Do you know where your ballot is?

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    It’s the day before the election and your ballot has taken a runner.

    It is hiding in that stack of mail you will get to later.. or tossed in your recycle bin by mistake .. or slipped behind the couch or under the ottoman… or simply set aside in that place you put things you don’t want to lose.

    It’s time to track it down. Finding it the day after tomorrow will be too late:(

    You may think it doesn’t matter much if you vote… but it really does.

    This is going to be a very tight political race… Despite all of the huffing and puffing of major news media… the fate of the House and Senate has not been decided.

    Money can buy advertising..

    but every vote still counts.


    there are a lot of initiatives whose backers are counting on you not voting for passage…

    You might want to take a second look at what changes big business would like to make on your behalf…

    they aren’t necessarily in your best interests.

    A ton of money has been spent this election cycle to inflame those who care passionately..

    and to overwhelm those who don’t.

    Turn off the media.. open your voter’s guide.. and work your way through your ballot.

    Don’t let someone else determine your future.

    The one thing that the media will never tell you is that the votes of people who do just that are the deciding votes.

    Your vote counts.

    now.. where did that pesky ballot go?



    Well said! I second that.



    I know where my ballot is, it’s in the pile to be counted at the KCE building.



    Mine is on my dining room table, waiting for a stamp to be mailed tomorrow at the last minute. 2 canidates stopped by and reminded me to vote and were both so kind with the offers to bring to the PO for me…



    i confess..

    hubby’s is filled out

    mine is still not ready to drop off :(

    but it is on my list before i leave the house today…

    the rain appears to have slowed down..

    which is a good thing

    because i am heater shopping today

    cold trumps procrastination every time:)



    there is still time.

    you can still put it in the mail

    or drop it off at a drop off box tomorrow…



    Mine’s been verified!

    Ballot tracking is cool.


    HMC Rich

    Mine too!

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