Marty McLaren for School Board buttons

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    Rod Clark

    These are the last Marty buttons left. If you’d enjoy wearing one on your travels among the great voting populace, say so and you can have one.

    Marty is out every day listening to parents and engaging people (last night at the Special Ed PTSA, tonight at 7:30 at the Stranger’s candidate forum at Town Hall, this Friday at 6:00 at an open discussion in Puget Ridge with Cliff Mass, Sharon Peaslee and anyone interested).

    A vote for Marty is a vote for Mom, apple pie, common sense, better curriculum, prompt action and practical improvements in our schools.

    Marty can tell the sheep from the goats, no matter how thick the layers of educalese. She doesn’t need to rely on ever more complex analyses of the midden heaps of standardized test data piling up in our shiny new multi-million dollar data warehouses to lead her to make good decisions. Marty will provide no-nonsense oversight of our downtown educrats, and frugal fiscal stewardship of public funds.

    Suffice it to say that Marty is sharp, action-oriented, takes her responsibilities seriously, and on the School Board she will be of great help with issues at West Seattle’s schools.



    Will she allow charter schools and vouchers? No?


    Rod Clark

    That’s a State of Washington decision. But within Seattle Public Schools, there is some discussion developing around so-called Innovation Schools, that would allow more autonomy and local control in schools with that designation. How that would work isn’t as yet well defined, but depending on how it’s done it could answer the needs of people chafing under the centrally managed SPS system. There does need to be a good way for schools to be freer to do better.

    You might want to ask your questions at the upcoming Madison Middle School candidates forum on October 30th.

    To quote from a campaign flyer (I’m not officially part of the campaign, so you’re free to take my interpretations with a grain of salt),

    “- Shift power from central office to school communities”

    For now, that can’t and won’t mean charter schools and vouchers. And I’m sure that Marty would prefer to improve the public schools and allow schools more autonomy, rather than turn them over to charter companies.

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