Organized Monday Meetup’s @ The Orchard at South Seattle College.
May – June, We meet up every Monday from 5-7pm.
Please bring gloves and water. Dress for weather.Many hands make light work – Shout out to the recent service from SSC Permaculture Club and SSC Community Restoration Organization! Look them up!
No meetups MEMORIAL DAY, MAY 29TH or during July/August break.
Who: Community Orchard of West Seattle
What: Opportunities for Volunteers and or Service Hours
Where: South Seattle College (WSB sponsor), located North Entrance, 6000 16th Ave SW, Seattle
How: Run, walk, bike, or bus routes 128 and 125 stops in front of (RSB) Building.Mission: COWS will grow a free source of local fruit and vegetables for volunteers and local food security programs while engaging people in sustainable agriculture education and community gathering.
West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday