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October 3, 2008 at 3:34 am #641822
TraciMemberI was glued to the tv for the whole debate! Honestly I was impressed with BOTH of them, and really liked how they seemed mutually respectful to each other. Not just the media “ooooh how will he treat her?!?” hype, but it seemed like an honest tolerance for one another.
Biden really stole the show. He just has SO MUCH actual experience to back his answers. She knows the numbers and statistics, but he actually experienced them when they happened and it is evident in a situation like tonight. Much, much more at ease with the debate. Also, he has an additional advantage given his personal friendship with John McCain for what….20 or 30 years?
Well worth watching. Did you catch her “Joe six-pack” quote?! CLASSIC. I for one love her unorthodox use of vocabulary, I can’t help it!
October 3, 2008 at 3:34 am #641823
MrJTMemberSurprising NR !
October 3, 2008 at 3:36 am #641824
TammiWSMemberFox, come on! Of course….
October 3, 2008 at 3:40 am #641825
TammiWSMemberMy confidence with him and my safety as it relates to foreign policy, the war and understanding the middle class is more solid now than when I began watching. I too wonder if we all watched the same debate?
October 3, 2008 at 3:57 am #641826
CaitParticipantFox News and Ann Coulter all in one week? I’m truly truly disappointed, NR. As someone who has had many great conversations with you. How reckless are we really willing to get here when it comes to showing “proof” of our points.
She did great – she didn’t go great enough where substance was concerned. As I have said, she is suitable with her bravado and contempt for a convention or a rally, but not for a debate where the American people are watching to see what she’s really going to do FOR THEM.
I want substance! What is she wants to do for my pocket book?! How is she going to HELP ME?! How will she help those who cannot help themselves?! I don’t know. She was all snark and spark but NO SUBSTANCE. I find it more…well, I guess the term is “insulting”… every day that she’s even being considered for the position of VICE PRESIDENT by McCain or any other voter.
We aren’t auditioning her to be our best friend. We aren’t asking her to sell us a product. We are asking for her protection and her prudent judgment. And the American people will be sorely disappointed if they vote for her based on this speech or any other speech that she has made.
October 3, 2008 at 3:59 am #641827
villagegreenMemberNR – look at some real polls and you’ll see she lost the debate fairly substantially among independent voters – the only voters that matter at this point.
She “did great” at spewing what she was told to spew, but that’s about it. She didn’t answer the questions that were asked and simply repeated her same talking points over and over. That’s why it went downhill for her during the second half. She ended very weakly.
October 3, 2008 at 4:07 am #641828
AnonymousInactiveOctober 3, 2008 at 4:17 am #641829
c@lbobMemberCaribou Barbie smiled really nicely, showed a lot of spunk, and answered no one question posed to her.
Since she didn’t wet herself, I guess she did ok. She came across as able to deliver a sentence.
But Joe really cleaned her clock on substance. Before the debate, 79% said Joe was knowledgeable, afterward 98% said Joe knew his stuff.
Don’t you righties have any self-respect? How can you support Grampie McSame and Caribou Barbie?
October 3, 2008 at 4:21 am #641830
AnonymousInactive“Real” polls… oh, you mean liberal polls, I’m assuming.
Funny that all the liberal news sources have her fairing worse than the overwhelming poll of Fox (86% to 12%).
However, if you look at those liberal polls that JT shared above, CBS and CNN, she didn’t come out quite as badly as I think you all had anticipated.
I thought he was gonna kill her – that’s what you all predicted. She held her own. She was the voice of average America and extremely relatable.
She did great. Biden’s the old pro, right? Been debating for 30 some years. You couldn’t tell, compared to Palin.
October 3, 2008 at 4:28 am #641831
AnonymousInactiveWhy did he cry – is he taking lessons from Hillary?
Also, why didn’t he answer Palins question as to why he has consistently voted AGAINST obama on Iraq issues, but now (all of a sudden) he agrees with Obama?
October 3, 2008 at 4:29 am #641832
JenVMemberya, she’s only been at this, what, like 5 weeks? <wink and smile, pageant wave)
October 3, 2008 at 4:31 am #641833
AnonymousInactiveOctober 3, 2008 at 4:35 am #641834
CaitParticipantNew Resident! He was talking about a child that he lost! For God’s sake, how insensitive are you? Seriously.
Biden IS an “old pro” and he did her quite a few favors tonight, if you ask me. If we would have stomped all over her like you “expected” people would have cried foul about taking advantage of her “inexperience” or other sexist bull. He knew going into this that he’d have to reel it back and I think he did it gracefully and effectively.
I’ll say it – I thought it was humanizing that Biden choked up. That’s a real human emotion right there and I appreciate and respect it. To degrade that as politicking and being “Hilary-like” is low especially given what he was speaking about. I didn’t mind when Hilary did it and I don’t mind when anyone does it. These are human beings. If you want calculating robots in the office, move to Mars or vote Republican.
October 3, 2008 at 4:35 am #641835
villagegreenMemberNR – CBS and CNN are liberal polls?! Have you gone off the deep end? I didn’t realize FOX is the only unbiased news source. NR, I thought you were more thoughtful than that.
Also, if you look at my first post on this thread I said I thought Palin would do well simply because the expectations were so low. Unless she came out and vomited all over herself people would say that she “did great.”
Which is exactly what you’ve fallen for. Not really a surprise, though.
October 3, 2008 at 4:37 am #641836
MrJTMemberShe seems like a very nice lady. But is she REALLY qualifed for VP ? Uh, no need to get back to you on that…
October 3, 2008 at 4:37 am #641837
CaitParticipantHow does winking, smiling and pageantry going to help us when we’re discussing international policy with foreign diplomats?
I can see it now.
“Who the hell is this cartoon of a woman?”
October 3, 2008 at 4:40 am #641838
MrJTMemberOh, and the “Shout out” to the third grade was just about as “Price is Right” as it could have possibly gotten.
October 3, 2008 at 4:43 am #641839
AnonymousInactivebtw, CBS and CNN conducted a national poll. The Fox news numbers come from readers clicking the question of the day *who won the debate* not an actual poll Fox conducted.
October 3, 2008 at 4:44 am #641840
CarolPBMemberInitially, I felt sorry for her, then I became angry that she allowed herself to be used.
I could almost see the puppet strings. I’m sure this changed nobody’s mind-but I really was amazed at her ablility to not answer any question. Obviously very well coached over the last couple of weeks. Only the truly ignorant will fall for this BS.
October 3, 2008 at 4:53 am #641841
JiggersMemberOk..Ok.. Maybe it was the “two” bottle of wines I drank tonight with my friend and the steak dinner that affected me somewhat. I’ll have to watch it over again. But ahhhh…who cares, it’s more fun to watch it when your drunk. I’m neither a conservative or democratic, I vote for the best candidate possible. And to all the gay people, don’t get your underwear all bunched up because they both opposed.
October 3, 2008 at 4:55 am #641842
AnonymousInactiveThen I am extremely ignorant – as well as half of our country.
Funny that I’m considered “insensitive” because I question why he teared up, but calling Palin Caribou Barbie is considered okay? Or talking about her as a beauty queen (and that’s all she is) is not insensitive? Whatever.
I’m sorry, if you think CBS and CNN are NOT liberal, you have to be living in an alternate universe. Pick up a book called “Biased” by Bernard Goldberg…. educate yourself.
October 3, 2008 at 4:56 am #641843
MrJTMemberJiggers, you never let us down.
October 3, 2008 at 4:56 am #641844
JiggersMemberPalin Caribou Barbie? Now that’s funny…lol
October 3, 2008 at 5:01 am #641845
acemotelParticipantIt’s like asking the manager of the lingerie department to be CEO of Macys.
I’m sorry, she was pathetic. You don’t get points for “spunk” and cheerleading when we’re talking about the survival of the human race. This is an ignorant woman who can’t even answer basic questions about the powers of the vice president or the US Constitution.
Read between the lines and get ready for the draft, an escalation of the occupation of Iraq and increased isolation from the international community. Expect the middle class to be swallowed up and spit out. This inane woman presents herself as a typical example of main street while advocating policies that will eviscerate the working middle class. That’s how bright she is…..
Taxing the health insurance benefits your employer provides for you? Did anyone CATCH that?? Sheeeesh….
October 3, 2008 at 5:07 am #641846
CaitParticipantIf you happen to think that poking fun at someone’s background as an objectified woman in a bikini is the same as crabbing about a man crying about losing his child, we’re just going to have to agree to disagree. That is a sad, SAD assessment of what is going on here. If you can’t see how that is insensitive and desperate I don’t know why.
Liberal bias? Bogus polls? Are we sure Ann Coulter doesn’t have anything to say on the issue? *sigh*
I think it’s hilarious that we were actually having a discussion on here about her looks and how hot she is. As if Sir Mix Alot is the only person voting anymore (lol – oh what a different world THAT might be. He’s local for all those who don’t know :]). I will give her the attractive points though. I’m actually a fan of the hair… I won’t lie. The blush is a little David Bowie circa 1980’s though. Bless her for wearing what Hilary should have been wearing in June. BUT! Alaska can keep her. I can keep tabs on her fashion from there. (BTW – Biden’s wife’s dress was wonderful! Can I get a witness?)
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