day : 05/01/2010 14 results

Who’s the “Business of the Year”? Tell the West Seattle Chamber!

January 5, 2010 10:55 pm
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Actually, they’re looking for nominations for THREE awards this year – and one is brand new. Here’s the pitch, from Shannon Felix of Avalon Glassworks, on behalf of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce:

Call for Nominations – West Seattle Business of the Year, Community Hero, and Westsider of the Year

Now is your opportunity to honor those who have made an outstanding commitment to West Seattle. Nominations are now being accepted for the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year, Community Hero, and Westsider of the Year for 2009.

Your Business of the Year nomination should be for a West Seattle Chamber Member which best exemplifies West Seattle’s high standards of excellence. Past recipients include Elliott Bay Brewery & Pub, Tom’s Automotive Service, and Avalon Glassworks.

The Community Hero award is any West Seattle resident who has continually contributed selflessly to West Seattle. Past recipients include Jerry Robinson, Warren Lawless, and Earl Cruzen.

The Westsider of the Year is a new award designed to honor fresh faces who are improving West Seattle. Who is an upcoming community role-model? Tell us!

E-mail your nominations by January 12, 2010 to Patti Mullen,

The 2009 Chamber Award winners will be honored April 7, 2010 at the Annual Awards Breakfast at Salty’s on Alki. For more information, contact the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, 206-932-5685, or visit

The nomination form is on the Chamber website – direct link (PDF) here.

Followup: Sisters’ Alki Beach business plans take a turn

Story and photos by Mary Sheely
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

There’s news about two Alki Beach businesses we wrote about in October, Boat Saigon Café at 2632 Alki SW, and Red Nails salon (initially known as Alki Beach Nails) around the corner at 2648 59th SW.

Nhung Tran, who owns both businesses along with her sister Thu Tran, tells us that Boat Saigon Café should open mid-January. Meanwhile, the Trans may be selling Red Nails, which has been open since November.

Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: 1 arrest; 2 reports; victim’s warning

First, the arrest. Seattle Police announced tonight that 26-year-old Shane Carlson is back in custody; he’s the suspect wanted in connection with more than 30 medical- and dental-office break-ins around the city, including West Seattle. Police released his photo in November; tonight, this SPDBlotter update says he’s been arrested in Eugene, Oregon. Meantime, two Crime Watch reports came in today – first, from Elizabeth in Westwood:

Last night, the Village Square condos across from Westwood Village were hit again by a car prowler. We were notified by the association president around 11:00pm, and it had just happened – he was inside for maybe half an hour before he left again and noticed the glass. The driver side window was smashed and the back seat was pulled out to get to the trunk. After we were hit the last time (see here:, we stopped keeping anything in the car, so there was nothing to take. A neighbor actually saw the guy, and said he was mid-height, Caucasian, kind of chubby, and had dirty blond hair pulled into a ponytail and was driving a green sedan. The cops said a guy matching this description has hit a number of cars in the area, so be on the lookout.

And from Ian in North Delridge:

Just had a car cover stolen off my car this morning just before 7 am (they were caught on camera). This is at Youngstown on the North end of Delridge. Kind of troubling that somebody would try to steal something would take a little bit of time to grab from a place with 40 people living right above and people right about to get to work. If anyone saw somebody carrying a bulky white fabric object to a car on Delridge right before 7, please contact me or the police. It’s not a high-ticket item, but the car needs protection against the spread of rust, so I’ve got to buy another now when that money would have gone towards the car.

Last but not least, the following was posted as a comment on a Crime Watch story that’s a week old, so you probably haven’t seen the comment. It’s a response of sorts to another comment in the thread, which was itself a burglary report not necessarily related to the original story – that happens sometimes with Crime Watch stories. So for context, here’s the New Year’s Day comment by “jmo noting a burglary; and today, from “mom of jmo:

My daughter posted our burglary while we were away before we returned. 2 Laptops were stolen and my jewelry box. I am thankful that the thieves did not destroy the house. I want to make a proposition to the thieves! You by now have figured out that the jewelry you stole from me has no real value….just to me for the memories some of the pieces hold. There is a large porpoise bracelet…a little unusual, huh?? If you would return the jewelry box and contents to me I will pay you $1000., no questions asked. I would just like to have my things returned. So you figure out how to do it!! Hopefully you read this blog or have a friend who does!! Oh, and by the stole my husband’s electric toothbrush. Don’t use it!!! I would regret anyone catching his disease!! And also, we have 2 large, very mean dogs when someone enters the yard. Lucky for you they were boarded. We are not going to board them again but rather leave them outside when we are gone (don’t worry readers they have warm cover and beds). Thieves, please don’t make the mistake of returning!!

City Attorney’s Office changes: Southwest Precinct liaison moves

Credit for the tip on this story goes to this comment (from “amused“) on yesterday’s report about changes at City Hall:

A spokesperson for new City Attorney Pete Holmes confirms that the office’s Southwest Precinct liaison, Beth Gappert, is moving. According to Kathy Mulady, Gappert is moving to the office’s Vice section (the assistant city attorney in that section is moving to supervise the Domestic Violence division). She says John McGoodwin, liaison for the South Precinct, will also handle the Southwest Precinct, though how that will be divided, “he is still figuring out.” (We are working on a follow-up interview.) Mulady says the East and West Precincts also will be covered by one assistant city attorney, Jim Kenny, and adds, “There is some moving around of positions, but Pete Holmes is well aware of the value of the precinct liaison program and respects the work the attorneys do in the community.” This is a big change for the Southwest Precinct, where Gappert worked closely with police on many cases, and also was a familiar face at monthly meetings of groups including the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council and South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition. She arrived at the SW Precinct in April 2007.

(Side note – if the name Kathy Mulady sounds familiar, she is a West Seattleite who worked for the P-I till it went online-only, and also did some reporting for WSB last year before going to work for Holmes.)

2 West Seattle properties in Estately’s “Top 25” 2009 list

Last June, we published that photo with Ron Richardson‘s followup story on the $3.8 million sale of the historic Laurentide estate in Fauntleroy. Today, the folks at Estately flagged us to their list of the 25 biggest Seattle real-estate sales of 2009, and the Laurentide transaction is one of two West Seattle deals on the list. The other is 1114 Sunset, a $2.8 million sale on Estately’s list; we mentioned that property as a $3 million foreclosure last July. See where they ranked, and what else is on the Seattle Top 25, by going here.

(Side note: If you are interested in real estate, two local experts just rejoined the WSB sponsor team this week – Alice Kuder, who’s sponsoring the Crime Watch page, and Roger Steiner.)

West Seattle crimefighting: No Block Watch yet? Organize one!

Shared by Ron Angeles, Delridge Neighborhoods District coordinator for the city:

Get connected to your neighbors and businesses in Cottage Grove and Youngstown and create a safer and healthier neighborhood. A community meeting will be held at the Delridge Library to learn how to organize an effective block watch group near your home. Benjamin Kinlow, Crime Prevention Coordinator, Southwest Police Precinct will provide tips on how to work effectively with the Seattle Police Department. Please share this information far and wide. Hope to see folks next Monday, January 11th, 6:30pm at the Delridge Library (Brandon/Delridge Way SW).

(And you can follow that up with the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council’s next meeting at 7 pm January 19th, SW Precinct.)

West Seattle construction: Water Taxi dock, Denny-Sealth updates

Though we just updated the King County Water Taxi dock work at Seacrest Pier early this morning, it’s worth another note: The county announcement last week had said the fishing pier was expected to stay open, it was CLOSED when we were over at Seacrest a little while ago. The crane/barge work is so close that it’s easy to see why. So in case you were thinking of going fishing (or view-enjoying), take note, it may not be accessible if you go while this is happening. We’re checking with the county to see if there is any more predictable information to share on that. Fascinating work to watch, though, and thanks again to kmo39 for high-level views like the ones shared earlier today.
(added 3:33 pm) Update from Susan Whitmore at KCDOT:

I just got back from Seacrest Dock and want to update you on the status of the fixed fishing pier. It isn’t officially closed, but when the crane is working over the pier (off and on for the next few days) the construction supervisor is suggesting that folks don’t go out on the pier. They are making good progress and have already started hammering in the piles and have three in place already. The supervisor mentioned that they will also ask folks not to use the fixed pier for a day during the week of Jan 18th when the concrete pumping truck is on site pumping concrete.

(back to original 2:51 pm story) Meantime, some new construction photos from the Denny International Middle School construction/Chief Sealth High School renovation work:

Pauline Sugarman, Seattle Public Schools BEX Program Community Outreach Assistant, shares that photo of the topping-off ceremony celebrated at the Denny site just before Christmas, and this aerial of the entire project site:

(Scroll through the Denny-Sealth coverage archive to see previous aerials.) We asked if there’s an update on whether the new Denny is likely to be occupied midyear 2011-2012 or not till the start of the 2011-2012 school year; Sugarman says that the final decision hasn’t been made yet, but the latter may be more likely, as Denny work might not be done before March 2011. Chief Sealth, though, remains on track to reoccupy its permanent campus this fall, after two years in temporary quarters at the former Louisa Boren Junior High School on Delridge.

West Seattle sports: Little League and YMCA soccer signups

Two announcements to share this afternoon – first, from West Seattle Little League:

Grab your glove – It’s time to register for Little League! In-person registrations will be held on Tuesday, Jan 12th (in the Library) and Tuesday, Jan 19th (Room 212) – 6-9 pm at West Seattle High School. West Seattle Little League teaches not only baseball, but lessons learned through teamwork, dedication and pride. Divisions include T-ball, Coach-Pitch, Minors, Majors, Juniors and Seniors. T-ball through Majors play most games at Bar-S Fields, at 6464 SW Admiral Way . For registration forms, payment and more information, go to

WSLL is for ages 5-18, says webmaster Cami MacNamara. Meantime, it’s also registration time for these West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) sports:

Adult Basketball 4v4 League Starts Feb 21 – Register Today!

Youth Indoor Soccer – Ages 3-11 – Registration Opens Thursday, January 7, 2010

Register on-line at or in person at the West Seattle YMCA or Fauntleroy YMCA

Practices start week of February 22nd
Games start weekend of March 6th
Season ends April 25th

The Y is also looking for coaches; if you’re interested, contact Matt Schlede at 206-937-1000 or ADDED 5:37 PM: Direct link to soccer info on the Y site is here. Also, a comment on Facebook (“friend” us at WS Blog) pointed out that West Seattle Pee Wee is registering now too; here’s the link.

Neighborhood alert update: More Seaview “scavenging”

A new sighting this morning from Jonathan, following up on the reports shared by BB two weeks ago and by Renae three days ago– details ahead:Read More

West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival button-contest deadline extended

January 5, 2010 11:22 am
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At last night’s meeting, West Seattle Hi-Yu Summer Festival leaders decided to extend the deadline for this year’s button-design contest through the end of this month. Hi-Yu’s Deena Mahn tells us they’ll now be judging entries at the February meeting, and they’ve added an e-mail option, if you want to send in a suggested design that way. The theme, as chosen in December, is “Dreams Do Come True” (see the art concepts in our coverage of January’s Hi-Yu meeting); last year’s button is at left – and like its designer, Kyle Jonson, this year’s winner gets to ride in the West Seattle American Legion Grand Parade in July (there’s a $25 prize for the winning design too – and all ages are welcome to enter). The design needs to be 2 1/2″ wide; e-mail your creation to or postal-mail it to: West Seattle Hi-Yu, PO Box 16130, Seattle, WA 98116.

West Seattle help needed: Can you mentor a middle-schooler?

January 5, 2010 10:09 am
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A small amount of your time can make a big difference for local middle-schoolers. Here’s the challenge, just out of the WSB inbox from Romina at Neighborhood House (which built the new High Point Neighborhood Center):

WANTED: Mentors for Middle School Students

January is National Mentoring Month. To celebrate, Neighborhood House is launching the Recruit-A-Mentor Challenge. We’re trying to double the number of our CASASTART volunteer mentors for our middle school students.

Mentors are an important component of CASASTART. Each month, mentors join our students in various activities during after-school hours. These activities range from educational to simply hanging out. By being present each month, mentors become positive adult role models to our students which they may not otherwise have if it were not for the CASASTART program. The time commitment is two hours per month with the students plus some planning time with the other mentors. We ask that mentors commit at least six months to the program.

If you (or anyone you know) are interested in becoming a mentor, please e-mail for more information on how to get started as a mentor.

West Seattle restaurant news: Table 35 announces menu

(photo added 1:53 pm)
Previous reports on the new restaurant opening this Saturday in The Junction (California/Edmunds) sparked a lot of wondering about its menu; Table 35 has now posted the menu online, from sushi to steak to salads – see it here (with descriptions and prices).

Tonight and tomorrow: From “green” dancing to Green Cleaning

January 5, 2010 6:07 am
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“GREEN” DANCING: Well, gets you ready for the wearing of the green in two months – The Tony Comerford School of Irish Dance is kicking off new lesson sessions at the VFW Hall in West Seattle this week, including several levels of classes today. Schedule and contact info here.

WALTZ AND SWING DANCE IN HIGHLAND PARK: A new series at Highland Park Improvement Club starts tonight with Dance For Joy – details on the HPIC website.

BRUSH UP: Also starting a new session – watercolor-painting classes at C & P Coffee, with artist Jennifer Carrasco. Tonight’s the first of six Tuesdays, 6-8 pm, $120/student.

TO EVERYTHING, TURN, TURN, TURN: Your vinyl need not gather dust. Tuesday night is Open Turntable night at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) in North Delridge, 6 pm.

TUNE TRIVIA: Rock-solid in your rock knowledge? Music trivia time is 8 pm tonight at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) in Morgan Junction.

Tomorrow’s a HUGELY busy night (see the WSB West Seattle Events calendar) – and one event is requesting RSVPs ASAP if you’re thinking about taking part:

LEARN ABOUT “GREEN CLEANING” WITH COOLMOM: 7 pm Wednesday at Bridge Park Retirement Community (3204 SW Morgan; map), it’s a hands-on chance to learn about more environmentally friendly ways of keeping your house clean. CoolMom says it’s a chance to make a New Year pledge to “maintain a healthy indoor environment and improve the health of you and your family by making simple changes to your everyday cleaning habits. Make, get recipes, and take home a few Green Cleaning products and other tips to use with peace of mind – all while saving money and the planet! Please bring empty glass jars with lids and spray bottles for yourself or to share! $5 suggested material fee and great door prizes!” Call 206-938-6394 to RSVP.

Update: Water Taxi dock work begins at Seacrest Pier

Thanks to WSB’er “kmo39” for that photo of work getting under way at Seacrest Pier for the King County Water Taxi‘s new dock, as the county said it would. A new floating dock and other improvements are going in with a look ahead to facilitating year-round service as soon as this fall, providing the extra money for it is nailed down by summer; this WSB story from last week shows how the new dock will be configured. The county explained a week ago how the project will proceed, including saying that the construction company will for starters “move barges and containment booms into the area between the fixed fishing pier and the shoreline. In the first stage of the project, the aging gangway, floating dock and pilings will be removed. By mid-January, installation of new pilings will begin, which requires using a large vibratory hammer to rattle the pilings into the ground.” The county hopes to have the work done by the end of February; the Water Taxi’s West Seattle-to-downtown run is scheduled to resume in early April.