Update: Cat rescued from fire at animal advocate’s home

(SCROLL DOWN for updates including fire’s cause and how to help)

(Added: Firefighter Jeff Blevins with rescued cat; photo by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
10:41 AM: Fire units have responded to a house in the 3800 block of 46th SW – a few blocks west of California/Charlestown. First crews on scene are describing it on the scanner as a “room fire.” We’re on the way.

(Subsequent photos by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
10:48 AM: No report of injuries so far. Via scanner, crews say they have “knocked down” the fire, but it has “extended” – spread – into a wall, so they’re tackling that. We’ve just added a photo from our first photojournalist at the scene, Christopher Boffoli.

11:05 AM: A cat has been rescued from the house and is reported to be getting medical attention. Firefighters at the scene confirm the fire was largely confined to one room, on the second floor, but there was a lot of smoke in the rest of the house.

11:20 AM: Photo added, firefighter tending to the rescued cat. We have to disclose that we notified the homeowner, local animal advocate Teri Ensley, after recognizing the house, the scene of many fundraising plant sales she has held for Furry Faces Foundation. She is there now.

11:48 AM: We’re told the cat has been taken to a veterinarian. No word on the fire’s cause – the investigation unit, Marshal 5, was sent there, and we’re likely to have information later.

2:11 PM: We just went over to check with Teri. The rescued cat’s name is Jared, by the way. She’s found another cat who’s going to the vet to be checked out. Her house won’t be inhabitable for a while; she’s making arrangements for a place to stay and has found somewhere for the cats. We’re awaiting SFD’s official word on cause; the last fire crew was just leaving as co-publisher Patrick pulled up to follow up.

2:43 PM: The Fire Department’s account of events is up on their website. According to the update, “A Seattle Fire Investigator determined the fire was accidental. A hot plate that was left on ignited combustibles on the kitchen counter. The damage estimate is 60 thousand dollars to the structure and 10 thousand dollars to the contents.” SFD also says one 16-year-old cat didn’t make it. The update also notes that what you saw on Jared in our photo is a “specially designed pet oxygen mask” – here’s another view:

Meantime, commenters have provided info on how to help Teri and the cats; donations are being accepted at Beveridge Place Pub.

ADDED TUESDAY: Here’s a followup story with a list of what’s needed by Teri, the animals, and Furry Faces, for all those who’ve generously offered to help.

West Seattle Monday: Schools; opera; nutrition; bridge work…

After a week of slowly ramping up post-holidays, you may need wings to keep up with this week. (Thanks to Trileigh Tucker for the Townsend’s Warbler photo – she says they’re not often seen around here this time of year, but that one turned up at her hummingbird feeder.) From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

BRIDGE CLOSURE: Another four nights of Fauntleroy Expressway overnight closures are scheduled to begin tonight. We’ve noticed over the course of the past several weeks’ closures that the times and exact locations vary.

MEET YOUR SCHOOL BOARD REP: Second chance to talk with West Seattle’s school-board rep Marty McLaren, 10 am-noon, West Seattle (Admiral) Library, 2306 42nd SW.

CITY COUNCIL STARTS THE NEW YEAR: First meeting since the holidays for the Seattle City Council, including the inaugural ceremony for re-elected members including Tom Rasmussen of West Seattle, 2 pm at City Hall downtown.

COOK SOMETHING UP: West Seattle Cooking Club! 2:30 pm at Beveridge Place Pub, theme “On a Stick.”

PRESCHOOL FAIR: West Seattle Preschool Fair, presented by the West Seattle Preschool Association, 5:30-7:30 pm at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, 3050 California SW (details here). Participating schools include WSB sponsors Community School of West Seattle, West Seattle Montessori School, and Westside School.

NORTH DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL: January’s North Delridge Neighborhood Council meeting, 6:30 pm, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. See the agenda on the NDNC website.

PTA MEETING AT ROXHILL: Next Roxhill Elementary PTA meeting, 6:30 pm. Child care is available on-site for those who need it.

OPERA PREVIEW: “Attila” preview focused on Seattle Opera‘s upcoming production, West Seattle (Admiral) Library, 6:30 pm – full details here.

TQI DIET CLASS: The anti-inflammation-diet class returns to The Kenney (WSB sponsor), 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW, Room 2 Downstairs, Seattle. First of five classes, 6:30 to 8 pm.

HOW TO HELP HOMELESS FAMILIES: Family Promise of Seattle supporters gathering to celebrate past accomplishments and focus on the future, 7 pm, Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor).

TAI CHI: 7 pm at High Point Neighborhood Center (6400 Sylvan Way SW), Tao Jin: Foundations of a Tai Chi Lifestyle.
This class introduces basic concepts and movements of Tai Chi, as well as information on diet, mind-set, tools to facilitate a healthy lifestyle based on Tai Chi philosophy, energy regeneration, and the motivation in making positive life changes. Free to High Point’s SHA and Elizabeth House residents and KCHA Greenbridge residents. Others pay $10 to instructor on a drop-in basis. Contact instructor Caylen Storm via e-mail with questions: caylen_storm@yahoo.com

NIGHTLIFE: Trivia with Brian Calvert at Christo’s on Alki, 7 pm … Karaoke with Kelli at Skylark Café and Club, 9 pm … Talarico’s has karaoke @ 9:30 pm.

STUDENT SPORTS: Thanks to Mark Terao for sending info about today’s Madison Middle School basketball games – he says both teams are undefeated:

The West Seattle Madison Bulldogs Boys Varsity Basketball team faces Aki Kurose Middle School Monday January 9th at 4:30pm. The game will be played at Madison Middle School, with the Lady Bulldogs playing at 5:45 pm.

Both Boys and Girls Varsity teams have a season record of 3-0. The varsity boys defeated Whitman 55-42, McClure 51-32 and earning their latest wins against the talented Denny Middle School 60-45.

The Madison boys’ varsity team roster: 8th graders Nuradin Abdi, James Bonaci, Jayshaad Carlisle, Zach Gibson, Carter Golgart, George Hendricks, Brandon Jordan, Riley O’Neil, Michael Werlech; 7th graders Keith Edwards, Blue James, Nate Pryor, Jamiek Satterwhite, Jacob Terao, and Marques Titialii.

In high-school basketball today, Seattle Lutheran teams are on the road, visiting Tacoma Baptist.

NEW DODGEBALL LEAGUE: Tonight brings the first games of a new West Seattle adult-dodgeball league, playing Monday nights at 7:30 pm, 8:15 pm and 9 pm at the Chief Sealth International High School gym.

West Seattle weekend scene: Birthday giving, not getting

It’s not every day you see a six-year-old get excited about diapers; by that age, they’re a distant memory. But they were atop the wishlist for Grayson‘s sixth birthday party today at Southgate Roller Rink – he wanted to collect diapers for WestSide Baby instead of gifts for himself. His mom Meredith says they collected about 30 packages!

(You can help WestSide Baby any time – here are all the regular ways, and then there’s also one big, fun way coming up next month, their annual tea, moved to a bigger location this year so there’s room for more to be part of it; here’s our preview from last week.)

West Seattle Weather Watch: 2 words that start with ‘s’

January 8, 2012 10:34 pm
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One is “sunset” – tonight’s was fleetingly vivid; Kathleen shared the top photo, and Tina the next one:

Then there’s that word that has been in short supply this winter: Snow. Way too soon to get excited/worried, depending on your attitude toward it, but just keep in the back of your mind the fact that the “forecast discussion” says one way of looking at next weekend might hint at something resembling snow. Or might not. The exact wording: “Some solutions show the potential for a wet period with low snow levels. Other solutions show more ridging.” So we’ll see how it looks in a few days.

The WSBeat: Telltale backpacks; door-kicking under the influence…

January 8, 2012 9:21 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle police | WSBeat

By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog

As always, the WSBeat summaries are from reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers, beyond our ongoing breaking-news (etc.) coverage:

*Around 1 p.m. last Saturday, several “suspicious people” were seen near SW Avalon and Genesee carrying multiple items. As officers approached, one threw a bag of meth over the fence onto the golf course. He was carrying two backpacks. Inside: Five laptop computers, three cellular phones, an iPod, and assorted small hard drives, memory cards, cables and peripherals. He was also carrying multiple tools favored by burglars, such as lock cutters, wire cutters, knives and razors. The suspect claims that he bought all the items on Craigslist and that they are not stolen. He was booked into King County Jail for investigation of possession of stolen property and narcotics possession.

Ahead, five more summaries, starting with the case of the drunk door-kicker:Read More

How to ‘clean up the mess’? McLaren’s first community chat

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Toward the start of Marty McLaren‘s first community-conversation meeting since her election as West Seattle’s representative on the Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors, there was a sudden wave of suspense.

Three days before the Saturday morning meeting, McLaren had told her fellow board members (WSB coverage here) she would seek to amend the district’s recommendation for short-term school-crowding relief (aka “capacity management”) by removing the plan to open the ex-Boren Junior High (5915 Delridge Way SW) as temporary home for an “option” elementary school focused on STEM (science/tech/engineering/math).

But suddenly on Saturday morning, there she was, saying, “Personally, (a STEM option school) really resonates with me.”

Was she about to say she had changed her mind? You could almost hear a few people holding their breath. Then: “In spite of how enthusiastic I happen to be, I think it’s premature, I think we need a master plan, especially after all this turmoil.”

Moments earlier, McLaren, a Puget Ridge resident, had actually apologized for that “turmoil” – though it predated her board tenure, now in its second month.

Read More

Know the perfect band for Summer Concerts at Hiawatha 2012?

(Star Anna & The Laughing Dogs at 2011 Summer Concerts @ Hiawatha finale)
We’re proud to have been a sponsor of the Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s Summer Concerts at Hiawatha each year since the series began – and tonight, we have word that ANA is tuning up for the fourth season of free outdoor performances on the east lawn at Hiawatha Community Center! ANA president Katy Walum has just put out the call for interested bands:

The Admiral Neighborhood Association is putting out the call for bands to apply to perform for our 2012 Summer Concert Series at Hiawatha Park! The series will again run Thursday evenings, 6:30-8pm, on the park’s east lawn. This summer’s dates will be July 26th, August 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th.

Interested bands may e-mail us at info@admiralneighborhood.org. Please include with your message (1) a website or other means by which we may listen to samples of your music, (2) dates you are available, (3) your band’s price for a 90-minute set (please take into consideration that we are a community organization with a fairly limited budget, and that there is value in the great exposure your band could receive as a part of our series – last year’s series drew crowds of up to 1500 people per show), and (4) stage size and/or sound requirements for your group.

Our series last year included performances from The Gothard Sisters, Massy Ferguson, Caspar Babypants, LeRoy Bell, Star Anna & The Laughing Dogs, and Yogoman Burning Band. Highlights of prior seasons included Pearl Django with Greta Matassa, Camille Bloom, Swamp Soul (zydeco), and Alma Villegas (Latin jazz). We strive in our series to provide a range of musical genres that can appeal to all members of our community.

We welcome band recommendations from WS Blog readers, though it is helpful if readers can include as much of the above requested information as possible with their notes.

We also invite local businesses and others to sponsor our 2012 Summer Concert Series. This is an opportunity for folks to support a fantastic community event and to gain substantial exposure for their business! Please e-mail us (again at info@admiralneighborhood.org) to find out more about sponsorship levels and benefits available this year.

Thanks so much, and we look forward to bringing more fabulous music to Admiral/West Seattle in 2012!

Katy Walum
President, Admiral Neighborhood Association

(The association does a lot more than sponsor concerts, of course, and if you’re an Admiral resident/businessperson interested in seeing what ANA is up to, check out its next monthly meeting this Tuesday, 7 pm, lower-level meeting room at Admiral Church, California/Hill.)

Vietnamese Cultural Center to dedicate Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial

West Seattle’s Vietnamese Cultural Center has paid tribute before to both the American and South Vietnamese troops lost in the Vietnam War – here is a ceremony we covered there three years ago – and now the center has a new memorial in place to honor them, with a dedication ceremony next Saturday. Center director Lee Bui is extending a specific invitation to Vietnam veterans to come to the ceremony, and asked us to share this invitation:

You and your family are invited to the ceremony of the black granite Fallen Soldiers Memorial :

Time: 1 PM, Saturday, January 14th, 2012
Place : Vietnamese Cultural Center
2236 SW Orchard
Contact phone : 206-779 6875
Chairperson : Dr. Nguyen Xuan Dung, MD

Fallen Soldiers Memorial to honor the heroes of armed forces from South Vietnam and 58,000 U.S servicemen who were fighting for freedom and democracy of Vietnam

The new memorial shares an outdoor space that also includes the center’s landmark statue paying tribute to the 13th-century hero, General Tran Hung Dao. The center is open to visitors every Saturday, noon-3 pm, not just on special occasions; you may also recall its community volunteers’ recent visits to Nickelsville on Thanksgiving and on New Year’s Day.

Body found at Solstice Park, police say foul play not suspected

Seattle Police have closed off a small part of Solstice Park, (across from the north end of Lincoln Park). After getting a tip about this (and subsequent questions via e-mail from people wondering what was going on), we went over to find out. Investigators at the scene tell us a body was found at the park. Police are not commenting officially on the cause of death but they do tell us that Homicide detectives are not being called – in other words, foul play is not suspected. A King County Medical Examiner crew is expected to arrive soon to remove the body.

High-school sports updates: In the water, on the courts

January 8, 2012 11:21 am
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More sports notes from the first weekend of the new year: First, congratulations to West Seattle High School and Chief Sealth High School swimmers for their achievements in the Friday meet with O’Dea and Holy Names Academy. Thanks to Katy for sending the list of results (see it here); for West Seattle HS, Luke Asatiani won the boys’ 200-yard IM and 100-yard breaststroke; for Chief Sealth, Kelsey Hastings led the girls’ 50-yard free and 100-yard fly, Morgan Montemayor took the boys’ 100-yard fly and 100-yard backstroke, the 500-yard free swims were won by Jennifer Faulkner and Michael Stewart, Brianna Phillips won the girls’ 100-yard backstroke, and Nicole Moro was victorious in the 100-yard breaststroke.

Saturday, meantime, was a busy day on the basketball courts. And even a soccer sighting – as Chief Sealth’s team held a bake-sale fundraiser during the school’s basketball games:

That’s Xahil and Dillon. (Thanks to the @SealthAthletics Twitter feed for the bake-sale tip!) Sealth and Seattle Lutheran both played basketball at home, so WSB was there, and summaries are ahead:Read More

West Seattle Sunday: Farmers’ Market return; discs; bikes…

(Friday photo of Alki-area bald eagle, by Gary Jones)
Looks like a decent day for some outdoor work or play. (ADDED: Minutes after we published this, a great sunrise photo came in, taken by Coleman Smith at EC Hughes Playground, AND the forecast added the words “partly sunny”:)

Here’s what’s on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET RETURNS: After two holiday Sundays off, it’s the return of the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, 10 am – 2 pm, The Junction (44th/Alaska). Market management says the new year brings new vendors: Finnriver Artisan Hard Cider & Spirited Wine, with wine and cider sampling from 10-2 pm. From the vintners …”We will feature our artisan Black Currant, Pear and Dry Hopped sparkling ciders, crafted on the Olympic Peninsula, and our sumptuous fruit brandy wines.” Also – as noted here earlier this week – Honest Biscuits debuts, as does Maninis Gluten Free (selling “sweet and savories,” says WSFM). **UPDATE** As noted in comments, Honest Biscuits is not there today after all; they tweeted this morning that “serious illness” is keeping them away.

GET OUT AND TOSS: West Seattle Ultimate Family Frisbee, 11 am, Walt Hundley Playfield (34th/Myrtle).

FOOD TRUCK: One weekly truck in West Seattle today – Snout and Co. 11 am-3 pm at 35th/Graham.

FREE BICYCLE REPAIR: Bike trouble? Expert volunteers’ work to get more bicycles on the road in White Center continues today with another Dubsea Bikes session, 2-4 pm at Full Tilt Ice Cream in downtown WC. (Map on our event calendar listing from partner site White Center Now.)

WEST SEATTLEITE ON ‘HOARDING’: Karen Pfeiffer Bush from LifeSpace tells WSB she is a guest Professional Organizer on TLC/The Discovery Channel’s show “Hoarding: Buried Alive,” episode 11 of Season 3, which airs at 9 pm Pacific tonight. Friends are gathering at Rocksport in The Junction for a viewing party starting at 7:30 pm. Karen says:

The role of the guest professional organizer is to help one of the people featured in an episode conquer their hoarding problem. Typically, there are 2 feature stories in the hour-long program. I worked hands-on with the woman who is described as having a daughter who is concerned about her mother’s health and safety. The LifeSpace team works with people with all sorts of organizing challenges. I specialize in working with people who struggle with hoarding and chronic disorganization.

NIGHTLIFE: Sidecaps and Psychedelephant play Skylark Café, all ages, 8 pm, $5 cover … The Bridge has karaoke on Sunday with Karaoke Kelli at 9:30 pm.

Your next chance to join West Seattle Community Orchestras

January 7, 2012 11:02 pm
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The new season for West Seattle Community Orchestras starts next Tuesday, with some changes from last season, according to the announcement we received tonight:

West Seattle Community Orchestras (WSCO) launch their Spring 2012 season next Tuesday, January 10 at Chief Sealth International High School with exciting changes in store for musicians and concertgoers. Registration is free to all students; $65 per season for adults. The season will culminate in concerts for all three orchestras in May 2012.

Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Knife found; robbery attempt

In West Seattle Crime Watch tonight – an update on the knifepoint robbery reported last night, plus a new report of street crime. First: Police went back today to the scene where a woman was held up at knifepoint last night by a robber who took her iPhone. They didn’t find the phone (a black iPhone 4S) but they did find the knife, described as a “dagger-style” weapon. We also have learned more about the arrest made in the case. After the victim reported the holdup in the 3400 block of SW 106th – where she was walking after getting off a Metro bus – Officer Scott Luckie (of “tweetalong” and burglary-arrests fame) was “working the area,” according to an SPD summary, and “spotted the suspect in the 9200 block of 35th … The suspect tried to hide from Officer Luckie, but Luckie was able to relocate him and detain him …” The summary identifies the suspect as a boy who turns 17 next month and is “on probation for robbery.” Since he is a juvenile, online records don’t show whether he is still in custody tonight, nor do they show full details of his record, but we did find partial information on a case in which he appears to have been charged with third-degree assault last August and pleaded guilty in late October.

Second – a robbery attempt last night in the Genesee area. The victim is a visitor from out of the country, and the people he’s staying with say it’s the second time he’s been victimized:Read More

West Seattle weekend scene: Bright sails on a gray day

January 7, 2012 6:35 pm
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Thanks to Gary Jones for sharing photos of sailboats in the Three Tree Point Yacht Club‘s Duwamish Head Race passing West Seattle shores today (as previewed in our morning roundup) along a 30.8-nautical-mile course that started in Des Moines.

Race results aren’t online yet, but you can watch for the link to turn up here. In three weeks, you can watch for the club again in local waters, with the Blake Island Race scheduled January 28th.

Followup: Looks like Amy is keeping ‘Arlene’ the cat

Three weeks ago, we published the tale of Amy the West Seattleite and Arlene the one-eyed cat. Amy had contacted us to add Arlene – the name she had given her – to the WSB Lost/Found Pets page, explaining she had found the cat a month earlier, in bad shape. After Arlene healed, Amy thought she had better do due diligence to see if the original owner was out there somewhere. We checked back to see how that went:

So far, Amy has not heard from Arlene’s previous owner, nor anyone with even a lead. She said, “I got TONS of e-mails back from people, all supportive and loving, and I did get some donations via pay-pal (which were very much appreciated!) But no one has said anything about recognizing Arlene or knowing who she belonged to. I must say, I’m relieved.” (Amy hadn’t asked for donations, but in the comment section following the first story, folks asked how they could help, since it was clear Arlene’s medical bills had cost a chunk of change.) Arlene has her own Facebook page, by the way; see it here.

West Seattle authors: Joseph Aprile reads tonight at C & P

January 7, 2012 2:44 pm
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Just got word that West Seattle author/artist Joseph Aprile is reading tonight from his two most recent books, “The Life and Times of Jeremy Sykes” and “Voices for Peace and Social Justice,” 6 pm tonight at C and P Coffee Company.

West Seattle weekend scene: Tree recycling with the Rainbow Girls

You have one more hour to get over to the Alki Masonic Hall parking lot – which is actually in The Junction, at 40th/Edmunds – with that Christmas tree you just didn’t quite get out with this week’s yard waste – the West Seattle Rainbow Girls will be there till 2 pm, taking trees for a suggested $5 donation. We photographed Crystal, Zoe, and Darian just as the truck from Branching Out Tree Service arrived to start turning the recycled trees into wood chips/mulch. This is the fifth year the Rainbow Girls have had a treecycling fundraiser (and it’s two locations this time around – part of the group is over at Southgate Masonic Hall in Burien).

Relay for Life of West Seattle: You’re invited to Jan. 18 kickoff

January 7, 2012 12:39 pm
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(WSB photo from June 2011 Relay for Life coverage)
It’s not too soon to think about June. That’s when the annual Relay for Life of West Seattle raises money to fight cancer. It’s an all-night team event and generally not something you sign up for at the last minute, so the annual kickoff happens months ahead o time – and Jilyan Perry invites you to be part of it, one week from Wednesday, even if you’re not certain yet that you’ll join in:

We have our first event coming up on January 18th. This is our annual Kick-Off Party. The Kick-Off will be held from 6-8 pm at Sugar Rush Baking Company. In an open-house style, we will have complimentary food, wine and cupcakes. This is the community’s chance to learn everything they could want to know about Relay for Life – the American Cancer Society’s highest grossing fundraising event. The registration fee is waived until Kick-Off, and there will be plenty of computers on site and volunteers available to guide people through the process.

Sugar Rush is at 4531 California SW in The Junction.

West Seattle Saturday: Boats, schools, owls, treecycling…

(Spotted by Christopher Boffoli while watching for the orcas who visited on Friday)

From a variety of school-related events this morning, to the Time Warp after midnight, here are highlights from today’s entries in the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

YES, THAT’S A SAILBOAT RACE: You’ll see them off West Seattle shores as the Three Tree Point Yacht Club presents its annual Duwamish Head Race today.

LINCOLN PARK NEEDS YOU: From Friends of Lincoln Park: For 2012, resolve to improve your fitness and save the planet (one tree at a time)! Join the Friends of Lincoln Park restoring the beautiful forests of our West Seattle gem. 9 am to noon. Meet at the kiosk in the north parking lot (Fauntleroy Way SW and SW Rose St). Dress in layers for warmth and dryness, with sturdy shoes. Bring garden gloves and hand clippers, or we’ll have extras.

PRESCHOOL PREVIEW: Meet reps from schools around the area at the West Seattle Preschool Preview, 9 am -noon at South Seattle Community College‘s Brockey Center, Details here.

NEW PROJECTS FOR THE NEW YEAR? Remember the West Seattle Tool Library is open 9 am-2 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center.

STORY TIME: At Kol HaNeshamah, 6115 SW Hinds, 9:30 am: The PJ Library Storytime at Kol HaNeshamah Congregation. Erik Lawson is guest musician, with PJ Library manager Amy Paquette as the storyteller.

WESTSIDE OPEN HOUSE: All-school open house at Westside School (WSB sponsor), 10 am-noon.

TALK WITH YOUR SCHOOL BOARD REP: Marty McLaren‘s first community-conversation meeting, 10 am-noon at Southwest Library (35th/Henderson).

STILL NEED TO TREE-CYCLE? The West Seattle Rainbow Girls5th annual Christmas-tree-recycle fundraiser is 10 am-2 pm today at the Alki Masonic Hall (4736 40th SW) and also at the Southgate Masonic Hall (1004 SW 152nd in Burien). Suggested donation $5. No flocked trees.

FOOD TRUCKS: Marination Mobile returns to West Seattle (35th/Graham, 11-2) after holiday break; three trucks are due at Highland Park Improvement Club (see the right sidebar on this page); Skillet‘s chicken/waffles truck expected at Uptown/Junction; and Beloved Mexico‘s first weekend across Fauntleroy at West Seattle Produce‘s new location.

VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER:: It’s the building on SW Orchard north of Home Depot, with the big statue in back, and you’re welcome to visit today since it’s open to the public Saturdays, noon-3 pm.

TRY THE TANGO: Argentine Tango classes In West Seattle at Allstar Fitness, 2629 SW Andover. Saturdays from 1-3 PM, $7 . Series classes are going to be available starting in January, with registration currently open; more info here. Contact Layton: 360.250.2066.

YOU’VE SEEN THEM IN PHOTOS, NOW SEE THEM IN PERSON: Owl Prowl – From the announcement: “Join enthusiastic and knowledgeable naturalist Stewart Wechsler on an owling adventure at Seattle’s Lincoln Park! Will the Barred Owls be hooting it up as courtship season approaches? We think they might be. In addition to looking and listening for owls, we’ll be treated to an evening tour of the park. We’ll see and smell some of the park’s plants, a few of which are already showing signs of spring. We’ll also peek under a few logs to see if any invertebrates or vertebrates are home. Stewart will demonstrate his impressive hoots (even though the owls already know his voice and no longer respond as well as they once did!) The suggested donation to Stewart’s Stewardship cause $1 to $20 – your choice. 4 pm, meet by the kiosk in the middle of the north parking lot (across from SW Rose). Dress for the weather, bring a flashlight, and pack binoculars if you have them. You don’t have to RSVP, but if you have questions, call Stewart at (206) 932-7225 or e-mail co-organizer Lauren – lauren@nwtripfinder.com

BENEFIT FOR HURRICANE SURVIVORS: As previewed here, tonight’s the benefit concert Chief Sealth International High School student Kathryn Purcell has organized for a Nicaraguan town hard-hit by a recent hurricane, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 7:30 pm.

NIGHTLIFE: Elizabeth Dawson plays jazz at Salty’s on Alki with pianist Hans Brehmer, from 8 to 10 pm in the Cafe Bar … Bloomer and The Disco Cowboys at Skylark Café and Club, 9 pm, $5 cover. .. Tony B with DJ’ing and karaoke @ 10 pm, Rocksport Bar & Grill.

ROCKY HORROR AT MIDNIGHT: The monthly event, shadow cast and all, at the historic Admiral Theater.

High-school basketball: 1 win, 1 loss as Sealth hosts Cleveland

January 7, 2012 7:57 am
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In this first weekend since school resumed following the winter break, the high-school basketball season is intensifying. Last night, Chief Sealth International High School hosted Cleveland HS, with Sealth winning the boys’ varsity game but not the girls’ matchup. Notes from both, ahead:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Robbery investigations tonight

(Taken at 17th/Cambridge. We have blurred the face of one person who did not appear to be SPD.)
Two cases tonight: We don’t have official details on the one that’s still happening, but in South Delridge, police are out right now dealing with a report that was described on the scanner as an armed robbery, apparently at a business, possibly on 17th SW. We checked out the scene and saw what appeared to be a search, but it wasn’t clear exactly where the investigation was centered, so we’ll be checking back with SPD later.

There also was some scanner traffic about a strong-arm street robbery earlier – and we have received a note from the victim, a longtime WSB’er who says she was held up at knifepoint in Arbor Heights around 5:30 pm by someone who stole her iPhone 4S. She says police made an arrest but did not find the phone, so she is asking people in the area to be on the lookout for it. (We have a followup question out to ask where in AH this happened.) She says the data on it “has been wiped,” but she has its serial number from its original packaging.

ADDED 12:14 AM: The victim says it happened near 35th/106th, and that the suspect was found around the 9700-9900 block of 35th. The missing phone is a black iPhone 4S, 32GB, “in a black Marware flip case at the time.”

For those awaiting West Seattle Trader Joe’s: Tiny milestone

If you’re not among the Trader Joe’s fan base … just skip right over this one. Nothing earthshaking, but it’s a semi-goofy little Friday night tidbit:

Every so often – despite the ongoing construction (which we updated here the day after Christmas) – someone e-mails us to ask, with skepticism, “Well, how come Trader Joe’s doesn’t list West Seattle on its page of ‘coming soon’ stores?” We always reply by explaining that we have watched their website a LONG time while covering all this, and TJ’s doesn’t seem to add future stores to the list till they’re almost ready to open. Having said that, we checked their website tonight for the first time in a week or so and noticed West Seattle is finally on the list:

So for anyone STILL skeptical, there you go. (If you missed our recent update, the opening is currently projected for early spring.)

West Seattle police say ‘thanks’ for an act of appreciation

Received this late today from Southwest Precinct operations Lt. Pierre Davis:

A group of very humbled officers came to me earlier today and told me of an act of kindness that is indicative of the kind of people we serve here in West Seattle.

They stated that they were finishing their lunch at the Circa restaurant located at California & Admiral and needed to pay their bill but was told by the waitress that an anonymous citizen had taken care of their tab, stating that their service to the community and city was very much appreciated. The officers, after acknowledging the gesture, left the restaurant and reported what had occurred. Needless to say the officers were touched that their West Seattle Community would once again show that their officers remain cherished and in high regard. So on behalf of your West Seattle officers we would like to say “thank you” to our West Seattle Community for continuously making the extra effort to strengthen the community/police partnership.