As mentioned earlier, we’re calling today WSB Pledge Day — riffing off those public-tv pledge drives, and we’re starting early since we’re up late awaiting the lunar eclipse. Here’s what “Pledge Day” is about: For the first time since we fired this thing up more than a year and a half ago — when we had no idea it would take the thrilling turn it’s taken, becoming a forum for info and input from all of you, as well as a place to report the things we see, hear about, and check into — we’re accepting contributions. Full disclosure, we are NOT starving artists (you already probably figured out, we’re not even artists); also, we expect to eventually accept some ads — local, relevant ads, not those annoying spammy national types. Moderating WSB’s metamorphosis into a community news/info/discussion hub has taken a ton of time and an increasing amount of $, so we feel less sheepish about giving you a way to contribute, but only if you really want to — no hard feelings if you don’t.
If you click that button, which will appear on the site multiple other times today, it will take you to the page for our new PayPal $-receiving account. You do NOT have to be a PayPal member to contribute; you can give PayPal a credit card number (which will NOT EVER be seen by us). Please note that you will see the name “A Drink of Water and a Story Interactive” atop the page; that’s the name we’ve given our fledgling umbrella operation. (The first item on our wishlist for whatever this all brings in is a video camera; so much of what we see begs to be recorded on video, so we all can share the sights and sounds of WS people in good times as well as in bad … from the Hi-Yu Parade to important community meetings, and way beyond.) For all those of you who chip in, THANK YOU!!!! and let us know if it’s OK to put your name on a supporters’ page that we hope to set up, just for posterity’s sake.
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