Any non-religious fundraising tree sales in WS?

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    I would love for my holiday tree purchase to benefit a worthy charity but I do not wish to support a religious organization. Anyone aware of nearby fundraising sales?


    Dear StringCheese,

    First of all, I think its great that you are getting into the holiday spirit. Simply saying, “Merry Christmas,” (or in your case, more likely, “Happy Holidays”) can lighten another persons mood. Its really good for everyone!

    Regarding your “tree” issue. Most of the religious folk round here (95% – guess) are Cristian. And these Christian folks believe that god made the trees. On the 5th day? 4th?

    Where am I trying to go with this? If god exists, I think god would want his or her trees where he put them. God would want the trees buried in the forest where he put them. Not cut down and placed in peoples’ livin rooms.



    To the original question:

    Not that I know of.

    But keep in mind, two of the three charities to which a portion of Holy Rosary Tree Lot proceeds go are secular (Food Bank and Helpline).

    If that still doesn’t work for you, you might consider the “support independent local business” route, which would take you to West Seattle Nursery or Tony’s.



    StringCheese is an angry elf!

    Are you from the south pole?



    Way to get into the CHRISTmas spirit, StringCheese! Maybe you should consider putting up a Festivus pole instead.



    KBear, are you thinking decorating trees is a christian tradition? Nothing about this holiday has anything to do with a christ, including an alleged birth. If you go in for that stuff, the birth discussed in the bible happened in the spring. This has always been a winter solstice and/or pagan event that christians co-opted to kill the competition.

    And Smitty, how is wanting to help a charity expressing anger? Christians on here are always so rude.


    Brian Mac

    Alright, I’ll ask it.

    Isn’t Christmas a religious Holy Day…er..mmm…”holiday”?

    Not that believing Jesus was born as the son of God 2000 years ago is a prerequisite for celebrating Christmas, but I do find a certain irony in your search for a secular tree, StringCheese.

    “Holiday originally referred only to special religious days. In modern use, it means any special day of rest or relaxation, as opposed to normal days off work or school. The word derived from the notion of “Holy Day”, and gradually evolved to its current form.”-Wikipedia

    Perhaps a faux tree is a good solution. itneverrainsinwestseattle would like that, too.

    Merry Christmas!



    Methinks String was just looking for a fight.

    If you want to donate to charity – then – (((wait for it)))) – donate to charity.

    Why would an angry elf want a tree anyway? It would just remind him of all those mean, nasty religious people.

    It’s the celebration of Christ’s birth, from my (limited) understanding. Tree’s, candy canes, hot buttered rums (yum) and whatever else was “co-opted”. So what?



    I’m an atheist and still enjoy having a Christmas tree. I suppose I could call it a winter solstice tree. And maybe the stockings hung on our fireplace are actually fairy socks, hmm?

    Anyway, for those of us who want to purchase Christmas trees from someplace that responsibly/sustainably farms them (as opposed to going out into a forest and chopping down part of the ecosystem,) it’s difficult to find a non-profit, non-religious organization from which to purchase.

    I completely understand where StringCheese is coming from. I prefer my money to go to good causes, but not necessarily to a church.

    And let me add that I do give charitably throughout the year and at Christmas. I still want a Christmas tree. If I can purchase a Christmas tree from an organization with a good cause, hey, I’ve just increased my charitable giving while making a purchase I’d planned on anyway.



    Thank you SarahScoot! You have very cleverly stated my sentiments and original intention.

    It really was posted as a straight up question.



    Christmas for me, Festivus for the restofus :)



    Stringcheese…you vote with your dollars. I personally dig that you’re trying to be so informed on where the proceeds go.

    That said, I think half the proceeds from the Holy Rosary Trees go to school funding and the other half to benefit the West Seattle Food Bank and Food Lifeline, as expressed earlier. Just keep that in mind when comparing!

    Also…for those who just don’t like the idea of killing the innocent…there’s always living tree rental:

    Anyone care to bring this service to Seattle?



    Not WS, but the Dunshee House on Capitol Hill has trees for Seattle Aids Support Group:



    Ok, I was a little cranky this morning. I do see that StringCheese very carefully said “holiday tree”. Sorry for my rudeness.

    Bluebird, I agree that Christians were not the first to decorate trees or celebrate a holiday at the winter solstice. I also agree that it probably isn’t the actual month of Christ’s birth. However, Christmas IS a Christian holiday, and decorating trees IS a Christian tradition, even though there are others who celebrate their own traditions with similar trappings.



    So because christians decided to celebrate winter solstice their own way, after the fact, borrowing traditions from others, they get to shame non-christians into conforming to their relatively new holiday? Claiming christianity (and christ’s springtime birth) as the true reason for the season, along the way? Calling others angry elfs and spoiling for a fight because they don’t agree?

    Join in the party for sure, but to claim it’s origins and fight a faux “war on christmas” is pretty conceited in my opinion. The OP didn’t bash religion, just asked a question and got bashed…by presumed christians. What part of that action is charitable or christian?



    Christmas is secular AND religious.

    Proof? Seriously? I gotta prove this?

    I’m an atheist and I’ve got a shiny, decorated, Doug Fir in my Dining Room. That’s the proof.

    Celebrate as you please, kind people!

    (And spend your money wisely.)



    I think the tree lot mentioned in post above (on Capitol Hill) sounds like what you are looking for.

    I think Christmas is for everyone religious or not, as there is so much about Christmas that isn’t religious. especially considering that Christmas itself is a holiday for basically every office, bank, government institution, etc. I’ve always wondered why that didn’t violate the separation of church and state.

    more on the religious holiday or not discussion though, I’m always taken aback when very non-religious people invite us over for an Easter brunch.



    Angry Elf….lol….Would Happy Hannukah be in order???

    Can anyone tell me where I can buy an 8 candle holding device in DECEMBER that doesn’t represent Hannukah??? C’mon goofy! It’s December..Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus by buying a tree, and spending crazy amounts of money….silly, yes….but please oh please don’t try to take this away….I went to Lafayette when we had a Christmas program each year……that stopped about ??? 20+ years ago? Now it’s a winter festival…..BUT! Christmas hasn’t yet been canceled :)

    I’m rolling my eyes, LMAO…….and I am thinking you were just looking for a (fun?) fight

    Itneverrains, Kbear, sammy…..thumbs up.



    Bluebird, I apologized and tried to recognize the valid points you made. You’re still bashing.



    Re: post # 13 above. If you don’t have a tree yet, if you go to the Dunshee House on Capitol Hill, and make an extra donation with your tree to SASG, there are reps there from Zipcar who will deliver your tree for you to your home. Good cause, keep your car clean :) Offer is good through 12/23 , it says…

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