Getting a little deja vu with St. Ronnie Reagan’s famous quote, anyone?? Only this time, inverted:
“I didn’t leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me.”
I’ll leave the discussion to the historians of why Ronnie left (in 1962) what was becoming a party driven to address the social (read racial) inequality issues head on.
How the tables have turned. Now we have an ethnic minority leaving a party (in some great part) because that party is YET AGAIN uninterested in opening the tent to anything but rich, white, straight males.
Once the unholy marriage of social conservatives (read racists & homophobes) and the wealthy (read corporatists) started to crumble (finally!) this was bound to happen. They were strange bedfellows to begin with as they never really cared about the other wing’s main interests but with the advent (some might say, REQUIRED doctrine) of “prosperity theology”, both sides could bite their tongue and lock arms.
Good riddance to the alliance. May it never hold sway in our political oeuvre again.