Re: abortions



Whew.. that is a lot of judgments in a row…

some selfish, irresponsible woman?

so women who choose abortions are selfish irresponsible women?

perhaps they are women whose birth control failed.. all birth control methods have failure rates..

but if keeping your knees together is your only form of birth control.. pregnancy is a sure indication that it failed…

i would propose that women who choose to go through with pregnancy and give birth to children that they can’t support financially or emotionally are behaving irresponsibly.

And i would also suggest that the time for us to force women to produce children for other people to adopt is when our own foster system is empty of children…

and that will be a long long time from now.

People choose to adopt internationally because they want a perfect little baby.. or because they don’t qualify to adopt under US standards… not because they want children and there are no children to adopt.


and.. i am informed there is an abortion clinic in West Seattle..