seattle history | West Seattle news


If you’ve been following the saga of the Satterlee House – the city-landmark-designated “Painted Lady” of Beach Drive (4800 block) – you know its current owner, William Conner, is challenging a city ruling against his proposal to build three 3,000-square-foot-average homes on its long front lawn (most recent WSB report here). In testimony before the city Hearing Examiner, who affirmed the city Landmarks Board ruling that Conner had appealed (WSB coverage of the decision here), it was disclosed that the house has significantly settled and that the problem likely had contributed to the failure of at least one purchase offer over the years. One of the witnesses at the hearing (as reported here) was the Satterlee House’s longtime listing agent, AC Braddock, who e-mailed WSB to say that Conner has committed to repairing the settling, and she believes that might “help someone to decide to buy the entire property as an estate. Having the house lifted and made more level should give a prospective owner more confidence in the viability of the home and seriously consider making the investment required to update the home and grounds as an estate home.” Braddock adds that she plans to schedule some open houses before and after the repair work.

Happening tonight: Crimefighting community meeting

May 20, 2008 12:19 pm
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 |   Crime | Safety

We’ve said this before and we’ll say it again: If you are concerned about crime and safety in your neighborhood — the kind of response that we get for our crime/safety coverage indicates that thousands of people in West Seattle are — there is one monthly meeting you shouldn’t miss: Send a family member, send a neighbor, just make sure you’re represented, to hear the latest information for yourself. It’s happening tonight: West Seattle Community Safety Partnership, 7 pm, Southwest Precinct public meeting room (Delridge/Webster, just east of the south side of Home Depot). Local police leadership (including Community Police Team members) is always there, not only to present updates, but also to answer your questions and address your concerns. And it’s not just about crime – the Seattle Neighborhood Group provides a staff member to this group (which has a new slate of volunteer leaders) to share information about fighting any blight in your neighborhood, including so-called “nuisance properties.” We always cover this meeting to report highlights here, but that’s no substitute for getting some of this practical how-to information – and getting questions answered – in person. On the agenda tonight — “casing” — maybe that’ll help us all sort out some of those door-to-door dilemmas. See you there.

Truck crashes into beauty shop south of Morgan Junction


Thanks to Joe for the tip. This is at Jan’s Salon at California/Frontenac (map). The driver is OK and says he missed the corner swerving to avoid something or someone. Nobody was in the beauty shop because it hadn’t opened yet; we’re told the owner has been called and is on the way – we’ll check back in with them a little bit later. Looks like significant damage to at least this corner of the salon:


Just discovered: New development plan for another Huling site


This filing just appeared on the city Department of Planning and Development website – no dates on the entry but the project number is among the latest few issued – an application for development at 4755 Fauntleroy, the former Huling (and fleetingly Gee) site on the west side of Fauntleroy just south of the Fauntleroy/Alaska Shell station, same Huling spot where we took the shown-above sign-removal photo three months ago. The city webpage describes the application as:

Approx. 360,000 sf over six floors with 2 levels underground parking. 244 residential units (approx.) with retail @ grade.

The filing is devoid of other details, except for the applicant, listed as Jim Lee, with an address and phone number that appear to trace to Ankrom Moisan Associated Architects in Pioneer Square. No sale records for the property at this point, but we recall at least one other area development that popped up this way, before the deal even closed. Meantime, of course we have now added this to the clickable Junction/Triangle development map. 10:58 AM UPDATE: This application apparently is really new – called DPD to see if they could tell us which planner’s been assigned to it, and they said it hasn’t even had an “intake appointment” yet.

City jail project: Highland Park plans to fight the sites


Those are some of the 100-plus people who packed the Highland Park Improvement Club on Monday night to find out why two of the four potential city-jail sites are in their backyard (previous WSB coverage here), and to decide what to do about it. One revelation in a city rep’s presentation particularly galled them — hear about it, and see the map we made afterward, straight ahead:Read More