West Seattle Lost/Found Pets

Lost or found a pet? E-MAIL INFO/PHOTO TO: westseattleblog@gmail.com – plain text with contact #, one JPG photo, no Word/PDF/etc. docs. PLEASE let us know when the situation is resolved, so we can remove the listing. Thanks!

RULES: Please only report “found” pets that are in your custody – if you see a “possible lost pet running around,” check to see if it is reported as lost. If it is, PLEASE contact the owner directly with your sighting – they might not see a comment soon enough. If the pet needs medical attention, please get that attention before asking us to post. Please do NOT submit a comment with an opinion of the pet, its owner, its circumstances, its breed, OR promoting someone who charges $ to search for pets.

ARCHIVES: Everything up to 4/1/2012 ***is here***.

FOUND: Deceased cat in Gatewood

Came across a cat that had likely been hit by a car at this location. Fluffy grey with white paws and white belly, white markings up to snout. No collar. If this was your pet or you know the owner, I’m very sorry for your loss. I wanted to share in case someone is looking for them. We called animal control to report it and they will likely come pick it up later today. I have a photo if needed, please message me (jen24fer@gmail.com) if you think this may be your pet.

FOUND DOG: On Delridge

Found her running around Delridge by Shree’s gas station- tricia (at) cannaws (dot) com

FOUND DOG: French bulldog – REUNITED

(info removed)

FOUND CHICKEN: Showed up in yard

– Chicken is in our front yard
– it’s not our pet
– it’s now 1:13 p and it’s still wondering around pecking at gravel
Our address is 4647 56th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116.
My phone is 206-914-4134


(Louie’s back home; info removed)

LOST CAT: Looking for Sequoia

Our cat was last seen in our yard (Arbor Heights- near 106th and 35th crosswalk) at 4:30 pm 3/18. He didn’t come home last night. Please keep a lookout. Thank you so much. Our contact numbers are 206-240-1336 or 206-724-4204

LOST DOG: Seen Cosmo?

My friend Jonathan lost his dog this evening and asked me to send in the info as he conducts a search:

Cosmo, last seen at Westwood Terrace Condos, near Roxbury Lanes/Roxbury Safeway around 9 pm on March 18th.

Please call or text Jonathan 865-621-3866.

FOUND DOG: White chihuahua – REUNITED

(info removed)

LOST CAT: Looking for Orion

Last seen- 3:30p on Monday, March 17th
4363 SW Cloverdale St (a few blocks east of the vashon ferry/lincoln park)
Text/Call with any info, please.
Ali: 206.607.7524
Greg: 253.278.9287


Just found on Bradford & Avalon running loose. Beautiful puppy, seems trained, super sweet, healthy, clean, probably not neutered though. We’ll check at the Vet for a chip in the morning & then decide what to do. Contact Dana at 206-200-8620


(info removed)

FOUND DOG: Puget Ridge

I’ve got a lost dog with me and I’m having trouble finding the family. She’s a very sweet blue pittie girl who was found hanging out alone at the Sanislo elementary playground. She’s got no microchip and hasn’t responded to any of the names we’ve tried. She’s obviously well taken care of (nails, coat, etc) so there’s gotta be someone out there missing her. Please help us locate them.

elizabeth.tachick (at) gmail (dot) com


(info removed)

LOST KITTEN: Long-haired calico – REUNITED

(info removed)

FOUND DOG: Near Lincoln Park

Found small Black dog, wandering around Othello Park. Unfortunately no microchip was found. He’s in safe hands with me for the time being 😊 I’m located near Lincoln Park.

Contact: eile3nk@gmail.com

FOUND DOG: Taking to vet later- REUNITED

(info removed)

LOST CAT: Bandit in Riverview

He’s an 8 year old adult neutered male short hair cat. He’s a black and white tuxedo. He’s big, soft, very friendly and very loved by us. He does not wear a collar. His name is Bandit. We live at 16th and Orchard, near Riverview Playfield. We last saw him on Wednesday March 5th.

Please call or text Sasha 413-265-1850


(info removed)

FOUND DOG: Arbor Heights

Found dog in Arbor Heights on 41st and 102nd. Safely contained in my yard as it was following kids walking how from school. Seems very friendly now that he is calm. Please reach out to Jenn at (360)317-5187 if you recognize this dog. I need to find his home asap as I have young children and my own pets.

FOUND DOG: Taking to clinic

A neighbor is taking him/her to Lien animal clinic at 3710 SW Alaska St, Seattle, WA 98126

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