Re: Petraeus Scandal – I do get it


HMC Rich

Redblack, welcome to my nightmare. Did you go and see Alice Cooper the other night? Heard it was a great show.

While on CSPAN, Rand Paul (one of those Pesky Tea Party Politicians in the Senate) had some thoughts on how money has been spent by the diplomatic corps and State Department.

Believe it or not, Some people in the Government decided that fighting Global Warming at Embassies was more important than protecting our Diplomats. You see, the Embassy in Vienna received $100,000 to GREEN Up. They even held a party to show off the recharging stations of electrical cars that cost taxpayers $250,000. When in Europe pretend to be European. Hmmmm is that why we are in a fiscal crisis?

How much does a .50 Caliber machine gun cost these days vs a Chevy Volt? Lets see, the .50 caliber costs about $14,000. The Volt costs about $38,000. What I don’t know is if the Vienna Embassy is using Chevy Volts which incidentally since GM was bailed out has also not paid any taxes back to that very same government that bailed them out.

This is an interesting editorial that supports my feelings about Benghazi and the “Energy Efficiency Sweep Of Europe,”

Yes Republican trying to work with the budget may have made cuts, but knowing where to make cuts must be a great art because the people in charge right now aren’t doing it.

Yeah, I heard four years ago Obama was going to cut the debt and deficit in half. Au contrair mo faire. Gee, 50 Green companies that have declared bankruptcy costing us hundreds of millions and maybe billions could have been used (1) elsewhere or(2) used to help the Debt.

Last I heard most solar panels and chevy volts could not withstand an RPG fired at them.

Yeah, Climate Change may be real (although natural or man made) but Terrorists cause more damage now. On a related issue… The CIA is closing its Global Warming, I mean Climate Change Office…

Sorry, I would rather fight Terrorists than Global Warming.