Never used a property management company myself…just don’t believe in paying them a percentage, especially when there’s usually not much to do for an entire lease term besides collect rent. However, I’m able to make trips to my out-of-state properties 1-2 times a year and I have a reliable handyman that can manage repairs when needed.
In another town in which I lived, property management companies seemed to provide a lower level of service when homeowners were long-term out-of-towners. I guess they figured that those owners wouldn’t do drive-bys to check on their properties, so they didn’t worry as much what type of tenants they rented to.
If you’re going to be overseas for several years, then you might want to imply to the property management company that you “have a ‘fried/relative’ that will drive by the house occasionally, but you don’t want to burden that ‘friend/relative’ with managing the property entirely – so that’s why you’re looking for a property management company to do it.” Might just be a bit of motivation to ensure they don’t skimp on the service they provide your property. ;)
Good luck.